
It has been credited with reviving the vampire genre and spawning a legion of devoted followers dubbed "Twihards," but that is not the end of the "Twilight" saga's reach, Adelaide Now reported Monday.

Now the popular book and film series is helping make fair complexions cool again.

Beauty insiders say pale is no longer viewed as pasty and "Twilight" had made many young women view the skin tone in a new light.

"It has such a huge following, almost cult status, and portrays being pale in a way that is hip, very attractive and I think that's actually a message people are heeding," Adelaide stylist Lisa Cimmino said.

Professor Ian Olver, chief executive of Cancer Council Australia, said a bevy of Hollywood beauties were also behind the movement towards embracing porcelain skin.

"There's some very attractive pale actresses out there and I think seeing them on the red carpet can only be a positive thing," he said.

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