
Just days after holding a rally in Washington, Tea Party activists returned Saturday to make one final stand against the health care reform bill ahead of an expected Sunday vote.

Thousands of Tea Partiers descended upon the Capitol in an effort to derail the march toward "Obamacare" by pressuring undecided lawmakers to vote "no" Sunday.

At times protestors broke into chants of "Kill the bill!"

More than 60 Tea Party affiliates organized the event in the four days since Tuesday's rally after organizers were flooded with requests to hold another one for those who couldn't take off of work for the first one.

Saturday's event featured actor Jon Voight, Reps. Mike Pence, R-Ind., chairman of the House Republican Conference, Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., and Steve King, R-Iowa.

"This is the final push, and the Democrats' last ditch effort to push through the most unpopular legislation in years," Bachmann said.

Bachmann rejected the notion that the Tea Partiers were gathering too late to stop House Democrats who appear close to having the 216 votes required to pass the bill on Sunday.

"They're exactly on time," she told Fox News at the rally. "Over 25,000 Americans came here practically on 24-hour notice. They can't wait to be the welcome wagon for President Barack Obama when he comes this afternoon for a meeting with House Democrats."

After the rally, Tea Partiers plan to confront undecided Democratic lawmakers in their congressional offices and convince them to vote against the bill.

Ana Puig of Pennsylvania said she came with eight busloads of Tea Partiers.

"The people are excited," she said. "They feel this is our last chance to really let these people here at the House know that we don't want them to pass this bill. It's unconstitutional."

Puig said opponents are ready to "fight like hell to repeal this bill if it goes through."

"The Tea Party Movement is real," she said. "We are here for the long haul. This is just the beginning for us."