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    Obama Pardons 'Apple' the Turkey

    Continuing a decades-old White House tradition, President Obama issued pardons Wednesday to a gobbler named "Apple" and its alternate, "Cider.' 

  • Pardons Apple the Thanksgiving Turkey.jpg
    Continuing a decades-old White House tradition, President Obama issued pardons Wednesday to a gobbler named "Apple" and its alternate, "Cider.' The two 21-week-old, 45-pound turkeys were raised on a California farm.
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    Fox News
  • Apple the Thanksgiving Turkey at the White House..jpg
    After the Rose Garden ceremony, the turkeys were to be taken to George Washington's estate at nearby Mount Vernon, Va., to live. For the past five years, the pardoned turkeys had been sent to Disneyland in California.
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    Fox News
  • turkey pardon.jpg
    National Turkey Federation Chairman Yubert Envia stands with Apple the turkey.
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  • Apple, the National Thanksgiving Turkey
    Apple, the National Thanksgiving Turkey, is pictured before being pardoned by President Obama during a ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House.
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  • obama girls.jpg
    President Obama stands with daughters Malia, right, and Sasha as he pardons Apple, the National Thanksgiving Turkey.
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  • apple the turkey.jpg
    Apple, the National Thanksgiving Turkey, is pictured before being pardoned by President Obama during a ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House.
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  • obama girls turkey.jpg
    President Obama and daughters Sasha, center, and Malia walk out of the Oval Office to the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington.
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  • Published
    7 Images

    Obama Pardons 'Apple' the Turkey

    Continuing a decades-old White House tradition, President Obama issued pardons Wednesday to a gobbler named "Apple" and its alternate, "Cider.' 

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  • Obama Pardons 'Apple' the Turkey
  • Pardons Apple the Thanksgiving Turkey.jpg
  • Apple the Thanksgiving Turkey at the White House..jpg
  • turkey pardon.jpg
  • Apple, the National Thanksgiving Turkey
  • obama girls.jpg
  • apple the turkey.jpg
  • obama girls turkey.jpg