
I have promised you “behind the scenes” and it does not get more behind the scenes than our "green rooms."

Green rooms are the waiting rooms we hold guests in prior to their appearances. Each studio has its own green room. If you are a regular GretaWire reader, you saw the picture of the couch in the L.A. bureau’s green room. I had one viewer write it that the couch is so ugly even his dog who sleeps on furniture would not sleep on it.

I thought it would be fun for you to see the green rooms next to Bill O'Reilly's studio and Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes' studio. You be the judge. By the way, in case any of  you wonder if I am putting my job at risk by putting these pictures on my blog, I figure I am safe. Not only do we consistently win our time slot against the competition, but we let our guests see the green rooms and spend time there. We don't make the guest sign confidentiality clauses after they see them... so I figure you should see them.

Note, they do reflect that our attention is more on work than decorating. That is a good sign.

Here are the pictures: Click here for the Green Room Photo Essay

I hope you enjoy the behind the scenes tour of the two green rooms -- and I hope I still have my job after posting this photo essay! I think the pictures are funny and I sure hope my colleagues share the humor.

As an aside, I really should have taken pictures of Linda Vester and Neil Cavuto's green room (they share a studio.)  It is brand new, clean and quite fancy (and orderly.)


Do you have something you'd like to say to Greta? Please write to her at ontherecord@foxnews.com!

Watch On the Record with Greta Van Susteren weeknights at 10 p.m. ET