Following is the text of the open letter from Paul Steiger, managing editor of The Wall Street Journal, to the National Movement for the Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty:
"I know that the National Movement for the Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty is very serious and wants others to know about its movement. To assure that this happens it is important for you to respond to this message.
"I have not heard from you for several days and want to begin a dialogue that will address your concerns and bring about Danny's safe release. Since your last e-mail I have received numerous e-mails from people who claim that they are holding Danny. Because of these claims, it has become difficult for me to know that I am communicating with the people holding Danny. These individuals have caused a great deal of confusion. Also these numerous messages, which have been made public, detract from your serious concerns. The world is getting a mixed message, and perhaps a negative impression of the National Movement for the Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty.
"We could resolve this situation if we could communicate more privately and more often. I suggest that we use an e-mail account of one of Danny's close friends, such as either of the two best men at his wedding, or a private phone line of one of these friends, or even a letter mailed to such a person. This line of communication would show me that Danny is with you and would allow us one-to-one contact. We are eager to hear from you soon.
Respectfully, Paul Steiger"