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    Separated at Birth?

    Ever look at someone and think, "Hey, that person looks just like ..."? Well, now's your chance to help find all those political candidates who were "separated at birth." Each week we'll post the politician, then you submit a photo of his or her twin.    Keep it clean, and if it's someone you know, it's up to you to make sure it's OK for us to post the photo -- we don't want Uncle Bob getting angry at us. At the end of the week, we'll compile the best pictures and you can see who really earns the titled of "separated at birth."   Only photos with a valid accompanying e-mail address will be considered. Submit photos to UReport with subject line "separated at birth."

  • House Minority Leader John Boehner
    House Minority Leader John Boehner has a rugged, Marlboro man image (chain smoking helps) but also clear eyes that suggest this education policy wonk is tough but gentle. 
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  • Ever at the Ready Robert Conrad
    I dare you to knock this battery off Boehner's shoulder. Oh wait, that's not Boehner. That's tough guy actor Robert Conrad.
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  • Ohio Rep. John Boehner
    The House minority leader often speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill. 
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  • Robert Conrad
    Robert Conrad, who's turning 75 next month, has not spoken with reporters in ages.
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  • Published
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    Separated at Birth?

    Ever look at someone and think, "Hey, that person looks just like ..."? Well, now's your chance to help find all those political candidates who were "separated at birth." Each week we'll post the politician, then you submit a photo of his or her twin.    Keep it clean, and if it's someone you know, it's up to you to make sure it's OK for us to post the photo -- we don't want Uncle Bob getting angry at us. At the end of the week, we'll compile the best pictures and you can see who really earns the titled of "separated at birth."   Only photos with a valid accompanying e-mail address will be considered. Submit photos to UReport with subject line "separated at birth."

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  • Separated at Birth?
  • House Minority Leader John Boehner
  • Ever at the Ready Robert Conrad
  • Ohio Rep. John Boehner
  • Robert Conrad