
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign removed dozens of staff from its payroll today as it prepared to operate on a “bare bones” basis.
Those retained will handle remaining press inquiries, continue debt-reduction fund-raising and handle myriad legal issues surrounding a campaign’s dying days.

Two sources familiar with the situation told The Bourbon Room that today is the last day most of those who remained on staff will receive a pay check. The vast majority of Clinton’s once-massive staff (more than 700 on payroll) were released from the campaign on June 15.

Most of those who remained will be paid through today. And no more.
“There was a wave of people let go on June 15 and there is a wave of people let go today,” said Clinton spokesman Mo Elleithee. “We are now getting down to the bare bones. The vast majority of our staff was removed from payroll on June 15.”

Another Clinton ally said the senator will keep her headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, and use it for remaining presidential campaign chores. With those almost entirely devoted to debt-reduction, the headquarters will also serve as home to her leadership PAC, HillPAC, and to lay the foundation for her senatorial re-election campaign in 2012.

In fact, Clinton is soon to revive HillPAC. She shut it down during the campaign against Obama to avoid the appearance of using the leadership PAC to dole out contributions to Democrats in early primary and caucus states.

Clinton did use HillPAC to finance some early presidential activities. Before the Iowa caucuses she accused Barack Obama of skirting campaign finance laws by sending contributions from his leadership PAC, Hopefund, to state and federal lawmakers in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

HillPAC will be revived to assist Clinton in her efforts to raise money and contribute to other Democratic campaigns this year and in years to come — the very reason leadership PACs exist.

According to a May 31 report to the Federal Election Commission, HillPAC has $5,774 in the bank, a reflection of its many months of inactivity. So far this election cycle it has raised $186,896 and spent $212,125, eating into a previous cash-on-hand reserve of $31,005.

Clinton, according to two sources, has already decided to ask those who contributed to her general election presidential campaign consider “re-designating” those contributions to her campaign for re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2012.