
The big question today - the day before Super Tuesday - is whether anything will change in the GOP voting tomorrow after the last debate, and the ramped up attacks from Rubio and Trump. If a new CNN/ORC poll out is any indication -- maybe not.

The new national survey finds Trump's lead more dominant than ever before with 49-percent of the support of Republican likely voters, Rubio way back at 16-percent, Cruz 15-percent, Carson 10-percent, and Kasich 6-percent.

Trump also holds a big lead in Alabama with 42-percent, Rubio 19-percent, Cruz 16-percent, etc. Trump has a smaller advantage in Oklahoma with the support of 35-percent of likely voters compared to 23-percent for Cruz at 22-percent and Rubio.

Since almost all Super Tuesday states are proportional --- meaning the delegates are divided up among the candidates; the other candidates who aren't Trump all say they have good reason to stay in the race no matter what happens. The spin is this: Rubio doesn't need to win any of the Super Tuesday states. He just needs to do well enough. Cruz might win in his home state of Texas. Carson still thinking his outsider status will resonate. Kasich staying in until his home state of Ohio. So, that means votes splitting and splintering, and a race like we've never seen before.