Watch "Hannity & Colmes" tonight at 9 p.m. ET!
Stay with the No. 1 nightly debate program on cable news because — We Debate. You Decide.
Watch Sean's interview with President Bush on Monday, October 25 at 9 p.m. ET!
Thursday, Oct. 21:
The fight over the flu: With less than two weeks to go until election day, Senator John Kerry has been making the nationwide shortage of flu vaccine an issue in the campaign.-- But will pointed criticism of some members of the adminstration and Congress who reportedly got the own flu shots help or hurt the candidate? We'll debate it!
Plus, Senator Kerry goes hunting... Does this mean he's just an average Joe? We'll ask FOX News political analyst and radio talk show host Michael Reagan and FOX News political analyst and Democratic strategist Bob Beckel to weigh in.
And later, has the political rhetoric in this close campaign gotten completely out of control? RNC Chair Ed Gillespie joins the debate!
Also, it continues to be an issue in the campaign but what are the chances that the draft is really coming back after the election? We'll ask New York Democrat, and a sponsor of draft legislation in the House, Rep. Charlie Rangel to give us his fair and balanced assessment.
Then, a behind-the-scenes look at our exclusive interview with Vice President Cheney on Wednesday...
These stories and much, much more!
—All topics and guests subject to change.
About the Show
Fast-paced and hard-hitting, "Hannity & Colmes" brings viewers a heated discussion in a nightly face-off. Relishing in controversial topics, personalities and social issues, conservative radio commentator Sean Hannity and liberal radio personality Alan Colmes offer their points-of-view in an often animated, always compelling debate.
But, unlike similar debate shows — which often appear scripted — "Hannity & Colmes" conducts a live, spur of the moment deliberation on politics and social topics. Also, differentiating the show is its dedication to "move away from the Beltway," bringing audiences an alternative discussion program without the "in" comments.
Adding fuel to the fire, several high-profile guests have joined the program on a wide-range of topics.
"With guests who are 'in the middle of the fight,' we're able to hear their point-of-view on the topics, as well as advance our own feelings," said Hannity.
"Believe it or not, I agree with that statement," quipped Colmes.