
It's not hard to guess where "Game of Silence" is going, but boy, is it fun getting there.

At it's simplest, NBC's new series is a story of revenge — or "justice," as a character calls it — that follows four childhood friends before, during and after an accident that landed them in an abusive juvenile detention facility. And when they finally reunite years down the line, they begin dredging up the past — for better or for worse.

"The past sort of shows up," explains lead actress Bre Blair, who portrays Jessie. "It brings this group of friends back together, and they're left dealing with a part of their past that's now been revealed … and things get complicated."

Equally compelling is the show's ensemble cast, which Blair lauds for having the rare distinction of containing intriguing female characters.

"What drew me to Jessie in the first place was the story," says Blair. "And then you've got all these really rich and complex characters, and especially the women on the show. We're a big ensemble, but it's rare that you get to see such strong, independent, complex women," she says. [Jesse]'s got a lot of scars, she's extremely flawed, but she somehow is very resilient … and comes out the other side, and she keeps going.

"She's not someone who's gonna back down," Blair promises.

Watch the rest of our exclusive interview with Blair for more about NBC's "Game of Silence," then be sure to catch all-new episodes on Thursday nights at 10/9c.