
Well, that's certainly one way to bring attention to the upcoming final season of your cable television show.

On Wednesday, "Mad Men" actress January Jones and the folks at Violet Grey magazine shared a couple of shots from her Violet Grey photoshoot on Instagram, in which Betty Draper is barely draped in clothing (or barely covered in murky bathwater, as is the case with the above image posted by Violet Grey).

The photos were taken by Ben Hasset to accompany an interview with the actress titled "At Home With January." In it, Jones revealed more than just her nearly naked form, including her favorite body part (her lips), her top beauty product (Sisely's Supremya night cream) and the celebrities — living or dead — that she'd most like to bed (Paul Newman and Rihanna).

Jones also took to Instagram to show off another of her favorite looks from the shoot, where she's sprawled out on a couch wearing nothing but a fur coat. "#classicyettotallyimpracticaljustlikemyself," read the hashtag in her caption.

She then Instagrammed a screenshot from Violet Grey's website (a partial shot of the bath photo above), thanking them for loading her bath with violet-colored water and champagne. (Is it just us, or are the content filters on Instagram getting pretty lax?)

"Mad Men" returns on Sunday, April 13, but January's fans can see more of her photos at Violet Grey.