
Here's all the latest gossip:

• 51-year-old supermodel Elle Macpherson has been sharing swimsuit pics on Chalkboard magazine's Instagram account as cross-promotion for her WelleCo brand (see one above). It's disheartening that we can't all look this good in our fifties, but at least we can pretend Macpherson isn't actually in great shape but instead an ageless vampire, as evidenced by her levatating feet.

• Clothing designer Sophie Simmons has just released her third collection for the Style Club, which is perfect for summer and takes inspiration from festival looks (think Coachella or Bonnaroo). Watch the video below for a preview of her newest line, then get yourself some tickets to the next festival that comes through town. Coachella has come and gone, but we hear the annual boat show is just a week away!

<p>• According to sources for TMZ, Kourtney Kardashian has taken away Scott Disick's entry permissions at their gated community — <a href="http://www.tmz.com/2015/07/14/scott-disick-partying-kids-havent-abandoned/" target="_blank">making it impossible for him to see their kids</a> — but allows him to call and even FaceTime the two oldest children. So in essence, Scott has less access to his own children than their local pizza delivery man, and only slightly more phone privileges.</p> <p></p> <p>• Warner Bros. has released <a href="http://www.ew.com/article/2015/07/13/suicide-squad-trailer" target="_blank">the first official trailer for their &quot;Suicide Squad&quot; movie,</a> which gives us our first on-screen look at Jared Leto's chilling portrayal of the Joker (below). It also gives us perhaps the most chilling rendition of the Bee Gees' &quot;I Started a Joke&quot; outside of the karaoke rendition your Uncle Pete dedicated to his children after too many whiskey sodas. </p> <p>• Rihanna has reportedly <a href="http://www.justjared.com/2015/07/13/rihanna-receives-a-death-threat-from-a-stalker-on-social-media/" target="_blank">received a death threat</a> from a man on social media who posted a selfie in front of her last home and remarked, &quot;Should of [sic] killed @rihanna a minute back.&quot; It's not yet known <em>why</em> this man is so angry with the singer, but one thing <em>is</em> perfectly clear: This guy has obviously never seen her violent 7-minute video for &quot;B**** Better Have My Money,&quot; or he wouldn't be pulling this crap in the first place.</p> <p>• This past weekend, Justin Bieber <a href="http://www.people.com/article/justin-bieber-takes-down-butt-instagram-apology" target="_blank">apologized for Instagramming a photo of his naked rear-end</a> on Monday of last week. &quot;I didn't take in account there are littles following me,&quot; he explained to any offended parents, implying that if he <em>had</em> remembered, he might not have shared the pic in the first place. Either that, or he would've had Spongebob Squarepants tattooed on his butt beforehand. He wasn't clear which.</p> <p></p> <p>• According to TMZ, Ariana Grande <a href="http://www.tmz.com/2015/07/13/ariana-grande-donut-licking-no-charges/" target="_blank">will not be facing charges</a> of criminal mischief for her recent doughnut-licking incident at Wolfee Donuts in California (below). But if you ask us, letting Ariana off the hook is setting a dangerous precedent for future doughnut-defiling pop stars. What if Ke$ha wants to lick all the fresh bear claws in Safeway's bakery section? She's basically got <em>carte blanche</em> now! </p> <p>• Rapper, actor and business mogul 50 Cent filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Monday, though that doesn't necessarily mean he's broke. It's possible this is just a ploy to avoid paying damages in a lawsuit he just lost, and … oh, wait a second … he basically just told <a href="http://www.eonline.com/news/675758/50-cent-breaks-silence-on-filing-for-bankruptcy-when-you-re-successful-you-become-a-target" target="_blank">E! Online</a> that's <em>exactly</em> what he's doing. Thanks for clearing that up, Fitty.</p> <p>• In a new interview with Sky News, Prince William recently remarked that he <a href="http://www.justjared.com/2015/07/14/prince-william-talks-life-with-princess-charlotte-prince-george/" target="_blank">&quot;like[s] the challenge&quot;</a> of raising both Prince George and Princess Charlotte (below). Then again, he also explained in the same interview that he has voluntarily chosen a position with the East Anglian Air Ambulance whereby he can literally leave the Earth's surface whenever need be, so who knows what he was <em>really</em> thinking. </p> <p>• And finally, after returning to &quot;The Tonight Show&quot; following his recent finger injury, Jimmy Fallon explained to the audience that he actually suffered a <a href="http://www.eonline.com/news/675894/jimmy-fallon-reveals-his-finger-almost-had-to-be-amputated-after-freak-fall-i-was-in-the-icu-for-10-days" target="_blank">&quot;ring avulsion,&quot;</a> which is when a person's ring gets caught on something and tears the flesh from the finger. Then later, after everyone at home finished vomiting, he interviewed Paul Rudd.</p>