
When mustard and ketchup just won’t cut it, why not try a little truffle oil, lobster and cognac on that wiener?

Guinness World Records has officially named the 'Dragon Dog' at Dougie Dog, a Canadian restaurant that specializes in gourmet hot dogs, the world’s most expensive hot dog, reports NY Daily News.

To prepare this dynamo dog, a foot-long bratwurst is first soaked in a $2,000 vintage Louis XIII Cognac. The dog is then topped with Kobe beef that’s been seared with olive and truffle oil. Fresh lobster sauteed in garlic is delicately added to mix, then all is topped off with Dougie Dog’s “top secret picante sauce.”

Turns out a lot of people are willing to fork over big money for a taste of hot dog heaven. According to Daily News, more than 1,000 people have actually purchased the extravagant jumbo dog since 2012. But if you’re planning a trip to Vancouver to sample this unique delicacy, call ahead at least 12 hours in advance to order the dish.

"When I was designing this hot dog I wanted to come up with something super tasty but also high-end,” Dougie Luv, President of Dougie Dogs told NY Daily News. “Just ask the 1090 people who have dared to spend $100 - they have all absolutely loved it."

Dougie Dog has a range of upscale brats and hot dogs, with out-of-the-box toppings like crushed potato chips, kimchi, pineapple and guacamole. There’s even a poutine topped dog, a nod to the restaurant's Canadian heritage.

The Dragon Dog has now replaced Serendipity 3’s $69 Haute Dog at the top of the world’s most expensive hot dog list.

Want to see more extreme hot dogs? Check out our ultimate hot dog recipe list.