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    Meet Donald Trump's choices for his cabinet

    From a wrestling executive to a rabble-rousing media mogul, President-elect Donald Trump has picked a cabinet full of strong personalities with a track record of success.

  • Trump's cabinet, part 1
    U.S. president-elect Donald Trump's appointees include, top row (left to right): Gary Cohn, appointed National Economic Council Director; S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley, appointed Ambassador to the United Nations; Steven Mnuchin, appointed Treasury Secretary; Linda McMahon, appointed head of the Small Business Administration; Rex Tillerson, appointed Secretary of State. Bottom Row (left to right): Michael T. Flynn, appointed National Security Advisor; Reince Priebus, White House Chief of Staff; Elaine Chao, appointed Transportation Secretary; Andrew Puzder, appointed Labor Secretary; Steve Bannon, appointed chief strategist and senior counselor.  
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  • Trump's Cabinet, part 2
    U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's appointees include, in the top row (L-R): Wilbur Ross, appointed Commerce Secretary; Sen. Jeff Sessions, appointed U.S. Attorney General; James Mattis, appointed Defense Secretary; Rick Perry, appointed Energy Secretary; Scott Pruitt, appointed Environmental Protection Agency Administrator. Bottom row (L-R): John F. Kelly, appponted Homeland Security Secretary; Tom Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services; Betsy DeVos, appointed Education Secretary; Ben Carson, appointed Housing and Urban Development Secretary; Ryan Zinke, appointed Interior Secretary.
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  • Rex Tillerson
    President-elect Donald Trump announced Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2016, that he tapped ExxonMobil Chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson to serve as his Secretary of State.
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  • Rick Perry
    Energy Secretary-designate, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, smiles as he leaves Trump Tower in New York.
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  • Ryan Zinke
    Trump tabbed US Rep. Ryan Zinke of Montana to be his Interior Secretary.
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  • James Mattis
    President-elect Donald Trump introduces retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis as his nominee for Secretary of Defense while speaking to supporters during a rally in Fayetteville, N.C.
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  • Steven Mnuchin
    Former Goldman Sachs executive vice president Steven Mnuchin, President-elect Donald Trump's campaign finance chairman, was nominated for the top spot in the Department of Treasury.
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  • Jeff Sessions
    Attorney General-nominee Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama speaks to members of the media in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York City.
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  • Ben Carson
    Former campaign rival Ben Carson was put forward by President-elect Donald Trump to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
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  • Wilbur Ross
    Commerce Secretary-designate Wilbur Ross, a billionaire investor and former banker, waits for an elevator at Trump Tower in New York.
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  • Tom Price
    US Rep. Tom Price of Georgia, the Health and Human Services Secretary-designate, arrives at Trump Tower in New York.
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  • Betsy DeVos
    President-elect Donald J. Trump with school-choice advocate Betsy DeVos, his pick for Education Secretary.
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  • Elaine Chao
    President-elect Trump selected George W. Bush's Labor Secretary to head up the Transportation Department.
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  • Nikki Haley
    Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina is Trump's choice to become U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.
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  • Andy Puzder
    President-elect Donald Trump chose Andy Puzder, CEO of CKE Restaurants -- which owns Hardee's and Carl Jr's -- as the next Labor Secretary.
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  • John Kelly
    President-elect Donald Trump with retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly at the Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey. He has picked Kelly to lead the Homeland Security Department.
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  • Gary Cohn
    Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn walks through the lobby of Trump Tower in New York. He was chosen by President-elect Donald Trump to be the director of the National Economic Council.  
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  • Scott Pruitt
    Oklahoma Attorney General, Scott Pruitt, who's the EPA Administrator-designate, arrives at Trump Tower in New York.
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  • Linda McMahon
    President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to be Administrator of the Small Business Administration is Linda McMahon, the CEO of wrestling behemoth WWE.
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  • Reince Priebus
    Trump selected Republican National Committee Charirman Reince Priebus as his Chief of Staff.
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  • Michael T. Flynn
    National Security Advisor-designate Michael T. Flynn, waits for an elevator at Trump Tower in New York.
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  • Steve Bannon
    Breitbart News-founder and Trump campaign chief executive, Steve Bannon, has been nominated to become chief White House strategist and senior counselor.
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  • Published
    22 Images

    Meet Donald Trump's choices for his cabinet

    From a wrestling executive to a rabble-rousing media mogul, President-elect Donald Trump has picked a cabinet full of strong personalities with a track record of success.

Move Forward
  • Meet Donald Trump's choices for his cabinet
  • Trump's cabinet, part 1
  • Trump's Cabinet, part 2
  • Rex Tillerson
  • Rick Perry
  • Ryan Zinke
  • James Mattis
  • Steven Mnuchin
  • Jeff Sessions
  • Ben Carson
  • Wilbur Ross
  • Tom Price
  • Betsy DeVos
  • Elaine Chao
  • Nikki Haley
  • Andy Puzder
  • John Kelly
  • Gary Cohn
  • Scott Pruitt
  • Linda McMahon
  • Reince Priebus
  • Michael T. Flynn
  • Steve Bannon