
Jude Law, Martin Sheen and Gene Simmons in an interesting mix of talent in The Foxlight.

Jude Law says he learned a lot from on of his A.I. costars - 12-year-old Haley Joel Osment. Jude plays Gigolo Joe -  so the kid probably wasn't offering pointers on that - but Law says Osment is more centered than most adult actors. He also says that, off-camera, they have a lot in common - they both like The Simpsons.

The new expanded Apocalypse Now Redux clocks in at just under three hours and twenty minutes. It looks as beautiful as war can, and I still love the smell of Napalm in the morning.  However, the French plantation scene you've been hearing so much about has a music track under it that annoyingly sounds just like "The Summer of '42." And I still can't believe that Martin Sheen had a heart attack while making the movie - he looks like he's in unbelievable shape. Best of all - no computer-generated special effects. This is movie making the way they used to do it.

Finally, Gene Simmons is kissing and telling in a new book about his rock 'n' roll and Max Factor days. But being a rock star isn't as lucrative as it used to be - he's only getting a hundred grand to write the thing. The Foxlight suggestion? Make it a pop up book and have Gene's tongue come lurching out every time you open it up.