
Southwest Airlines, responding to claims by two female passengers that they were discriminated against because of their good looks and banned from future flights, released a statement via YouTube disputing their story, adding that it doesn't have the ability to selectively ban passengers, “even if we wanted to.”

“We would be out of business if we banned pretty people from Southwest Airlines,” spokeswoman Brandy King said. “The two passengers that are referenced in the media were using vulgar language, aggressive behavior, threatening gestures at 30,000 feet.”

Click here to watch the video.

University of South Florida student Nisreen Swedberg and her friend Sarah Williams claimed the flight crew was rude to them throughout their flight from Tampa Bay to Los Angeles on Feb. 14, TampaBays10.com reported.

“I think they were just discriminating against [us] because we were young decent-looking girls," Williams told TampaBays10.com. "I mean, nobody else on the plane looked like us except us. [The flight attendants] were like older ladies. We were younger. Who knows, they could have been just jealous of us because we were younger.”

They were released about two hours after the plane landed, and no charges were filed.

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