Tonight... get on the record... with Greta!
The controversy over photos of alleged abuse of Iraqi prisoners by coalition forces at Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib (search) prison continues to grow.
Seven more U.S. soldiers have been reprimanded in the alleged abuse of Iraqi prisoners, and the U.S. officer who oversaw the prison suggested today that more may be involved.
We'll bring you the latest on this story when Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, the deputy director
for coalition operations in Iraq and Dan Senor, spokesman for the Coalition Provisional Authority and adviser to the U.S. presidential envoy in Iraq, go on the record.
Plus, her cruel hoax crushed one family’s hopes that their missing daughter was alive. Now, in an exclusive interview, convicted impostor Donna Walker speaks out
These stories and much, much more...
Don't miss "On the Record" tonight at 10 p.m. ET!
--All topics and guests subject to change.
--The Associated Press contributed to this story.