
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 22, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

There's been years and years of talks by presidents about making our children safe again in their classrooms. This president is determined to finally get it done:


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: People sitting in my position did not take action. They didn't take proper action. They took no action at all. We're going to take action. We're going to do strong background checks. We're going to work on getting the age up to 21 instead of 18. We're getting rid of the bump stocks and we're going to be focusing very strongly on mental health.


GUILFOYLE: Mr. Trump held another sit down on the subject at the White House today, this time with state and local officials from across the country. In addition to gun law reforms and mental health screening, the president suggest arming some teachers to deter school shootings.


TRUMP: We have to harden our schools, not soften them up. A gun free zone to a killer or somebody that wants to be a killer, that's like going in for the ice cream. That's like, here I am. Take me. One of the fake news networks, CNN, last night was saying I want teachers to have guns. I don't want teachers to have guns. I want certain highly adept people, people that understand weaponry, guns, if they really have that aptitude. I think a concealed permit for having teachers and letting people know that there are people in the building with guns, you won't have, in my opinion, you won't have these shootings because people are cowards. They're not going to walk into a school if 20 percent of the teachers have guns.


GUILFOYLE: Not everyone is on board with that idea. So a lot of that progress in terms of the last two days, getting people together, Greg, to talk about these issues, brainstorming, coming up with some ideas. The president now has some specifics that he seems to be seizing upon.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: It's interesting that most of the practical solutions are coming from reasonable people, people that know statistics, understand the weaponry and can speak rationally. I have to say that we've gone through this a lot, a lot of these shootings, especially with The Five over the last six years. We have mentioned specifically these very solutions. We've talked about hardening soft targets. I remember every time there's a shooting I would say the same thing about Fox News has -- we're surrounded by security and the people that talk about gun control on TV are surrounded by security.

When you're on CNN or MSNBC or whatever, there're people who create a loop of fabulist armed security so they can go tell you why you shouldn't have a gun. We've talked about databases. We've talked about asylums a number of times. I guess my point is, it amazes me how narrow the media is on this topic that they act as if they've never heard these things before, that these are all like mind-blowing. Oh, my God. You mean, have armed security in schools? Well, you're criminalizing the schools. It's like, no. It's like these are not new ideas.

GUILFOYLE: They're protecting the schools.

GUTFELD: These are ideas that we have talked about and it drives me crazy. It just shows with anchors and people get the vapors over this stuff. It shows how blind they have been to this discussion and how they cordon themselves off from people with actual, sensible ideas. Instead of saying do something and then getting angry and emotional, these are actually practical solutions. But we have talked about these for years.

GUILFOYLE: Years. OK. Dana, what do you make of -- I guess the last 48 hours in terms of the discussions, the people that came to speak and brought in the ideas.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I think it's all been super interesting. And I was thinking about today -- let's talk about the president because I think the CNN town hall was something different. It was a different tone and tenor. One of the things that you do at a White House, I think they still has it there, it's called policy time with the president. This is usually something that is definitely not on camera. And it's where everybody that has a seat at the table, usually senior staff and relevant federal agencies, either the secretary or the deputy are there, and they throw out their ideas. And the president can say yes, no. You're actually watching that in real time today. For example, a couple of times the president said -- jumped in and said I don't like these active shooter drills. I don't like it and he explain why. For children it would be traumatic and why would we want to do this to them? It was interesting to see that.

And you also have a situation where the president in real-time is talking about ideas that aren't totally fleshed out. So when somebody says, well, the NRA is not going to support that. It's like, oh, yeah, they will. Then the NRA says, well, no, we actually don't support that when it comes to raising the age limit. But he's not afraid to walk over hot coals that most politicians aren't willing to do, to just say, well, I'll try that. I'm for that. Why don't we try that? Maybe at the end of this we'll end up with the bump stock thing, maybe something on the state level that deals with protecting schools and hard targets. I do think that some of that has to come from a local level.

You get people getting real specific real quickly. The president said what about giving some of these teacher's bonuses if they are adept at using weapons and they could be one of these teachers, and we could give them a little bit of bonus and incentive money. Immediately, the school board person there says, yes, could you tell us how we might actually pay for that because we don't ever have extra money for that? And the president is like, OK, we'll work on that later. You're actually watching policymaking in real time rather than getting it all finished in a nice package with a bow and then present it to the American people. So it's interesting.


GUTFELD: I love the bonus idea, though. That was a great idea.

PERINO: It's a businessman's idea.

GUTFELD: Exactly, bonuses.

GUILFOYLE: But it makes sense, right?


GUILFOYLE: What did you think, Jesse? I mean, obviously, I know you're very moved, as we all were yesterday. And then today was, you know, I think significant follow-up.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: I'm kind of struck by how the Republican Party is the party of ideas. To Greg's point, you've had so many specific ideas come out from the president's mouth about solving this issue. You've had a lot of specific ideas coming from the president's mouth about solving immigration. And we saw the same kind of organic, how the sausage is made kind of meeting with the immigration thing. You're seeing it with guns now. And I'm not hearing the same sort of ideas coming from the Democratic side of the aisle. I don't even know what the Democrats want to do on guns. I know they don't like guns. I know they want to ban AR-15's. But beside that in terms of school safety, what is the Democrats' position on school safety? I don't know what it is. Maybe Juan can enlighten me.

But we've just rattled off three to four to five, six, really great practical ideas. And the president, to his credit, is leading his party away from the kind of strict, I'm not going to do anything on guns stands that they've had in the past. It's a tired analogy. It's the Nixon goes to China analogy. I hate to use it but it's so appropriate here. If anybody can do something on guns and gun safety, it's going to be President Donald J. Trump. It's not like -- and the Democrats love to say this, the kindergarten teacher who's 80 years old, Ms. Edelman, it's going to be packing a 9-millimeter on her way while she's teaching one plus one is two. That's a scare tactic. He's talking about janitors or bureaucrats or administrators or teachers that are trained and have licenses, have a locked up weapon, so when the alarm goes off they can go do that. I don't see what the problem is with that. The Democrats seem to want to ban bad guys and good guys from having weapons. I don't understand why we would ban good guys.

GUILFOYLE: OK. All right, Juan, what do you think of the last two days now?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I think the signal event of the last two days is the young people coming out, Kimberly, in the way that they have and becoming a force in the political discussion about guns in the aftermath of what took place in Parkland. And then, the other side of it that's more fascinating to me in a sad way is the attack on the kids that have come from the right, calling them actors and puppets.

GUILFOYLE: Right as actors.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. And absolutely belittling young people because they stand up and say, hey, this is impacting our lives. Enough is enough. Do something. I think it's a cry that's being heard around the country. Now, you know, to me, when you talk about things like, oh, let's armed the schools, which is like -- seems to me the number one idea coming from President Trump, essentially, I think you're enlisting them in the NRA army because you're saying everybody has to have guns. We're going to have to have guns everywhere, even around our children. And I think with the proliferation of guns in schools, I think you can anticipate there're going to be more gun incidents in schools. And to me, that's not a good idea. I think what we want to do is speak clearly. The problem is because of the NRA and its power over the politicians, you get into a situation like you had last night at the CNN event where Marco Rubio, you know, he's saying I am for lowering the age limit, which is what President Trump has said with regard to the guns.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, we're going to talk about the next.

WILLIAMS: And people say, oh, no, you know. What about.

GUTFELD: Juan, your fixation on the NRA is your way out of a debate.

WILLIAMS: No, I'm glad to have.


GUTFELD: Which is on what we've talked about.

WILLIAMS: But Greg, I did. I said I think that arming schools is essentially asking all of us to enlist in the NRA army, so we don't have.


GUILFOYLE: Speaking of the NRA, if we can, Wayne LaPierre offered a fierce defense of guns right at CPAC.


WAYNE LAPIERRE, NRA: If they truly cared, what they would do is they would protect them. For them, it's not a safety issue. It's a political issue. Their goal is to eliminate the second amendment and our firearms freedoms so they can eradicate all individual freedoms. Evil must be confronted immediately with all necessary force to protect our kids. To stop a bad guy with a gun, it takes a good guy with a gun.


GUILFOYLE: OK. That was a line, Greg, that was well received by the crowd.

GUTFELD: Yeah. It's a well-worn line. We've heard this line before, but it's true. If you want an example of what he's talking about just listen to the police chief last night and I know we're going to talk about the CNN town hall in the B-block. But government, the police -- sometimes that police chief can't protect you. I mean, they went to that kid's house how many times? You know, they had like how many -- 30 some odd instances, and they booed the NRA at that town hall. So what I learned -- when I listen to that police chief is that a private citizen, which is a security or train personnel, could have stopped this because the police didn't. And that's the thing. It's like sometimes government just can't be there. And I go back to that other statistic that's been used. The duration of a gun attack is dictated by the arrival of a second gun. So if the gun is already there, do the math.

WILLIAMS: Let me tell you something that stood out to me watching Wayne LaPierre who I know. I thought Wayne LaPierre at CPAC, this is going to be Wayne LaPierre being feted, endorsed, applauded, Dana Loesch was there, Kimberly. I thought this is going to be their moment because this is their crowd. At one point, Wayne LaPierre says it's awfully quiet. Oh, I guess you should be afraid. You know what, I think there're lots of people who identify as conservatives and gun rights supporters who are uncomfortable at this moment and I think that's great.

GUTFELD: You're looking at a transition at the NRA. I think that he is the old face of the NRA. And I think the new face is Dana Loesch.

WILLIAMS: Don't tell him that. He would not be happy.

GUTFELD: Dana Loesch is the, I believe, is the future where you have a young, strong woman who can articulate this idea to young people, and brave enough to go in front. CNN offered such a great deal to Dana Loesch, don't come and we'll make fun of you, or come and we'll make fun of you.

WILLIAMS: Well, Marco Rubio showed up.

GUTFELD: I agree.


WATTERS: I want to address something you said in the beginning. You said we're going to arm the schools. That's not accurate. Not every teacher gets a gun. They're not going to have like Kurds above the school, with machine guns sweeping the grounds. That's insane. And you're saying you're enlisting them in the NRA army. That's just rhetoric, Juan. If you give one teacher, a trained teacher, a weapon to then use to neutralize a school shooter before police can get there, that's practical. That's safe. You feel safer being protected by weapons when you're at a football game. You're at a Ravens game. There's one police officer armed for each 1,000 fans. That's a good ratio. So if you have a high school with a thousand people you have one armed person. That's not an army from the NRA. And the NRA is being created to be a bogeyman because if you look at the statistics, the NRA doesn't donate that much money to politicians compared to other people. They donate less than unions.


WATTERS: They donate less that Planned Parenthood. They don't even crack the top 50 in terms of lobbying outfits. So listen, I know the NRA is powerful in your mind, but a lot of the politicians that vote with the NRA aren't doing it because they're beholden because they're getting a lot of donations. You can't buy a politician for $2500. They vote with the second amendment because they believe in the second amendment.

GUILFOYLE: I want to get Dana.

PERINO: Well, I want to bring up one other thing, which is the possible things that are changing. One of them has to do with something that's been a thorn in the side of a lot of people for a long time, especially on the left, is that the CDC, the Centers for Disease Control, because of an amendment that was passed 25 years ago, has not been allowed and has not been funded to study gun violence and mental illness and gun violence. All of those things get botched up. So one of the things we've talked about here is that it's better to make decisions based on evidence and facts and research so you can be logical about it and actually try to solve the right problem. Well, there's been changes now. It looks like, at least the secretary of health and human services, the new one, Alec Azar, looks like he's willing. He was in a hearing last week to look at this issue. Put some money toward it. And even the person, it's called the Dickey Amendment, former Congressman Dickey is actually thinking I didn't mean for this to actually happen over 25 years. I'm OK with having some research done. So it might be a small thing, but if you're wanting to make decisions based on research, then there might be a way forward.

WILLIAMS: But Dana, do you know why that is? It's because of the power of the dollar from the NRA that has shut that down and made it a political issue.

PERINO: No, I know. I used to answer questions about it all the time.

WATTERS: Obviously not that powerful because they're now open to doing it.

WILLIAMS: I mean, 25 years. That's how difficult it is. Greg said let's have real ideas and real conversations, I am so for it, but I think exactly the opposite of you. I think it's shut down by people who are fearful of the NRA.


GUTFELD: I remember somebody named President Obama who had a Democratic senate and Democratic congress.

WATTERS: They had a 65-45 majority in the senate, they voted on the assault weapons ban.

PERINO: Right.

WATTERS: Sixteen Democrats voted against it.


WATTERS: Nine are still in the senate.

WILLIAMS: I'm just saying, people are fearful of having an honest discussion.


GUTFELD: You say people when it's Democrats.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. I think that Republicans are totally locked to the NRA, and some Democrats are fearful if that they say anything, they'll suffer at the ballot box.

GUTFELD: I think you guys create this in your head so you don't have to actual give practical solutions that allow law-abiding gun owners to have their guns. So you create this big, like, we can't do anything. We're paralyzed. So you can't actually listen to the practical solutions that have been laid before you.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Well, more to come on the gun debate when The Five returns.

GUTFELD: Sorry about that.


WATTERS: Welcome back. Tensions were high last night at a town hall in Florida. Marco Rubio bore the brunt of anger from students and parents fed up with an action on gun control.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Senator Rubio, can you tell me right now that you will not accept a single donation from the NRA?


SEN. MARCO RUBIO, R-FLA.: So number one, the positions I hold on these issues on the second amendment, I've held since the day I entered office in the city of West Miami as an elected official. Number two -- no, the answer to the question is that people buy into my agenda and I do support the second amendment, and I also support the right of you and everyone here to be able to go to school and be safe.


WATTERS: And then, they directed their rage at NRA spokeswoman, Dana Loesch.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you believe that it should be harder to obtain the semiautomatic and modifications for these weapons to make them fully automatic, like bump stocks.

DANA LOESCH: Do you know that it is not federally required for states to actually report people who are prohibited possessors, crazy people, people who are murderers. No? We've been actually talking about that for a long time. Let me answer the question. Let me answer the question. You can shout me down when I'm finished, but let me answer the question.


WATTERS: I mean, that's a stark contrast, Juan, between the president's forum yesterday at the White House, which was filled with ideas and emotion and very polite and respectful. And that was just really ugly, I thought.

WILLIAMS: I didn't think it was ugly. I thought it was quite direct. In other words, the president, you know, was unusual. I think some here said they thought it was terrific to finally see that kind of discussion. We've seen it before with regard to immigration, but it was fun for people to get a look inside. The difficulty is -- people say it's a dog and pony show. He's got his notes, be sure to say I hear you and all that. But I appreciate the idea that the president would take the time and make the effort. I don't care about the publicity. I just think that was sincere and I hope that it was sincere in his part. Although today, when he says, oh, the NRA is patriots, I think, because the real meeting should be, what do you do when someone says, are you going to keep taking money from the NRA, senator? What about you, Mr. President?

WATTERS: You do have to give Marco Rubio credit for going into the belly of the beast because.


WATTERS: . the sound of the crowd.

WILLIAMS: Because, guess what, President Trump have the opportunity to go there, other Republicans who just said no.

WATTERS: OK. Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: Well, I mean, I try to focus on the positives. People show up and they go there and they try to have civilized discourse. I mean, to me, you're not getting as much out of the CNN town hall because people were just very rude and very disrespectful, and I don't like that at all. I enjoyed the president's, you know, two days of his meetings and listening sessions because I thought that you really have thoughtful discussion and deliberation and ideas that were put forth. I really enjoyed it. But when I see something like this, it just becomes almost like roman theater. Are they going to feed him to the lions next? I'm not sure what's happening there. Yes, I applaud Marco Rubio and Dana Loesch for going because they want to actually be part of the solution. They're not afraid to address people who have differing viewpoints. But you want to be able to hear them. Give them the opportunity to speak. Otherwise it's very like a circus.

WATTERS: And that was the difference because there wasn't a lot of listening, it seemed like, last night. It reminded you of one of these college events where a conservative speaker gets up there and everybody just yelled and drowns him out, and they don't hear the point of view.

GUTFELD: I feel very strongly about the CNN town hall. I thought it was absolutely awful. The White House meeting was able to do what was necessary to combine emotional and rational -- emotional feeling and rational solutions. It was a conversation that leads to action. I felt very hopeful after that. I felt like -- my God, for the first time in my life. This issue, something is going to happen. And then, CNN comes along and just pooped all over that feeling. I'm sorry. But that was the best NRA fund-raising letter you will ever see in your life because you saw people wildly applaud for things that aren't going to happen. The way they treat -- an entire semiautomatic band, the way they treated the guests who were there in good faith. CNN has a habit -- it's a pattern of taking a contentious issue under the guise of concern and then inflaming it. And I remember this with the police shootings.


GUTFELD: That they say, OK, this is a big problem and it is an attention loop that they keep putting attention on it until the story actually does become the story that they wanted to be. And then they do a story on that story. So it never stops. And they wonder why there's a Ferguson effect. Why do the cops pull back? Well, maybe they were demonized for two years. They're clouded by their confirmation bias and I want to just end -- they can't see how badly the circus was last night. The rest of America saw how bad that circus was. Jake Tapper is the best thing at CNN. He's probably one of the most balanced, sharpest dudes there. I felt bad for him. I felt that he was not in the environment that he wanted, but that's my opinion.

PERINO: Well, I think one of the things -- I think if the crowd had not been there, and if Jake Tapper have been allowed to maybe do more of the moderating and the directing of the discussion, you might not have had that mentality of the cheering. We have presidential debates, remember Chris Wallace made sure everybody knew, like, don't clap. We don't want to hear anything. It's inevitable sometimes when you have an audience that that happens. I think also the White House setting it immediately put everybody on their best behavior because it is the number one place in the world that you would want to be to have a discussion about freedom. Jonathan Tobin at National Review wrote a piece today that I think is really true. He said the only thing government could do that would give activists what they crave is to repeal the second amendment. But Democrats are too politically savvy because they don't want to have that debate because that would put them at odds with more than half of the country.


PERINO: But really, in order to achieve their goals, you would really have to repeal the second amendment.

WATTERS: And then they'd never win another election.

PERINO: Right. And so, when you talk about these practical solutions, it will never be enough to satisfy everybody. But you might be able to get some things that will help in some places.

WATTERS: All right. Nancy Pelosi is still raging that you can now keep more of your hard-earned money. Next.


GUTFELD: How do you know when something good has happened? The left implodes immediately afterwards.

Take the tax bill, which has twisted Democrats into bitter pretzels. I mean, when you're saying the bill benefits the rich, then you call the millions of rebates crumbs, you look stupid. It's like noting that a chef is fat while he's cooking free meals at a shelter.

So the tax bill must be awesome, because the hits keep coming. The Dems actually want to repeal it, and I hope they try.

In a recent town hall, Nancy Pelosi claims the bill was passed in the dead of night -- a massive lie, even for her. We knew more about the tax bill than we knew about her immense wealth.

On "The Five," we debated the damn thing for months. None of us loved it completely, because we knew what was in it. Unlike Obamacare, a flaming mess dumped on America's porch, at midnight. Then there's this.


HOUSE MINORITY LEADER NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: If what you're doing is cutting the taxes at the high end and therefore not being allowed to invest in the future, you're doing a grave disservice to our country.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's unpatriotic.

PELOSI: It's unpatriotic.


GUTFELD: Yes. So the bill is unpatriotic. How so? Are those millions of bonuses coming from corporations unpatriotic? I guess if it's not from Nancy's pen, then it's treason. Or is it the wage increases that came as a direct result of the cuts. Is that unpatriotic? I guess if it's not welfare, it must be evil.

The fact is to Pelosi, what's unpatriotic is any solution that her party, that hapless band of fools, didn't come up with. Whether it's immigration reform or tax cuts, it's not-- just not right unless it's done by the left. And then boy, does it suck.

All right. We have to play this SOT, which I just saw. It's Nancy Pelosi offering Democratic suggestions for border security. It involves a lawn mower.


PELOSI: Let's sit down and talk this through and see what makes sense. Not some commitment to a promise that we're going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. That's never going to happen.

But let's talk about where a more serious structure might be necessary, where fencing will do or mowing the grass so that people can't be smuggled through the grass. And that's something that levies technology, personnel.


GUTFELD: I think this is the rallying cry, Jesse, for the Democratic Party. Mow that lawn. Mow that lawn.

WATTERS: Was, you know, the mow the lawn and the crumbs. I mean, it's just a whole host of unforced errors from Nancy.

Listen, they've lost the tax debate, and their messaging has been atrocious. They've positioned themselves as being against people keeping more of their money.

And you see it in the polls. Even Democrat support for the tax cuts doubled from 9 percent to 18 percent. The rest of the American public, when you put it all together, I think it's now over 50 percent.

Juan the other day said something that I found very interesting about the popularity of the tax bill. He said he's surprised the tax cuts weren't at 90 percent popularity. And I'm very glad to hear you say that, Juan, that you would actually admit that 90 percent of the country wants to keep more of their money. Maybe the Democratic Party can listen to the American people and start cutting taxes.

GUTFELD: Juan, respond.

GUILFOYLE: Immediately.

WILLIAMS: If we have a poll on ice cream, apple pie, and grandmothers, what do you think the results should be? If it was 50 percent, you'd say, "What the hell? How can 50 percent of America not like grandmothers, apples and..."

WATTERS: Some grandmas are evil.

WILLIAMS: "... dumplings?"

WATTERS: Maybe they only gave them a little bit. Maybe they wanted more.

WILLIAMS: We have a tax cut Mr. Trump says is the greatest thing ever, and it's only now approaching 50 percent. And according to the polls, it's only, like, a quarter of Americans who say they've seen anything, any kind of bump in their pay.

GUTFELD: So it's bad.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.

WATTERS: Eight percent, 80 percent, Juan.

WILLIAMS: No, 25 percent. Twenty-five percent say this.

WATTERS: It's wrong.

WILLIAMS: It's not wrong.

WATTERS: It's so wrong.

WILLIAMS: And then you think about it, you think about the realities that President Trump says something and you guys play Nancy Pelosi because you love to beat up Nancy Pelosi.

PERINO: Listen, they're her words.

WILLIAMS: The walking witch of the Democrats. Oh, my God.

But Nancy Pelosi says something that makes total sense, which is the Mexicans aren't paying for this wall. He promised during the campaign the Mexicans. Now we're going to have to pay for it, and he's saying, "OH, you know what? We have ways to force you Democrats to pay for it." Why don't Republicans say that's just crazy?


PERINO: Well, I remember something that Chris Stirewalt said a few weeks ago. I think it was on "The Daily Briefing" show or the podcast, that the best thing that Nancy Pelosi could do for the Democrats in the midterms is wait until the Fourth of July recess and retire.


PERINO: Or now she's not going to run again as speaker. And let the new generation push it forward.


GUILFOYLE: I mean, this is -- I think it's just very obvious at this point that, you know, the time has come and passed.

What do Republicans need to say? Just let Nancy Pelosi keep on talking, to be quite honest. Because she's not making any sense. She says things that just are completely nonsensical. And the Republicans will sit there and go, at least we're coming up with ideas. At least we're putting forward legislation. At least we want people to keep more of their money to reinvest into the market.

So she's really, like, fighting kind of a losing cause and doesn't have any support or any good metaphors, analogies, or examples. Mow the grass.

GUTFELD: Or it could be she's on grass.


WATTERS: No one uses that word anymore. Right? That's like from "Dragnet." "We found some grass on him."

WATTERS: Juan uses it.

WILLIAMS: I asked Jesse, "Hey, you got any grass?"

GUILFOYLE: "The Five," up in smoke. Yes.

GUTFELD: Grass. All right. CNN's hypocritical ambush of a Trump supporter when "The Five" returns. Can't get enough of them.


WILLIAMS: Mueller indictments last week revealed some anti-Trump rallies in America were organized by the Russians.


WILLIAMS: CNN and other news networks covered them wall-to-wall unwittingly. So it's surprising to see one of their correspondents ambushing a Trump supporter for promoting an event organized on Facebook when she had no idea it was being staged by the Russians.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They were not Russians. I don't go with the Russians.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have nothing to do with the Russians.

GRIFFIN: Well, apparently you did.


GRIFFIN: Maybe you didn't know it, but you did.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, please. Those people that were with me were all Trump supporters. Very -- very much so.

GRIFFIN: And all, apparently, following the direction of groups that were associated with Russian who were actually infiltrating.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And please -- please report that I don't believe that. That's (EXPLETIVE DELETED). I know all the people that were with me, OK? They were at my meeting. They're all Trump supporters. OK?

GRIFFIN: But did you realize that you guys were in communication electronically with -- with Russians?



GUILFOYLE: This is so nuts.

WILLIAMS: You know, this is interesting because to me, the Russians were organizing Black Lives Matter, the anti-Muslim, pro-Muslim. They were just trying to divide.

PERINO: That's the point.

WILLIAMS: This woman obviously didn't realize that the Russians were the ones who were pushing her to get organized. CNN, though, I think might be guilty of a little bit of browbeating here, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: This is terrible. Just terrible. First the town hall, now this. Circus News Network. It's very sad. No, it's not going well. I don't like this. Why are you beating up on this lady? And it's like I don't understand. This isn't, you know, investigative journalism. It's bizarre. I don't even understand what they're trying to accomplish here.

And this poor lady. God help them. She's got quite a lawsuit if anything happens to her. Now she's being threatened and targeted online. Something happens to her, her family, like we saw with Steve Scalise. I can't even imagine. What's the point of this?

WILLIAMS: Jesse, but she didn't seem to acknowledge that, in fact, she was talking with the Russians.

WATTERS: Because I don't even think she realized she was talking to the Russians.

GUILFOYLE: Obviously.

WATTERS: I've done this dozens and dozens of times and ambushed people. I've never done it to a regular person at the side of their house. I don't understand.

Listen, the guy can go to someone's house with a camera and a microphone. That's fine. But his tone was so wrong and accusatory and so off. She's an elderly woman who got caught up, unwittingly, in some sort of, you know, Facebook page situation with the Russians. These were small rallies with a dozen people. She was liking a Facebook page thing.

This is much worse than what CNN was doing who, for four hours, broadcast a Russian-sponsored event and made it seem like it was a love rally.

And this is the second time they did this. Remember, they outed the guy that made a GIF of President Trump body-slamming the CNN logo? They blew that guy up, too, and then he was getting death threats.

WILLIAMS: And you have a situation, Dana, now where people are saying, well, they're unfair to this Trump supporter.

PERINO: Well, here's the thing. The Russians understand us sometimes better than we understand ourselves, and we're starting to catch up on that now.

We all self-select; we reinforce online. The Russians were able to exploit that, whether it was for Bernie Sanders supporters or Black Lives Matter or for Trump supporters. Basically, they would figure out a way to just throw a little chum in the water, and they knew that those people would go to it. They were figuring it out.

The trolls were coming after us, too. I didn't know that they were trolls. I thought that they were my fellow Americans being total jerks. And also that they couldn't spell or that they have terrible grammar. And once I realized that they were just Russians, I don't even bother with it anymore.

GUILFOYLE: I told you.

PERINO: And it would be very brave of CNN or, actually -- or anyone. Let's see a correspondent ambush a Russian. Let's go to St. Petersburg to that troll factory. Let's have somebody ask Putin about it in a way that is actually more aggressive than has been so far.

WATTERS: Good question.

GUILFOYLE: Are you available, Jesse?

WATTERS: Yes. But on the weekend, so I don't miss "The Five."

WILLIAMS: But Greg, when President Trump confronted Vladimir Putin, he said no, nothing to do with it.

GUTFELD: I know you're trying really hard not to make this story about what the story is.


GUTFELD: But the story is, bottom line, what CNN did. This is the result of confirmation bias. They see nothing...

GUILFOYLE: Yes, so true.

GUTFELD: ... but what they want to see.

They went to an average person's home. They should actually turn this into a TV show. Where they actually -- every day they should go to a person who represents something they don't like. Maybe they should go to a classroom and tell all the kids the truth about Santa Claus. Right? Because that would be -- that's the truth, right?

Or maybe send Neil DeGrasse Tyson to some old lady's house to tell her that hopes and prayers, they don't really work, because you're so much smarter than the average person.

They should -- they should do an ambush of their own producers.


GUTFELD: They should go to the producer's house and go, "Hey, boy, you were really stupid when you fell for that damn rally."

It -- you know, it gets me so mad. This act did more to affect the 2018 midterms than the Russians could ever hope for. Because when you look at that, you can never trust those people again.

WATTERS: It's probably the first time CNN talked to a Trump supporter.

GUTFELD: Well, there's Kayleigh.

WILLIAMS: I don't think that's more grievance than...

GUTFELD: I hope the nation's hall monitor, Brian Stelter, will cover this. Nation's hall monitor.

WILLIAMS: OK. Ahead, another miracle on ice. The U.S. women's hockey team striking gold in South Korea.


PERINO: It took 20 years, but U.S. Women have finally struck hockey gold, breaking arch-rival Canada's 16-year grip as Olympic champions with a final score of 3-2.

And what a game, a sudden-death shoot-out thriller in overtime, the first in Olympic women's hockey history. Juan, big day for the U.S.

WILLIAMS: A great day. I must say, our neighbors did not behave well. They wouldn't wear their silver medals. They were so upset.

But I just wanted to point out, how the U.S. Women's hockey players had to fight the U.S. government themselves, the Olympic Committee, in order to get equal pay...

PERINO: That's right.

WILLIAMS: ... the same kind of travel, the same kind of disability rights. So big victories this year for women's hockey.

PERINO: Big, big, big victory. What do you think about the sore loser that -- there was one Canadian. She -- she was -- they put the medal on her, and then she immediately took it off.

GUILFOYLE: Terrible.

WATTERS: I understand, because they dominate hockey. And it's 16 years. You know what? So I'm not going to pile on.


WATTERS: You know, she's upset, but she's a poor sport.

PERINO: I gave you an opening right there to pile on. You want to pile on?

GUTFELD: I'm against all this. I think every team should get a medal, every team. And they should all be one uniform level.

WATTERS: Participation.

GUTFELD: They should all get gold medals. This is just a disgusting display.

PERINO: Kimberly, save this segment.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I will do it right now. Win with dignity and accept the loss, as well, with dignity and grace. So I think it's unsportsmanlike, even though I'm unfamiliar with...

WATTERS: Sportswomanlike.

GUTFELD: Come on. Sexist.

PERINO: Anyway, congratulations to the women's hockey team from all of us here at "The Five." "One More Thing" is up next.


GUTFELD: I find it humorous.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Well, it's time now for "One More Thing." Kimberly, why don't you start it off and do it really well? OK, great. It's time for "Kimberly's Royal News."

GUTFELD: All right. Just do it.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, Bill Gates. Fine. I had the royal one first. OK, so this is actually very cute. It's a great video. And it's Microsoft founder Bill Gates. He's not royalty, and he also doesn't shop. So take a look at this. It's quite funny. He doesn't know the prices of anything.

PERINO: I thought it was funny. I did see this.


ELLEN DEGENERES, TALK SHOW HOST: One bag, Totino's pizza rolls.

BILL GATES, MICROSOFT FOUNDER: I'll go with 22. No, no, 15.



GATES: Eight.

DEGENERES: All right. Let's try it, $8, $8.99. Totino's.


WILLIAMS: I didn't think it was funny.

GUILFOYLE: We're all going to get those wrong. It's not easy to do the pricing. It also depends on where you live and where you're shopping or if we buy in bulk. OK, we have to go. Sorry.

OK, Dana.

PERINO: We don't have to go yet, because I have a "One More Thing." Luke Fox of West Chester, Pennsylvania, was thrilled when he got a notice for jury duty. The problem is he's only 11.

His mom says she couldn't request an exemption online, because there's no one labeled "too young to serve." He was a little bummed out because he actually was very excited to serve on a jury and sounds very qualified. He's a Boy Scout. He has organized a community food drive, does all sorts of great things. And this is what he said about what a good juror should possess.


LUKE FOX, WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA: Problem solving and being unbiased.


PERINO: I think Kimberly would have chosen him for a jury.

GUILFOYLE: I love him. I looked at him and thought, "Oh, my God. He would be a great fore person." Can you say fore person?

PERINO: Good job, Luke Fox. Seven more years, and you'll be on a jury.


GUTFELD: All right. FOXNewsPodcasts.com. You'll find my latest podcast with Rob Long. He's a producer and writer for "Cheers" and now "Kevin Can Wait." This is one of my favorite podcasts, because it's about how to write for television. And it's very honest and frank. Go to FOXNewsPodcasts.com.

Now it's time for...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. How does he get two "One More Things"?


GRAPHIC: Greg's Andrew W.K. News


GUTFELD: "Greg's Andrew W.K. News." All right. Andrew W.K., do you know who he is? I think we have vide of him. Throw up some video real quick. That's Andrew W.K. Can you hear me?

PERINO: I think he was on "Red Eye."

GUILFOYLE: Keep going.

GUTFELD: All right, Andrew W.K., he's one of my good friends. He was a regular on "Red Eye." He was just named Person of the Year by the American Association of Suicidology. It's a suicide prevention group. And they named him person of the year. And why is that? He's the most relentlessly positive person I've ever met in my life. Everything he does in music and when he does interviews, it's to help people. He's a great person.

PERINO: OK, good for him.

GUTFELD: Congrats.

GUILFOYLE: Good job. Juan, fast.

WILLIAMS: Last Saturday I went to see my friend's new play at the African- American History Museum in Washington. When you go to see a friend's play, you're never sure what to expect. In this case, it was terrific, well beyond my expectations. The play, written by my pal Chris Wilson...


WILLIAMS: ... tells the story of the 1961 debate between Malcolm X and Bayard Rustin, the militant black separatist. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think you know where you're going to go. And I don't think...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, we do. We can take up land right here, sir.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Right here. To us.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you argue that these people are not going to permit you to integrate.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are not going to integrate.


WILLIAMS: Hats off to Chris. He's ready to take the plate of the next stage. He's got a hit on his hands.

GUILFOYLE: Jesse fast. No.

WATTERS: OK, new study that shows drinking alcohol is the key to living past 90.

PERINO: That's excellent.

GUILFOYLE: That's all we have time for. "Special Report" is next.

GUTFELD: I'm going to live up till 270.

GUILFOYLE: Greg, get your hand out of my shot. Hi.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS: I have nothing. Thanks, Kimberly.

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