
The news that is not White House approved...

Something Fishy…

Many reports have emerged in recent days that the Obama administration is about to ban sport fishing in some capacity. We all know how much the president likes to fish, so how could this possibly be?

Well, there's no ban yet and an all-out ban is not being considered. But the news is not all that rosy: The administration wants to use U.N.-style zoning to restrict where you can fish.

It's a classic case of big government gone too far. The zoning process aims to "achieve ecological, economic and social objectives that usually have been specified through a political process."

How's that for government speak?

What it really means is this: The Anointed One and his friends don't think that the environment — or the ecosystem, as they like to call it — can manage itself; it needs the government to keep it in perfect harmony. And that means letting you fish in certain areas and then keeping you away from other areas.

Make sense?

No, it doesn't make sense to me either.

Taking on Drudge

The man behind the popular Web site The Drudge Report is causing quite a fuss on Capitol Hill.

The Senate sergeant at arms reportedly sent out an e-mail message warning that The Drudge Report was partly "responsible for the many computer viruses popping up throughout the Senate." Another e-mail cautions Senate staffers to stay away from the site for the time being.

Well, it appears that the powers that be have reason to be concerned. Powerlineblog.com crunched the numbers and found that congressional staffers are spending quite a bit of time on Drudge's site.

To be exact, each senator's office hits The Drudge Report 187.5 times per day. Each congressional office visits the site 70 times per day. And best of all, White House staffers check in on Drudge a whooping 1,353 times a day.

The numbers, based on Drudge's Report's daily traffic totals, suggest that Matt Drudge may be the most powerful guy in Washington, D.C., so no wonder the Democratic-controlled Congress is trying to block his very important message.

Revisionist History

Tom Hanks is out with an HBO series about the war in the Pacific called, predictably, "The Pacific." But Hanks' interpretation of how and why we went to war against Japan in World War II is a little unorthodox.

Hanks told historian Douglas Brinkley that, "They were out to kill us because our way of living was different. We in turn wanted to annihilate them because they were different."

The actor added to his scholarly explanation on morning television. Here's what he told MSNBC's Joe Scarborough:


TOM HANKS, ACTOR: "The Pacific" now is coming out where it represents a war that was of racism and terror. And when it seems as though the only way to complete one of these battles in this small specs of rock in the middle of nowhere was to, I'm sorry, kill them all.

And does that sound familiar to what we might be going through today?


No, Tom, it doesn't.

I think you're forgetting about a seminal moment. What was it called? Oh right, Pearl Harbor, the Japanese attack on American soil. I don't think the whole "different" thing had much to do with it.

— Watch "Hannity" weekdays at 9 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel