
Here's what's happening out there:

• On Sunday, Russian model Irina Shayk shared a behind-the-scenes Polaroid from one of her earlier turns in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. In it, she looks to be modeling a bandage-style bikini (above), which probably proves that Irina would look just as good wearing actual plaster bandages, or even a full-body orthopedic cast.

• Speaking of Sports Illustrated models, we recently had the pleasure of interviewing Hailey Clauson after her first-ever appearance in the mag — which soon led to a story about her grandmother ripping it apart. Watch the video below for the story, then modeling much less than a full-body cast.

• "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" raked in $238 million over the weekend, officially setting the box-office record for the highest-grossing opening weekend in the history of North America. We're guessing it was also the grossest-grossing opening weekend in history, thanks largely to the many movie-goers who wore 30-year-old unwashed Wookie costumes to the premiere.

• At the end of Sunday night's Miss Universe pageant, host Steve Harvey screwed up and mistakenly announced that Miss Colombia had won the crown, when in fact Miss Philippines was the rightful winner. Needless to say, this is likely the last time Steve Harvey will ever be asked to host Miss Universe, or even a round of bingo. (He's probably still fine to though.)

• According to sources for Billboard magazine, the Beatles' entire catalog of music will finally become available on streaming services on December 24th, although it's not yet known which services specifically. Regardless, this means you won't have to settle for streaming Paul McCartney's dated "Wonderful Christmastime" when you just feel like hearing some freakin' Beatles this holiday season.

• Kim Kardashian has launched her very own line of emoji — called "Kimoji" — which feature fun little texting icons including Kim's butt, Kim's butt in a thong, and Kim's butt on a stripper pole (below). But as you can see, there seems to be no icon of Kim's butt balancing a champagne glass, so you'll just have to keep writing that phrase longhand in all your future texting discussions about Kim's butt.

• Hollywood veteran Martin Sheen reportedly underwent quadruple bypass surgery last week, but his son Emilio Estevez said he expected Sheen to be home by Christmas. Then again, Emilio probably also expected to have a much larger presence in the entertainment industry by now, so maybe Martin shouldn't pack up his things just yet.

• And finally, Showtime has released a teaser for their revival of David Lynch's early '90s series "Twin Peaks" (below), but so far, there's a noticable lack of trippy dream sequences or weirdo townspeople. Perhaps Showtime figured the ominous "Twin Peaks" theme music would be sufficient enough to creep us all out? If so, they were right: