This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," June 7, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: Exactly one year ago our own Catherine Herridge's infant son, Peter, was on the edge of death. His little liver was shot, he was dying. The only option, a new liver, but they had to find one and they did — from his mother. Catherine gave a piece of her own liver to Peter. Did it work? Did his body accept or reject part of his mother's liver? Well, check this out.
VAN SUSTEREN: How old is he?
CATHERINE HERRIDGE, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: He's almost a year-and-a half. A year-and-a-half at the end of June.
VAN SUSTEREN: And what a difference a year can make? A year ago, what were we talking about?
HERRIDGE: A year ago we were talking about whether he was going to survive that surgery and whether the organ was going to work. I look at him now, actually, and I can't even — he looks like a different child to me, completely.
HERRIDGE: I mean, you know the other day I found a picture of him, I was cleaning out some drawers. It was probably in May, just before the transplant, and I don't even recognize him. I mean, he looks like a completely different person. He looked incredibly sick and, you know, now when people see him, they say to me he is a beautiful healthy baby. I think if you only new, you know, what this child has been through.
VAN SUSTEREN: You how big is your scar. Draw it on me.
HERRIDGE: You know, it goes — it's like over a foot. It goes like this, and then up here and then follows the line of your rib cage over to the other side.
VAN SUSTEREN: Does Peter have a matching — where is Peter, we've lost Peter.
HERRIDGE: Hi! Are you coming back? Are you coming back?
VAN SUSTEREN: We lost Peter. That's a good sign.
HERRIDGE: Yeah. Are you coming back? You coming back? His is — his scar goes, you know, pretty much like this all the way around.
VAN SUSTEREN: Are you completely healed?
HERRIDGE: Yes. You know, it really took about three, four months to feel close to being 100 percent. I was surprised at how much — I lost quite a bit of weight with the surgery that I hadn't expected because when your body has a big trauma like that, your metabolism kind of becomes like a furnace and really burns a lot of it off because it's such a shock to your system.
VAN SUSTEREN: You know, one of my favorite scenes of all was in the hospital before you and Peter had the surgery and we were talking, and Peter was yellow. He was so jaundiced. He looked — I mean, he did look bad.
HERRIDGE: He looked terrible.
VAN SUSTEREN: He looked terrible. And you and I were talking, and I looked over at his surgeon and the surgeon didn't know I was watching and he was sort of stroking his head. You could tell the surge on loved him. (INAUDIBLE) you know, he really — he was so pulling for Peter. You know, he so wanted to help him that — maybe he loved the hospital.
HERRIDGE: I can't thank those people enough for what they did. I think that they have one of hardest jobs I've ever seen in medicine because they see real tragedy with people. But then they see cases like Peter's too, where they really bring these kids back to life.
I know he was just a baby when he had this experience, but in some ways I feel like his enthusiasm for life is just like multiplied, like a thousand percent. I don't know whether it's from cheating death at a young age or what it is, but he is just really into everything.
VAN SUSTEREN: In the year, any disappointment?
HERRIDGE: That's a really good question. You know, just before the surgery they said the first year can be very tough because your child is very sick when they have the surgery, and then of course you have a big operation too. I guess some ways, you sort of think in your mind you're
going to have the operation and everything — you're going to wake up and it's all over and it's all gone. But of course it takes a long time for your child to really adjust to the organ and get used to it.
And so, I guess my only disappointment was I hoped that it was going to be over faster, but it really took about six or eight months for him to, you know, settle down and to stabilize and all of that's very normal. But of course, you want your child to get through it really quickly.
VAN SUSTEREN: A lot of people watching this — a lot of viewers followed the story, a lot of people want to help the hospital. What can they do?
HERRIDGE: I think people can do a couple of things. I think if they wanted to give to the hospital for research, they could do that. And I think also they should really consider if they were faced with a situation where they died or someone in their family was killed in an accident, whether they would consider donating their organs.
That hospital really — I mean you can't really say enough about what they did for him because in a lot of ways it's a miracle that he's alive because he was so sick, and now he looks so handsome. You do?
HERRIDGE: They really did an amazing thing with him. Oh, you can show people. Where's your hair? Where's your hair, honey? That's right, honey, that's very good. Where's your nose? That's right! Where's your ear? Yeah, that's really good.
VAN SUSTEREN: Where are your mother's dopey friend?
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