
A Portland State University archivist has uncovered a box of reel-to-reel recordings of campus speeches by figures such as Robert F. Kennedy and Allan Ginsberg.

KGW-TV reports (http://bit.ly/1npB7ri ) the recordings were warehoused after the format went out of use. The school has gotten a $10,000 grant to convert 275 hours to a digital format.

School spokesman Scott Gallagher says most tapes sounded "as clear as the day they were recorded."

Others on tape were Oregon Sen. Wayne Morse predicting devastating casualties from the Vietnam war, Nobel prize-winner Linus Pauling warning of birth defects from nuclear testing, and novelist Toni Morrison speaking on racism.

Ten weeks before his assassination, Kennedy campaigned at Portland State and told students to vote and remember "it was Kennedy who got you out of class."


Information from: KGW-TV, http://www.kgw.com/