
When Obama was speaking to environmentalist supporters in 2008 regarding his plans to address “climate change,” he candidly revealed, “Under my plan, electricity costs will necessarily skyrocket.” 

Obama’s White House Science Advisor John Holdren later elaborated, “We need to de-develop the United States to bring our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation.”

The so-called Clean Power Plan proposed by Obama’s EPA is well-designed to do precisely that -- de-develop the United States. 

The skyrocketing costs for energy and electricity will have a “disparate impact” on the poor and low income blacks and Hispanics, as those increased costs will constitute a higher percentage of their lower incomes. Which means that it will hurt most those who can least afford it.

A new study from the National Black Chamber of Commerce estimates the regulation will cause job losses reaching 7 million for blacks and 12 million for Hispanics, with the poverty rate increasing by more than 23 percent for blacks and 26 percent for Hispanics.

That is because the plan will ultimately more than double the cost of natural gas and electricity, adding over $1 trillion to family and business energy bills, just as Obama promised. That will drain funds that could be used for new jobs and pay increases, and end up destroying millions of jobs in companies and businesses that can no longer compete under the higher costs. The rules and their costs will reduce U.S. economic growth every year, causing $2.3 trillion in losses over the next two decades alone.

The skyrocketing costs for energy and electricity will have a “disparate impact” on the poor and low income Blacks and Hispanics, as those increased costs will constitute a higher percentage of their lower incomes. Which means that it will hurt most those who can least afford it. Blacks and Hispanics would consequently be threatened with a new energy poverty. Under the civil rights theories of Obama’s own Justice Department, this means his EPA Clean Power Plan constitutes illegal discrimination.

African-American author and Fox News analyst Deneen Borelli comments that the EPA’s new overregulation is “the green movement’s new Jim Crow.”  National Black Chamber of Commerce President Harry Alford calls the EPA’s regulatory overkill “a slap in the face to poor and minority families.” Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) sums it all up by saying, “A lot of people on the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum are going to die.”

But Obama’s regulatory overkill is quietly supported by billionaires, such as California Democrat Tom Steyer, who are heavily invested in the high cost, government subsidized, “alternative” energy.  Steyer funding to the fiancé of former Oregon Democratic Governor John Kitzhaber, guided by the governor’s staffers, forced the wild-eyed, pro-Obama regulation governor to resign earlier this year. Nearly half of the Board of Directors of the Sierra Club are owners, founders and CEOs of “renewable energy” companies that personally profit from this now environmentalist extremist organization’s anti-coal, “climate change” campaign.

President Obama and his “progressives” pretend to be addressing “inequality,” by following Robin Hood in robbing from the top 1 percent and giving to the poor. But under the banner of the president’s “Climate Change” policies, the truth is that they are doing just the opposite. That just reflects the shocking truth that inequality has actually increased rather than declined for the entire time President Obama has been in office.

As the Ancient Wisdom says, watch what they do, not what they say, and follow the money.