
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," March 12, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: This is a "FOX News Alert." The New York Times is reporting the identity of the call girl allegedly hired by Governor Spitzer the night of February 12 in room 871 at the Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C. New York Times reporter Ian Urbina joins us live on the phone.

Ian, who is Kristen, who was at least identified in the criminal complaint?

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IAN URBINA, NEW YORK TIMES: She's a 22-year-old named Ashley Youmans, originally. She goes by a different name now, Ashley Alexandra Dupre. And she's from the Jersey shore.

VAN SUSTEREN: And what — how did she end up from Jersey shore in New York? What sort of path?

URBINA: Well, you know, she left home. She was living with her mom until she was 17 or so and there were some problems at home. She moved to North Carolina, dropped out of high school, and seems to sort of have fallen in love with a music career and traveled around, ended up in the New York and was seeing a guy. And that relationship fell apart and she was in financial straits and decided to get into the escort service.

VAN SUSTEREN: How long has she been in the escort service?

URBINA: It's not clear. I mean, she wouldn't answer that question. And so it seems like she's got some experience, but it's not clear how long.

VAN SUSTEREN: Does she have any, quote, "experience" with Governor Spitzer outside of the allegation of the evening of February 13?

URBINA: Also a question she wouldn't answer.

VAN SUSTEREN: In terms...

URBINA: She...


URBINA: Yes, her lawyer, you know, sort of had a fairly strict muzzle on her, so you know, while she was willing to talk with us, there were some topics that were completely off — off the radar.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did she discuss how much money she charges, besides at least what's contained in the criminal complaint with Governor Spitzer?

URBINA: No, not beyond what's in the complaint, and that indicates she was charging $1,000 an hour.

VAN SUSTEREN: There's a lot of controversy about what's contained in that criminal complaint. One of the things is, is that — the suggestion that Governor Spitzer wanted to do something that might not be safe. Any idea what that is?

URBINA: You know, it just got a little salacious, so we didn't pursue that line of inquiry with her.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is she a witness?

URBINA: She is going to be — she is a witness, and that's partially how we found her. But she — you know, what exactly will be her role I think is still being figured out.

VAN SUSTEREN: Has she been to court yet? Had she been to the grand jury?

URBINA: I don't know whether she's been to the grand jury. There was a hearing of some sort already, a preliminary hearing, but it's not clear what that was for. But yes, she's been to the court, but I don't know that she's been through the grand jury.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is there any concern on her part that she could be a target herself of a criminal investigation, or is she working out some sort of agreement with the prosecutor?

URBINA: Also not clear. I mean, we really sort of focused on her biography, partially because the lawyer made it pretty clear that that's all we could focus on. So that was unclear, as well.

VAN SUSTEREN: When you spoke to her, did you have the sense that she had a lot of street smarts, a lot of savvy, or did she seem like a naive young woman? What was your impression of her?

URBINA: Well, I mean, honestly, I — you know, Serge Kovaleski, the other reporter that worked on the story and wrote it, is the one who interviewed her. I talked to the mother and did — and sort of helped to figure out who she was originally. And Serge — I'm in the D.C. bureau. And Serge's impression of her was that she was really sharp, energetic, nice girl in many ways, sort of an average person caught up in, really, something above and beyond her, a really large net.

VAN SUSTEREN: You said that you spoke to her mother. I imagine her mother is stunned by the developments.

URBINA: Yes, I mean, she seemed shell-shocked. She — the mother said that she had no idea her daughter was involved in this. And they had had a falling out when they were — when the daughter was a teen, but they had since become very close and she was not aware that she was working in the business. And last week, when she broke the news, when the daughter broke the news to the mother, she was blown away. And she seemed like she was still in that state.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was she ever — did she ever — I know that she had an interest in music. Did she make any inroads in a music career?

URBINA: She seems to still be aspiring. I mean, she's got some music up on her Web site and she's got this company that she set up with hopes of promoting herself, but it doesn't seem to have taken off. It seemed like she was dedicating a lot of time to the export service, to be honest.

VAN SUSTEREN: What about — has she — a boyfriend or a husband in the picture?

URBINA: I mean, there was a boyfriend in the picture, and it seems that that was part of the impetus for her getting involved in the escort service. It turned out that he had two children, and that relationship fell apart. And that's when she, you know, started realizing she had financial troubles to deal with as a result.

VAN SUSTEREN: There are lots of escort services you can hook yourself up with. Did she give you any indication why she chose this one?

URBINA: No, she didn't. She didn't.

VAN SUSTEREN: And I take it that she is now, at least, a witness against the others in the escort service specifically, do you know?

URBINA: I don't know for sure. I mean, that's my impression, but I don't know for sure.

VAN SUSTEREN: Ian, thank you very much.

URBINA: Thank you.

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