
Tonight on Hannity & Colmes...

In a two-day diplomatic blitzkrieg, Secretary of State Colin Powell will try to overcome U.N. resistance to using force to disarm Iraq — warning that holding back would send a "terrible message" to tyrants everywhere.

He also warned again that if the U.N. Security Council does not act, the United States and its coalition partners are prepared to disarm Iraq by force and take responsibility for Iraq's future after a war.

In more intensified activity against Iraq, the United States ordered two U.N.-based Iraqi diplomats to leave the country and asked 60 countries to expel alleged Iraqi agents who could attack American interests overseas. Mansoor Ijaz, FOX foreign affairs analyst reacts...

Also joining the debate tonight:

Al Sharpton, presidential candidate

Michael Reagan, radio talk show host

John Walsh, host of America’s Most Wanted

Don't miss Hannity & Colmes at 9 p.m. ET tonight only on the FOX News Channel!

-All guests and topics subject to change