
What do Americans hate more than negotiating on a car?

Not much, according to a new survey from Edmunds.com.

Nine out of 10 respondents said they wished car shopping was easier, many saying the experienced is more stressful that getting married or going on a first date, and there was hardly any variation in sentiment across demographic groups.

Read: 10 things you must know about car sales

It’s so low on the list of things they like to do, that 33 percent said they’d rather take a trip to the dreaded DMV or work on their taxes than haggle over the price of a car, while 44 percent would give up Facebook for a month in exchange for a no-dicker sticker, and 21 would abstain from sex.

Oh, and if they’re looking for help, they can’t count on their friends, which were cited twice as much as a source of bad advice than good.

The most trusted font of information? The internet, of course.

The survey was conducted by Edmunds.com, after all.