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    American helps Christian soldiers train to fight ISIS

    Filmmaker and self-styled revolutionary Matthew VanDyke is training Assyrian Christians to fight for themselves in the face of a brutal onslaught from Islamic terrorist organization ISIS. (Photos courtesy of Sons of Liberty)

  • christianbootcamp1
    Matthew VanDyke, (l.), through his Sons of Liberty nonprofit security company, is training Iraqi Christians to fight ISIS.
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    Hundreds of Assyrians of all ages have signed on to train and fight for their families and faith.
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    VanDyke says his group is stepping in to help a dwindling Christian community forgotten by the world.
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    Training includes hand-to-hand combat, marksmanship, and self defense.
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  • Training1
    VanDyke and a U.S. military veteran are training approximately 400 Assyrians.
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    Their training camp is just 12 miles north of Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city and one under the control of ISIS.
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    VanDyke hopes to train as many as 2,000 Christians to fight the terror organization.
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    The group seeks donations from around the world to fund training and weapons.
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    The Assyrian Christians have found themselves caught in the middle of the fighting between ISIS and Kurds.
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    VanDyke did not serve in the U.S. military, but has fought alongside Libyan and Syrian rebels.
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    The first battalion of the Assyrian forces graduated from VanDyke's boot cam days ago.
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  • Published
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    American helps Christian soldiers train to fight ISIS

    Filmmaker and self-styled revolutionary Matthew VanDyke is training Assyrian Christians to fight for themselves in the face of a brutal onslaught from Islamic terrorist organization ISIS. (Photos courtesy of Sons of Liberty)

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  • American helps Christian soldiers train to fight ISIS
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