
Iran's nuclear program has been under intense investigation recently by the U.N. atomic watchdog agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is headed by General Mohammed El Baradei. Below are some key dates regarding Iran and its possible nuclear intentions:

June 18, 2004: The IAEA censures Iran for past cover-ups in its nuclear program in a resolution warning Tehran to be more forthcoming.

Also, satellite photos of two locations obtained exclusively by Fox News show Iran may be continuing to pursue a program to produce nuclear weapons.

One site at Natanz appears to show a hidden uranium enrichment plant, possibly surrounded by defense fortifications capable of thwarting an attack. The other site, Arak, is a heavy water facility used to make plutonium.

Together, these two plants could be capable of building nuclear bombs.

June 17, 2004: The IAEA says they have information Iran may be engaging in a new nuclear cover-up near a military facility outside Tehran.

June 15, 2004: Iran rejects criticism from the IAEA that it has been delaying a probe into suspect nuclear activities.

June 12, 2004: Iran says it would reject international restrictions on its nuclear program and challenged the world to accept Tehran as a member of the "nuclear club."

June 11, 2004: IAEA reports Iran produced small amounts of plutonium as part of covert nuclear activities. While finding "no evidence" that Tehran tried to make atomic arms, it said such efforts cannot be ruled out.

June 10, 2004: Diplomats say Iran sought "tens of thousands" of black market parts for its covert nuclear program.

April 12, 2004: U.N. nuclear inspectors arrive in Iran to confirm the claim and resolve concerns that the Islamic nation has a covert atomic weapons program.

April 9, 2004: Gholamreza Aghazadeh, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, says Iran would "voluntarily" suspend its centrifuge work.

March 29, 2004: Iran claims it stopped building centrifuges for uranium enrichment, though it was not expected to dispose of the centrifuges it already possessed.

Nov. 11, 2003:  A confidential U.N. nuclear agency report found "no evidence" that Iran tried to make atomic arms, but it criticized Tehran for cover-ups and warned it's still uncertain if Iran's nuclear efforts were for peaceful purposes.

Sept. 25, 2003: The IAEA finds traces of weapons-grade, highly enriched uranium in Iran.

Jan. 29, 2002: President Bush delivers his State of the Union speech months after the September 11 terrorist attacks, naming Iran as a member of the "Axis of Evil," along with Iraq and North Korea.