Fox News Voter Analysis

How to read these tables: The percentages to the right of each answer show the proportion of the electorate in that subgroup. When an answer is expanded by clicking on the +, the candidates' support among that subgroup is revealed. The percentages to the right of each listed candidate show how the particular subgroup of voters divided its vote.

Texas Governor

Do you describe yourself as a man, a woman, nonbinary or in another way?

37 1%
Sample: 3,387 Respondents

What is your age?

Sample: 3,386 Respondents

What is your age?

Sample: 3,386 Respondents

Gender, age 2 categories

All others
37 1%
Sample: 3,386 Respondents

What is your racial or ethnic heritage?

Sample: 3,385 Respondents

What is your racial or ethnic heritage?

Sample: 3,385 Respondents

Which of the following best describes you and your family's heritage?

Puerto Rican
44 1%
19 0%
Central American
32 1%
South American
33 1%
Sample: 3,382 Respondents

Gender, race 4 categories

Sample: 3,383 Respondents

Gender, race 2 categories

All others
37 1%
Sample: 3,383 Respondents

Age 2 categories, race 4 categories

Sample: 3,382 Respondents

Age 2 categories, race 2 categories

Sample: 3,382 Respondents

Which best describes your level of education?

Sample: 3,388 Respondents

Which best describes your level of education?

Sample: 3,388 Respondents

Gender, education 2 categories

All others
37 1%
Sample: 3,386 Respondents

Age 2 categories, education 2 categories

Sample: 3,385 Respondents

Education 2 categories, race 2 categories

Sample: 3,384 Respondents

Gender, education 2 categories, race 2 categories

All others
37 1%
Sample: 3,382 Respondents

In which of these categories is your total yearly household income, that is, of everyone living in your family household? Was your total household income in 2021...

Sample: 3,363 Respondents

Was your total household income in 2021...

Sample: 3,363 Respondents

Was your total household income in 2021...

Sample: 3,363 Respondents

Generally speaking, do you consider yourself a Democrat, a Republican, or don't you consider yourself either? Would you say you're closer to the Democrats, to the Republicans, or don't you lean toward either?

Sample: 3,389 Respondents

Party with leaners, gender

Sample: 3,387 Respondents

Generally speaking, do you consider yourself to be a liberal, moderate, or conservative?

Sample: 3,363 Respondents

Generally speaking, do you consider yourself to be a liberal, moderate, or conservative?

Sample: 3,363 Respondents

Which of the following best describes the area where you live?

Sample: 3,378 Respondents

Gender, sizeplace 3 categories

All others
37 1%
Sample: 3,377 Respondents

Race 2 categories, sizeplace 3 categories

Sample: 3,374 Respondents

What is your present religion, if any?

41 2%
48 2%
33 1%
Sample: 3,383 Respondents

What is your present religion, if any?

Sample: 3,383 Respondents

What is your present religion, if any?

Sample: 3,384 Respondents

Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not?

Sample: 867 Respondents

How often, if at all, do you attend religious services?

About once a month
73 7%
Sample: 1,143 Respondents

How often, if at all, do you attend religious services?

Sample: 1,143 Respondents

Do you or does any other member of your household own a handgun, rifle, shotgun, or any other kind of firearm?

Sample: 842 Respondents

Do you or does any other member of your household own a handgun, rifle, shotgun, or any other kind of firearm?

Sample: 842 Respondents

Have you, or has any member of your household, ever served in the U.S. military?

Sample: 870 Respondents

Have you, or has any member of your household, ever served in the U.S. military?

Sample: 870 Respondents

Are you the parent or guardian of any children under the age of 18, or not?

Sample: 873 Respondents

Are you the parent or guardian of any children under the age of 18, or not?

97 11%
Sample: 869 Respondents

Are you, or is anyone in your household, a member of a labor union?

Union member, self
65 8%
Union member in household
32 3%
Sample: 850 Respondents

Are you, or is anyone in your household, a member of a labor union?

Union household
97 11%
Sample: 850 Respondents

Do you consider yourself to be gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender?

73 8%
Sample: 874 Respondents

How long have you lived in your state?

Sample: 3,377 Respondents

How long have you lived in your state?

Sample: 3,377 Respondents

Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are heading in the...

Sample: 3,384 Respondents

Do you expect life for the next generation of Americans to be...

Sample: 848 Respondents

Which best describes your feelings about the way the federal government is working?

Sample: 3,383 Respondents

Which best describes your feelings about the way the federal government is working?

Sample: 3,383 Respondents

Which comes closer to your views?

Sample: 844 Respondents

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?

Sample: 3,384 Respondents

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?

Sample: 3,384 Respondents

Would you say one reason for your vote is to express support for Joe Biden, express opposition to Biden, or is Biden not a factor in your vote?

Sample: 788 Respondents

Would you say one reason for your vote is to express support for Joe Biden, express opposition to Biden, or is Biden not a factor in your vote?

Sample: 788 Respondents

Would you say one reason for your vote is to express support for Donald Trump, express opposition to Trump, or is Trump not a factor in your vote?

Sample: 778 Respondents

Would you say one reason for your vote is to express support for Donald Trump, express opposition to Trump, or is Trump not a factor in your vote?

Sample: 778 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job?

Strongly approve
46 5%
Sample: 847 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job?

Sample: 847 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following is handling its job? The Supreme Court

Sample: 864 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following is handling its job? The Supreme Court

Sample: 864 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following is handling its job? The Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI

Sample: 870 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following is handling its job? The Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI

Sample: 870 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following is handling its job? The Department of Justice, or DOJ

Sample: 863 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following is handling its job? The Department of Justice, or DOJ

Sample: 863 Respondents

In general, how much trust and confidence do you have in the news media when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly?

Sample: 3,387 Respondents

In general, how much trust and confidence do you have in the news media when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly?

Sample: 3,387 Respondents

Would you say Joe Biden is a strong leader?

Sample: 788 Respondents

Would you say Joe Biden is honest and trustworthy?

Sample: 786 Respondents

Would you say Joe Biden cares about people like you?

Sample: 791 Respondents

Would you say Joe Biden has the mental capability to serve effectively as president?

Sample: 776 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? The economy

Sample: 865 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? The economy

Sample: 865 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? Energy policy

Sample: 862 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? Energy policy

Sample: 862 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? Border security

Strongly approve
88 10%
Sample: 862 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? Border security

Sample: 862 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? Student debt

Sample: 863 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? Student debt

Sample: 863 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? Climate change

Sample: 860 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? Climate change

Sample: 860 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? Russia

Sample: 860 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? Russia

Sample: 860 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? China

Strongly approve
88 10%
Sample: 855 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...? China

Sample: 855 Respondents

Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is handling...?

Sample: 3,389 Respondents

Compared to previous administrations, do you think the Biden administration is...

Sample: 868 Respondents

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way Greg Abbott is handling his job as governor?

Sample: 3,355 Respondents

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way Greg Abbott is handling his job as governor?

Sample: 3,355 Respondents

Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is...

26 3%
Sample: 849 Respondents

Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is...

Sample: 849 Respondents

Which best describes your family's financial situation? Are you...

Sample: 3,380 Respondents

Asked in partnership with KFF. When you say inflation increasing prices was a factor in your vote, which of the following was the MOST IMPORTANT? Was it the cost of...

Child care
60 2%
Something else
97 3%
Inflation was not a factor in vote
51 2%
Sample: 3,345 Respondents

Do you think higher than usual prices are more because of President Biden's policies or more because of factors outside Biden's control?

Sample: 844 Respondents

How confident are you that: You could find a good job if you needed to

Sample: 3,342 Respondents

How confident are you that: You could find a good job if you needed to

Sample: 3,342 Respondents

How confident are you that: You can keep up with your expenses

Sample: 3,357 Respondents

How confident are you that: You can keep up with your expenses

Sample: 3,357 Respondents

How confident are you that: You can rely on having Social Security benefits in the future

Sample: 3,359 Respondents

How confident are you that: You can rely on having Social Security benefits in the future

Sample: 3,359 Respondents

Which one of the following would you say is the most important issue facing the country?

Foreign Policy
57 2%
The coronavirus pandemic
73 2%
Sample: 3,380 Respondents

Thinking about voting in this election, how important to you was each of the following? The Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision on abortion

Sample: 3,367 Respondents

Thinking about voting in this election, how important to you was each of the following? The Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision on abortion

Sample: 3,367 Respondents

Thinking about voting in this election, how important to you was each of the following? Inflation increasing prices for gas, groceries and other goods

Not a factor
51 2%
Sample: 3,368 Respondents

Thinking about voting in this election, how important to you was each of the following? Inflation increasing prices for gas, groceries and other goods

Sample: 3,368 Respondents

Thinking about voting in this election, how important to you was each of the following? The future of democracy in this country

Sample: 3,363 Respondents

Thinking about voting in this election, how important to you was each of the following? The future of democracy in this country

Sample: 3,363 Respondents

Thinking about voting in this election, how important to you was each of the following? Violent crime rates increasing from a few years ago

Sample: 3,372 Respondents

Thinking about voting in this election, how important to you was each of the following? Violent crime rates increasing from a few years ago

Sample: 3,372 Respondents

Thinking about your own community, how concerned are you about each of the following? The COVID-19 pandemic

Sample: 847 Respondents

Thinking about your own community, how concerned are you about each of the following? The COVID-19 pandemic

Sample: 847 Respondents

Thinking about your own community, how concerned are you about each of the following? The use of opioids

Not at all concerned
66 8%
Sample: 842 Respondents

Thinking about your own community, how concerned are you about each of the following? The use of opioids

Sample: 842 Respondents

Thinking about your own community, how concerned are you about each of the following? The effects of climate change

Sample: 846 Respondents

Thinking about your own community, how concerned are you about each of the following? The effects of climate change

Sample: 846 Respondents

Thinking about your own community, how concerned are you about each of the following? Crime

Not at all concerned
19 3%
Sample: 841 Respondents

Thinking about your own community, how concerned are you about each of the following? Crime

Sample: 841 Respondents

Asked in partnership with KFF. Would you say the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade had a major impact, a minor impact, or no impact on your decision whether to vote in this election