
By Dan GainorVice President, Business Media Institute

Apparently, lying has a cost -- a financial one. I'm referring to Senator Chris Dodd, chairman of the powerful Senate Banking Committee, who famously lied about protecting the AIG bonuses. As the New York Post put it, he "denied creating a loophole to protect the whopping bonuses doled out at AIG." Now he seems to have almost no support in his home state of Connecticut. Dodd has received less than 1 percent of his money from his own state.

tea party

When people like Dodd can still fill a campaign war chest despite local disinterest, we've moved from oligarchy to idiocracy.

Dan Gainor is The Boone Pickens Fellow and Vice President of the Media Research Center's Business Media Institute. His column appears each week on The Fox Forum and he can be seen each Thursday on Foxnews.com's "Strategy Room."