
It’s not just chocolate bunnies and colorful eggs filling grocery store aisles for Easter.

Behold Jellybean Milk, a new seasonal, specially flavored milk that looks a little bit like Pepto Bismol.

The bright pink milk is made by Illinois-based Prairie Farms Dairy –thankfully just for Easter.

"It hasn't appealed to everyone, but we knew that it wouldn't," Rebecca Leinenbach, sales program director for Prairie Farms told The Riverfront Times. "We're just trying to have something for everyone. It's been more popular with children."

Jellybean Milk is described as low-fat milk "delicately sweetened with a sugar/monk fruit juice combination and bursting with fruity jellybean flavor," and is 150 calories per 8-ounce serving, according to a release.

If you’re not into jellybeans, the dairy also has "Easter Egg Nog" and "Chocolate Marshmallow Milk” flavors.

Maybe they should ship some down to Maryland. St. Mary’s public schools have begun selling milk with cookies-and-cream flavor to entice students to drink more of milk, because, according to administrators, the pros of calcium outweighs cons of added sugar.