
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," May 28, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: A royal controversy has the British fuming. The French are snubbing Queen Elizabeth, failing to invite her to Normandy for next week's 65th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

And this one is getting ugly, considering Queen Elizabeth, then Princess Elizabeth, actually served in uniform during World War II, service number 230873, yes, to save the French, who are now not inviting her.

Joining us live is Duncan Larcombe, Royal Editor for "The Sun." Duncan, this is horrible. The French ought to be ashamed of this one.

DUNCAN LARCOMBE, ROYAL EDITOR, "THE SUN": Yes. It is a row that has been bubbling under the surface in Britain now for a few weeks. And this has really came to a head in the last week or so, when the French have had to -- they never invited the queen to come along to the 65th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

VAN SUSTEREN: I hate to be too dramatic, but if it were not for the British and the Americans at D-Day, the French might not be speaking French right now. And not to invite the queen, who served, the only living head of state who served in uniform during World War II is just appalling.

LARCOMBE: That is right. And also, the servicemen -- to understand the scale of this row, if you like, in Britain, you have to understand that the British servicemen who fought at D-Day in Normandy, the British soldiers now that go to our Afghanistan, they do so for king and country, nowadays for queen and country.

The link between the royal family and the head of state in Britain and the armed forces is very, very special link that we have. And so it makes it all the more, I suppose, insulting, really, for those guys who are still alive who fought alongside colleagues that died on the beaches 65 years ago next week.

VAN SUSTEREN: And 37,000, I think, died at the beaches. President Obama, our president will be there. He has been invited, right? He gets to go.

LARCOMBE: President Obama is the man of the moment. That is my understanding.

Obama is going. There have been accusations that President Sarkozy of France wanted it to be an Anglo-Franco-American -- sorry, Franco-American sort of gathering, to be pictured there alongside President Obama, with no room at all for our queen, which I think has added a bit of fuel to the fire in Britain, certainly.

VAN SUSTEREN: If you think about it, I don't know how old President Sarkozy is, but certainly our president was not even born during World War II while the queen was actually serving.

And probably Sarkozy, I think he is in his 50s, he probably wasn't alive as well during World War ii while the queen was serving, and she gets snubbed.

LARCOMBE: That is right. Sarkozy was not a twinkle in his father's eye back then.

I mean, the queen -- you have to understand, the royal family always played a very active role in that commitment that we in Britain have made, and I know in America as well, to not forget the sacrifices that were made all those years ago to win the Second World War.

So to leave the royal family out of this very significant event is a real cook-up by the French. And I think they will hopefully be eating a bit of humble pie for a while.

VAN SUSTEREN: I think it is absolutely outrageous. We only have 30 seconds left, and so I will save my outrage on the queen story.

We have a visitor tomorrow. Prince Harry is coming to the United States. Why is he coming?

LARCOMBE: It is his first-ever royal tour, and he has chosen to come to New York. He wants to promote his AIDS charity that's based in Africa.

It is a big moment for him. He is probably known best among you guys as a heavy drinking guy who once made that terrible mistake of wearing a Nazi outfit. But I think you will like him, and I think it will go down well.

VAN SUSTEREN: I think he will enjoy his visit here. And I think that America is looking forward to him coming.

And I sure hope that they rethink this, because out of the all three leaders, I think the queen as the one, since she served in World War II, if anyone should be there, she should be.

But anyway, we honor everybody at Normandy. What an amazing time. Duncan, thank you.

LARCOMBE: Thank you.

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