
Want to make sure you'll be able to button your jeans after Thanksgiving dinner? Limit your exposure to stealth fat bombs. See, while you're trying to go easy on the turkey and the pumpkin pie, it's the Turkey Day side dishes that'll really do you in—we're looking at you, stuffing, mashed potatoes, buttery Brussels sprouts, and marshmallow-covered candied yams.

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They're usually based around a healthy veggie or grain, which can trick you into thinking they won't derail your plans to eat healthy. The problem comes in the way they're prepared, though. Most are made with so much added sugar or fat, they lose their status as nutritional superstars, said Stephanie Middleberg, R.D., of Stephanie Middleberg Nutrition in New York City. And side dishes heavy on the starchy carbs can clock in at 400 or more calories per cup!

We're not going to tell you to abstain altogether (hey, it's Thanksgiving—it's pretty much a given that you're going to celebrate with food). The trick is to scoop a spoonful or two of each indulgent dish on your plate so you experience a variety of tastes. Or zero in on your two or three favorites, pile on slightly bigger portions, and dig in, suggests Middleberg.

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