
FBI and CIA experts on Monday examined computers, disks, cell phones and documents recovered from the Pakistani hideout of suspected Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, hoping to uncover imminent terrorist plots by Al Qaeda.

Mohammed was questioned Monday by U.S. authorities seeking information about safe houses and hideouts used by the Al Qaeda terror network, a Pakistani intelligence official said. Mohammed's exact whereabouts were unclear.

He had been plotting attacks against targets in the United States and Saudi Arabia in the weeks before his capture, U.S. counterterrorism officials contended.

"Shaikh-down!": Will he spill the beans?

A sample of your responses:

I have the perfect way to make  Mohammed talk. Tell him his children will be adopted out to a strict Roman catholic family in the mid-west of America, who will have them baptized and attend chatholic schools, and by the way, they operate a pig farm! :)
Dean M.
Zwingle, IA

Make him stare at his silly picture all day long.
Dman C.
Bethlehem, PA

Mohammed will give up all his secrets with  the threat of a good waxing.
Jim K.
Boonton, NJ

First of all, I would not let the World know that I have the Shaikh. Next I would subject him to a constant battery of torture, until he spills his guts. As he begins giving them up, I would begin collecting-up his compatriots and do the same torture to them as well. In a year or so, after it was all over, then I would tell the world how easily he gave-up his army of terrorists.
Dale J.
Columbus, OH

If the coward Shaikh doesn't spill the beans the US should change it's strategy and interrogated him in the Karachi.
Liverpool, NY

No I do not think that he will spill the beans on Usama. If he does it is going to take too long for him to do so. By then they all will have moved away from that part of the country.

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