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    Omneo: A digital way to keep the memory of loved ones alive

    Omneo Group, a Spanish start-up, is embracing the social and technical revolution and exploring a new – and inevitable – frontier: death. Using a chip and a website, people are able to create online profiles with stories, videos and photos that can be shared with family and friends.

  • omneo_resting
    Christian Crews, CEO of omneo (R) with the omneo resting system and the owners of a Miami funeral home.
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  • Omneo1_
    omneo Rest: a secure display system, designed by Jorge Varela, to hold omeno memorials at a cemetery or in the home.
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  • 20151217_121717
    omneo Memorial solidifies the deceased's ashes into the cube sculpture.
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  • Omneo_y_movil_NFC_con_web
    omneo Rest with self-adhesive and weather resistant Tap device attached, containing NFC technology which can be accessed with a smart phone.
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  • cube_mano
  • Tap_on_Headstone_sequence
    Tap can be affixed to a headstone or the omneo resting system, allowing users to access using a smart phone.
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  • Published
    6 Images

    Omneo: A digital way to keep the memory of loved ones alive

    Omneo Group, a Spanish start-up, is embracing the social and technical revolution and exploring a new – and inevitable – frontier: death. Using a chip and a website, people are able to create online profiles with stories, videos and photos that can be shared with family and friends.

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  • Omneo: A digital way to keep the memory of loved ones alive
  • omneo_resting
  • Omneo1_
  • 20151217_121717
  • Omneo_y_movil_NFC_con_web
  • cube_mano
  • Tap_on_Headstone_sequence