
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," August 22, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Joining us live from Aruba is Natalee Holloway's (search) mother, Beth Holloway Twitty. Welcome back, Beth.


VAN SUSTEREN: Beth, before we get started — I got a bunch of questions for you tonight — but any news in the search for Natalee?

TWITTY: No, no news, Greta. Nothing definitive. I think they're just doing the sand dunes. I think Fred was today. And I think the dive group is going out again tomorrow. And really, those are the two areas they're concentrating on now.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have they given up or abandoned the landfill?

TWITTY: You know, I don't know, Greta. When I spoke with Fred, he wanted to really systematically just explore every area of the sand dunes and even make his way towards the fisherman's hut. And I think that that is in the back of his mind, to possibly get to that next.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. You have now added to your team a new lawyer. Who's your new lawyer?

TWITTY: The new attorney that we'll be adding is Helen Lejuez.

VAN SUSTEREN: Any reason why you chose her?

TWITTY: Well, she has an excellent record, credentials. She's an ex-prosecuting attorney and ex-attorney general, and just felt like her expertise could be brought in for Natalee's benefit. And you know, we met with her last week and asked if she would please, you know, join in on Natalee's case, and she is.

VAN SUSTEREN: What is it that you think that she might be able to deliver differently? What's the sort of real reason of bringing her in?

TWITTY: Well, I think just a fresh pair of eyes to look at any of the investigation that's ongoing. I feel like, at this point, Greta, we are reaching out and just trying to cover every base. And if there's someone else that can contribute something towards Natalee's case, then we certainly want them to come aboard. I mean, we're just running out of time, we feel, Greta, and want to pull out everything we can.

VAN SUSTEREN: Beth, we lawyers are sometimes sort of a cozy lot. Sometimes we like each other a lot and sometimes we don't. But when we're cozy, we get lots of information. Because she's an ex-prosecutor, is she particularly friendly with the prosecutors on your daughter's case?

TWITTY: Well, that I don't know, Greta. It's early stages. We've only known each other for a few days. So we'll just see how it goes over the next week.

VAN SUSTEREN: Has she given you any sort of guidance about what she thinks that she can do differently?

TWITTY: Well, not yet. I mean, it's just too early right now. But we're just going to remain optimistic that this is a good addition.

VAN SUSTEREN: Any chance that your other lawyer, Vinda, is her nose out of joint at all that she's going to have some help?

TWITTY: Oh, absolutely not, Greta. This will be a smooth transition, and I feel like we can all work well together, and whosever area of expertise comes in, that we can move in a direction, and we need to go with that.

VAN SUSTEREN: In terms of expertise, there's a polygrapher on the island. Is that someone that your family has brought in?

TWITTY: No, it's not someone our family has brought in, but yes, there is a polygraph expert on the island.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know who brought him or summoned him to the island?

TWITTY: No, I don't have that information yet, Greta. I met him briefly yesterday. And we're looking forward to, hopefully, his equipment being utilized.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, we tried to track him down a little bit ahead of the show, spoke to his wife, who says she's not at liberty to tell us anything. Do you even know who called him to bring him to the island?

TWITTY: No, I don't have that information yet, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: So he's not someone you hired.


VAN SUSTEREN: OK. Do you know anything about the gardener or the jogger? Over the past couple days, we're hearing, you know, all sorts of conflicting information about the jogger, the gardener.

TWITTY: Well, as far as the gardener goes, I think that that his statement has gone before the defense attorneys, the prosecution, the judges, and I think that that he's proved to be a very credible witness. As far as the jogger goes, I had heard some information late today, and I'm not sure if it's correct or not, but that they had located the jogger. But I'm not definitive on that, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: Beth, I haven't asked you since Thursday night, so I might as well ask you now. Have you heard from the prosecutor? Has she called you up and said, Let's sit down and talk and I'll tell you what's going on?

TWITTY: No. I'm still waiting, Greta.


VAN SUSTEREN: Beth, over the weekend, I understand you met with the prime minister. What happened? Where did you meet the prime minister?

TWITTY: I met him in his office. And you know, the main things that we went over in the meeting, Greta — you know, I wanted to make it perfectly clear that — you know, Aruba is a small island. We agreed upon that. And this island, you know, it's well connected. Everyone knows everyone. And I wanted to make sure he knew there's no way that I will accept not having answers as to where Natalee is. And if I have to spend the next 40 years being the voice for her out of Aruba, I will. I am not going to accept that, especially with how the investigation was so poorly handled in the beginning. And the third thing, is anyone who can help put pressure — if the pressure needs to come out of Curacao, from the judges, to the defense team, to the prosecuting attorney — you know, if we've got specialized equipment on the island, just say the polygraph expert, that, you know, we need to utilize him. We certainly would not want to prosecute the wrong individuals.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you get the idea that you connected with him and got your message across to him, or did you think he was simply being polite and nodding and listening to the sort of — you know, the mother who's looking for a child, the grieved mother?

TWITTY: I think he genuinely sees that I'm not going to give up and I will not accept not finding Natalee for an answer. Like I said, this island is too small, it's too connected. There's no way that I will accept that.

VAN SUSTEREN: How long did you spend with him?

TWITTY: Maybe 30 minutes.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was there any point when he discussed the investigation and — you know, any sort of, you know, things that he thought where the ball had been dropped?

TWITTY: Well, I think we both expressed our frustrations from early in the investigation. And there's no one that would disagree with that, of the incredible mistakes that were made early on.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was he at all specific in identifying where he wished that the investigation had been, you know, more thorough or more complete?

TWITTY: Absolutely. Those boys should have never been released out of there on May 31.

VAN SUSTEREN: And he agreed with that.


VAN SUSTEREN: Did he say why they were released?

TWITTY: No. We didn't get into that, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: I mean, when is the last time you spoke to him?

TWITTY: The last time I spoke with him was probably early in June. And I will at least say this much. You know, Oduber and the minister of tourism, are the only two officials that have ever stepped forward to me on this island. And I told him I respected him at least for coming forward to me early on. You know, I was very upset that no one else has made contact with me since, but...

VAN SUSTEREN: I mean, is he going to do anything? Is anything going to change as a result of your meeting?

TWITTY: Oh, I don't know, Greta. The only thing I can do is make it perfectly clear what I will do.

VAN SUSTEREN: And when you made it perfectly clear that you intend to stay, how did he respond? How did he look when you said that?

TWITTY: Well, I think he knows that I'm genuine and I will carry Natalee's voice, if I have to, for the next 40 years. And if it's here in Aruba or if it's United States, I will continue looking for her, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: And September 4 is rapidly approaching. Do you have any particular plans, in terms of how you're going to put pressure on any of these people between now and the 4th?

TWITTY: No. I hope that I'm not the only one that's doing that, Greta. I hope there are other people that are also putting the pressure on them.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, Beth, I can tell you, by my e-mails, you got a lot of support here in the United States. Best of luck, Beth, and I'll see you tomorrow night.

TWITTY: Thank you so much, Greta.

Watch "On the Record" weeknights at 10 p.m. ET

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