
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," July 17, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: And tonight, the WWE is under fire following the release of the Benoit family's toxicology tests. Just a short time ago, WWE released a statement saying in part, "WWE understands that the toxicology reports for Chris Benoit indicate that he tested positive for testosterone and negative for anabolic steroids. At Mr. Benoit's last drug test in April 2007, administered by Aegis labs, he tested negative for anabolic steroids and for testosterone. Given the toxicology report of GBI released today, it would appear that Mr. Benoit took testosterone sometime after his April 2007 test and before the time he died."

Dr. David Black oversees drug testing for the WWE, and Jerry McDevitt is a lawyer for the World Wrestling Entertainment. They both join us live from Pittsburgh. Welcome, gentlemen, both of you. First to you, Jerry. What do you think today about the toxicology report?

JERRY MCDEVITT, WWE ATTORNEY: Well, I think Dr. Sperry very carefully and almost surgically went through the toxicology to explain the significance on the investigation. And quite frankly, I think he very clearly eliminated all this speculation about steroids having any causative role. He was very clear that no anabolic steroids of the performance-enhancing type were found in Chris's body and that what was found was testosterone, which is consistent with testosterone replacement.

The significant finding that he was very clear about that I think adds a new fact to the mix is that the young boy, Daniel, was apparently given a dosage of Xanax at some point in this, prior to his death. But I think he did a lot to dispel some of the lore and hysteria, if you will, that surrounded this and to redirect this thing where it really belongs, to the crime scene evidence and the rest of the forensic evidence.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dr. Black, was the amount of testosterone, according to the report, in Chris Benoit's body — is there a therapeutic level?

DR. DAVID BLACK, AEGIS SCIENCES CORPORATION: Well, you can't interpret urine of any drug, let alone testosterone, as to whether or not it's therapeutic. That has to be assessed in the blood compartment. It would be an amount of testosterone greater than what would be present in a normal random urine. It was not 10 times greater, as some are saying. It may be as much as five times or six times greater. But you can't really assess therapeutic out of a urine sample. All can you say is that there was use.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dr. Black, there's no question — I'm not a doctor. I haven't studied this. But in your medical experience or your background, is five times the testosterone level, which is the level that you gave me, not the 10 but the 5 — could that ever cause a rage in someone?

BLACK: No. I have held the opinion, I do hold the opinion, this case has nothing to do with 'roid rage. The murder-suicide, as tragic as it is, does not have any evidence of the rage that would be associated, what's called 'roid rage. And there is no evidence that Chris Benoit engaged in a pattern of anabolic steroid use which would fit 'roid rage, which is well beyond what we are talking about here.

'Roid rage is associated with the use of multiple anabolic steroids, injectables and orals, doses 10 to 100 times greater than therapeutic, taken through cycles. The cases that I've been involved with with 'roid rage involve enormous amounts of anabolic steroids being used. This case does not fit that.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Dr. Black, beginning I think it was in the early part of 2006, WWE instituted its drug testing program as a result of a rather tragic death. Your company is the one that tested in April of 2007 Chris Benoit. What quality control do you have to give confidence that the urine that was tested was indeed his and not, you know, switched out?

BLACK: Oh, gosh. The collection process is an observed collection. Standard forensic protocols are followed. We are a federally certified laboratory. We follow the standard types of chain-of-custody documentation protocols. We are certified, inspected. We use all appropriate standards and quality controls. We've been doing this for well over 20 years. It's all of the standard practices and procedures that would be found in a forensic facility, and Aegis is only a forensic laboratory.

VAN SUSTEREN: And I guess the key is the observed sample. You see the sample being given to you. That's sort of the key?

BLACK: Well, it's not the only key. There are a lot of quality control steps in the process. But certainly, it helps ensure that the sample tested belongs to the donor, or in this case, the talent.

VAN SUSTEREN: Thank you, Dr. Black. And Jerry, thank you, as well.

MCDEVITT: Thank you, Greta.

BLACK: Thank you.

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