
Starbucks has rolled out a Halloween-themed beverage that is sure to send Twihards into a tail spin.

The Frappula Frappuccino is a vampire-themed frozen coffee drink made with white chocolate sauce, milk and ice blended together then layered between mocha sauce and a dollop of whipped cream. A drizzle of bright red raspberry syrup tops it all off-- oozing down the sides like a bloody neck.

And best of all it's a beverage without any pumpkin spice.

Last year’s Franken Frappucino featured blended  green tea spiked with java chips as an ode to everyone’s favorite humanoid monster.

The spooky looking Frappula Frap will be available in U.S. stores from Oct. 28-31. Canadians will be able to enjoy the drink until Nov. 1.