NEW YORK – Woody Allen, Destiny's Child and Ally McBeal in unisex bathroom stall glow of The Foxlight.
There's a show business joke in the new Woody Allen movie Hollywood Endings that has Haley Joel Osment winning a lifetime achievement award. It's one of the few funny lines in the movie.
Well, the members of Destiny's Child are barely in their 20's and they've already written the story of their lives. It's called Soul Survivors: The Official Autobiography of Destiny's Child. They address things like the three former members who left under less-than-happy circumstances. It also gives young women some critical wardrobe advice. Get this. There's a difference between dressing hot and dressing nasty. That's what Destiny's Child say is the point of their new single, "Nasty Girl." It dogs on women who dress scantily — and the group members say despite what they wear, they aren't dissing themselves. They say they look classy. Uh-huh.
Finally, now that Ally McBeal has been cancelled, how about movie roles for Calista Flockhart? She's dabbled in a few, but her Emmy-winning gift for comedy is perfect for romantic comedy — seriously. Why should Cameron Diaz get all the work? Calista can do that keester shakin' just as well as Cammie.
And that's the always shaken and stirred scuttlebutt glare of The Foxlight.