
Do you suffer from frequent headaches? Your day-to-day routine might be to blame. From the breakfast table to the office, our everyday lives are littered with objects and bad habits that can set our temples pounding.

Fortunately, most of these hidden headache triggers can be easily fixed. Here, we break down six of the most common and offer expert advice for addressing them.

Your phone

Cradling it between your ear and your shoulder for calls lasting longer than a couple of minutes can strain your neck and lead to tension headaches. Use your hands-free headset, or the speaker option, whenever possible.

Your chair

Most are made for the average 5-foot-8 man; if your chair is too big, it might not support your back, causing strain and headaches, says New York City physical therapist Karen Litzy.

Try a back support, like the Original McKenzie Lumbar Roll ($18; optp.com).

Health.com: 18 Signs You're Having a Migraine

Your coffee

Down more than two 8-ounce cups a day and you risk getting a withdrawal headache if you skip the java one morning. The solution: Gradually cut back to one cup a day, subbing in decaf if that helps.

Your computer

A flickering screen can create eye strain, which may lead to a headache. Buy an antiglare screen protector and every once in a while, look away from the computer to focus on an object about 20 feet from you.

Health.com: Headache-Proof Your Home

Your lazy Sunday

Snooze even a couple of hours past your usual wake-up time and the changes in your circadian rhythms can throw off levels of brain chemicals, bringing on migraines. On weekends, get up at your normal weekday time.

Your bag

Plop it on the scale; if it's heavier than 10 pounds, it could be causing neck strain—and head pain. Lighten your load or divvy it up between a purse and a tote, carried on opposite shoulders.

Health.com: What Kind of Headache Do You Have?

This article originally appeared on Health.com.