
I have been exhausted for the past three weeks, which is one reason I was unable to post update my blog last week. I just returned from seeing the oncologist in charge of phase one of the clinical trial I’m on. Every other week, they analyze my blood panel. Apparently, my numbers are low across the board— white count, red count, platelets, etc.

I accept that’s just the reality of my life now. My immune system is very low, so I’m careful around germs and wary of being around anyone who may be sick. My neutrophil levels came back critically low, so I guess I will have to be extra cautious about what I expose my immune system to.

The doctor has taken me off the drug for one week to see if my numbers go up.

Human nature is fascinating. What did I do as soon as I left the doctor’s office? I ran over to Whole Foods to have a pressed-juice drink. Talk about crisis-oriented. I ordered a drink with a mix of beets, parsley, spinach, celery and ginger. This is what I should be doing every day! What do you suppose I did next?  I took vitamin B-complex and vitamin C supplements. I’m so predictable. I will load up on iron-enriched foods, antioxidants, and heaven knows what else. 

Taking a break from the medicine usually has a big impact on my energy levels for a couple of days. My doctor has taken me off it before, and I’ve always felt better all-around. I just have to wait a few days for it to kick in.

The last thing I’ll share with you is a crazy statistic I read: There are more cellphones on the planet than human beings. That’s something to ponder, yes? Whoa.

There are only a few days left in October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please visit the Noreen Fraser Foundation website and check out what we are doing. 

Enjoy the fall foliage colors (which we miss in California)— please continue to share with me your best autumn photos. It cheers me up!