
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 6, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello everyone, I'm Dana Perino with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters and Tom Shillue. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

One hour, that's how much time is left for the White House to justify the president's temporary travel ban to a federal appeals court. They have until 6 p.m. Eastern to present more arguments to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The question then remains. Will the court reinstate the president's executive order?

Washington State and Minnesota filed paperwork to support their stance against the travel ban saying it would unleash chaos. On Friday, U.S. District Judge James Robart ruled that both states had standing to challenge the order issuing a nationwide restraining order against the immigration band.

This weekend the president tweeted, "The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law enforcement away from the country is ridiculous and will be overturned." Today Mr. Trump reiterated the need restrict some immigration during his first visit to CentCom.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: You've been seeing what's been going on over the last few days. We need strong programs so that people that love us and want to love our country and will end up loving our country are allowed in. Not people that want to destroy us and destroy our country. Freedom, security and justice will prevail.


PERINO: All right, so this is all coming down. I want to talk process before the merits of this. Kimberly, let's start with you because you worked with the 9the District -- I mean the 9th Circuit Court in California.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: I'm still licking my wounds.

PERINO: You have the scars from it. So the process is this --

GUILFOYLE: Oh, they never overturn this (ph).

PERINO: The district court had a ruling. I do think that the government's position, the federal government's position is going to prevail eventually but you have a problem potentially in that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, it's three-judge panel like it's two liberals, one moderate.

If that court does not agree with the Trump administration, then it reverts back to the lower court or they take it to the Supreme Court where we have a tie right now --

GUILFOYLE: Four - four.

PERINO: -- because we're waiting for Gorsuch to get confirmed. Do I have the process right?

GUILFOYLE: One hundred percent. You nailed it so I'm going to give you an honorary --

PERINO: I got an A, gold star in my first day back.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, that set of procedure --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You've never gotten to be, let's be honest.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, let's be honest -- let's be honest. No, so that's the path, right. But to be honest, does anyone really think that the ninth circuit is going to agree with the president? No, because that's, I mean, if you just study in terms of the case law and how they come down on certain issues.

PERINO: You don't think that they will?

GUILFOYLE: I think that they are not going to agree with President Trump.

PERINO: Really?


PERINO: Because I think the federal government's position is actually pretty strong because federal preference is given the president on these issues.

GUILFOYLE: I think that his position is extremely strong and I'm telling you that this is the reality and the historical precedent of the ninth circuit.

PERINO: They'll still deny it?

GUILFOYLE: Correct. So therefore, his best chance then is I don't even think going down to a lower court is going to be to the Supreme Court, but it's currently the way it's (INAUDIBLE) you would predict, you know, by again looking at case law in that aspect (ph) --

PERINO: -- better in the Supreme Court.

GUILFOYLE: He has a way better chance in the Supreme Court and does he need to now wait for his new justice to be confirmed? Does that take this so much further down the road because that's really ultimately the best chance that he would have in terms of someone that would actually just look at the law and uphold it and not try to, you know, legislate from the bench or let (INAUDIBLE).

PERINO: President Trump talked about this with Bill O'Reilly on Sunday. Let's take a look.


TRUMP: I think it was very smooth. We had 109 people out of hundreds of thousands of travelers and all we did was vet those people very, very carefully.

BILL O'REILLY, FOX NEWS: You wouldn't do anything differently if you had to do it over again?

TRUMP: Look, in life --

O'REILLY: Some of your people didn't really know what the order was.

TRUMP: No, that's not what General Kelly said. General Kelly who is now Secretary Kelly, he said he totally knew. He was aware of it and it was very smooth. It was 109 people.


PERINO: All right, Juan, so you know, on the merits or the process, where do you think it stands?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I think what you've -- the way you described it was accurate. I disagree, though, that the case is strong for the president. And the reason I say that is, remember what happened with President Obama with his order, trying to limit implementation of DACA, you know and the --

PERINO: The dreamers.

WILLIAMS: Yes. And the state of Texas said no, that's going to cause us some injury. And therefore the court ruled in favor of the state on the same basis. Yes, the president has the authority over immigration but if it's going to affect the state, and in this case you have Google, you have Apple, you have Uber and several others and the state of Washington saying they would suffer injury.

I think therefore there's a real case to be made, and that's what you're going to hear on the night circuit --

JESSE WATTERS, GUEST CO-HOST: I'm surprised your siding with big business, Juan. Usually --

WILLIAMS: No, I am. I agree with you -- I agree with you.

WATTERS: Poor Google, they have it so rough. PERINO: Well, 16 states have also filed an amicus brief and we have Washington State.

WILLIAMS: They have. Wait, with the states attorney general, but I wanted to just come to this point very quickly that it's interesting to me. I think the larger story here, because I imagine this will end up in the Supreme Court and it will be a 4-4 split and therefore President Trump is not going to win on this one.

But I think it's so interesting that congress, which has tried to stay out of president Trump's way. I think they are worried about the populist wave of Republican support for Trump. They want to ride the wave. They want to get what they can out of it.

But here come the courts and the courts are clearly not of the same mind. They're the big obstacle to President Trump at this moment and that's why Neil Gorsuch, his nominee to the Supreme Court, is now under pressure to say hey, Donald Trump, you can't go out there and call somebody a so-called judge and undercut the integrity of the judicial branch.

PERINO: The only thing the nominee has to say as he will rule based on the Constitution and doesn't have to stick it in a knot.

WATTERS: Can I just throw (ph) up the record from on here. I think the difference between the Obama smack down by the court and the Trump situation is this deals with national security. Obama was just trying to may be delay in deporting people, but there is a major precedent here.

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 gives the president exclusive authority to temporarily suspend the entry of any class of alien that would be detrimental to the interest of the United States, and the Supreme Court precedent. In '93, the Supreme Court said the president has a power to order an naval blockade to keep Haitians out of the United States.

So, this judge is an activist judge and we researched the judge and we found out in his spare time he does immigration pro bono work for refugees.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, the horror. Oh, the horror

WILLIAMS: What are you talking about?

GUILFOYLE: What a terrible person.

WATTERS: So there could be a conflict of interest and --

GUILFOYLE: Nice guy. Shame on him.

WATTERS: -- we have him on tape declaring that Black Lives matter. So this guy may have an ax to grind.

WILLIAMS: It's terrible. Let me just say --

WATTERS: Those are very strange comments.

WILLIAMS: I'll tell you what ax he has to grinds, a Republican Bush appointee.

WATTERS: So there were some never-Trumpers who also just like Trump too.

WILLIAMS: I mean you have no respect for him as a judge.

WATTERS: That's not true. You mean the so-called the judge.

WILLIAMS: So-called, not my opinion.

WATTERS: Just like my so-called guest host here.

WILLIAMS: Oh my gosh.

PERINO: When I was a press secretary, we had -- the president had introduced a bill called the Clear Skies Act and it was to deal with air pollution. And every single time the media would call it the so-called Clear Skies Act and would call and I'd complain.


PERINO: It was called the Clear Skies Act.

GUILFOYLE: That's actually the name.

PERINO: That's actually name.

SHILLUE: Look, they used that on him. I mean, this is a mild one for Trump. He didn't give him a special name like Little Marco.


GUILFOYLE: That's next.

SHILLUE: This was mild, I think. But, you know, does it really, Juan, does it impugn the integrity of a judge? Judges are political now. They are political. People attacked Scalia. You've got, you know, Ruth Bader Ginsberg is a hero of the left. They are political people now. We should stop pretending that they're not.

I mean, if you want to know if judges are political, look at -- how many judges have we seen walking down the street with a hoodie over his head because he's being chased by Jesse Watters?

WATTERS: That's right. Yes, I know I remember President Obama attacked the Supreme Court justices to their face at the State of the Union.

PERINO: And it was outrageous.

WATTERS: Outrageous. I remember you talked that was very outrageous.

PERINO: But one of the things Kimberly is that the state department does make decisions based on region and not religion but I do think that the state of Washington, when it files, it will claim religion. And part of the reason they're looking at that is one of the things that from the tweets that President Trump would put out and also what former mayor Rudy Giuliani had said about wanting a Muslim ban to be implemented. So, now we are a little bit in the situation where it's not clear cut necessarily.

GUILFOYLE: Right. But nevertheless they are going to have to look at the document on its face (ph) and to determine in whether or not there is in fact a rational basis to support the suspension in travel in the interests of national security. It is certainly within purview of the president.

He has an obligation to protect the United States and protect its citizens from threats and terrorist attacks and those that would do us harm and certainly from radical Islamic jihadists. So, he's going to be able to put that forward, that case. I think it's a very strong case.

I think if you saw President Obama doing this or President Clinton doing this, it would not be met with the legal ferocity that we have seen.

PERINO: Well, possibly that's also based on process though, Jesse, and that, well, I mean you had in the "Washington Post" and "New York Times" this weekend, senior staff at the white house saying we will do better and if those things had been put -- the ducks had been in a row initially they might not be in this situation.

WATTERS: Part of the chaos that you saw was that the Democrats sent protesters to JFK and L.A. to gum up the works. And CNN interviews every sad Iranian who got held up at the airport because they didn't make their flight. So I think, you know, maybe it wasn't done completely smoothly.

GUILFOYLE: Look at Juan.

WATTERS: But they didn't get a lot of help from their enemies either which I wouldn't expect.

SHILLUE: In what way could it have gone smoothly? In what way could they have released this, you know --


WATTERS: You don't want to warn people that (INAUDIBLE) and they pour in before you get this thing done.

SHILLUE: Don't you think the same things would've happened? The media would have treated it the same way. They still would have gotten the shots of the people.

PERINO: No, I think that they -- I think that there are a lot of things and I think that they know it too. It's what they're telling the "New York Times" and "Washington Post" that yes, they could've done better. And that's actually when you want or if you really want to change the subject, you give the media a process story and you have to make a full pivot.

I learned that from someone that I worked with before and I saw it done. It's not fun to actually say yes, we could have done a better job, but it actually is what allows you to turn the conversation around so that you can reset it. And I think they did it successfully in "The New York Times."

WATTERS: Well, I've done a better job during the segment.

WILLIAMS: They could have done a better job with green cards obviously, people. That was a terrible mistake. They didn't fully inform their own people about the change. I mean, they didn't go to the legal authorities in state, and intel, and justice and get it rolled out in such a way that people would've understood the president's concern about national security by keeping --.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's what Dana said. She's saying it's all about communicating the rollout which wasn't done as best as they could (INAUDIBLE) content of the law.

WILLIAMS: I know the president has come back and now say, Kimberly, instead that he thought the rollout was smooth. I don't agree.

GUILFOYLE: Well, he's saying when you look at the net effect, the impact, the 109 people. He said that his Secretary Kelly was behind him. Obviously it's going to be -- I don't think that under any circumstances could have been something that would completely smooth given the nature of it but nevertheless.

WILLIAMS: No, but there would have been controversy, but it would've been smooth in implementation was my point. And to finally to get back to Jesse's point, if there was a trigger here, Jesse, if there was something that it happened as opposed to the Kentucky massacre.

WATTERS: I'll tell you what happened. Do you want to know what happened?

WILLIAMS: No, here's what --

WATTERS: Trump was elected.

WILLIAMS: That's fine, Trump's elected --

WATTERS: So he's just fulfilling his campaign promise.

WILLIAMS: Is that right? So Jesse, you want a dictator and a king. I don't.

GUILFOYLE: When did he say that?

WATTERS: What's being a dictator by keeping what you have to say?

WILLIAMS: Because he just got to issue rulings and --

WATTERS: -- didn't issue any ruling.

PERINO: But you know what? The court is going to decide on whether the president has the latitude to do this. I think the --

GUILFOYLE: The president does.

PERINO: -- so saying so one thing (ph) they won't but who are we?


PERINO: All right, coming up, the president has caused another stir with some new remarks on Vladimir Putin. You'll hear that, and later we'll do some Monday night quarterbacking on Super Bowl Sunday. Stay tuned.


GUILFOYLE: Welcome back. Once again the president visited Centcom today for the first time in office. And here's more from his speech to the brave men and women of our armed forces.


TRUMP: Our administration will always honor our sacred bond to those who serve and we will never ever forget you. Believe me. We will never ever forget you. We will ensure that the men and women of our military have the tools, equipment, resources, training, and supplies you need to get the job done.

Today we deliver a message in one very unified voice to these forces of death and destruction. America and its allies will defeat you.


GUILFOYLE: President Trump is hoping Russia will help us eradicate Islamic terrorism from the globe. Bill O'Reilly questioned him about his position on Vladimir Putin and it made some headlines.


O'REILLY: Do you respect Putin?

TRUMP: I do respect him --

O'REILLY: Do you? Why?

TRUMP: Well, I respect a lot of people, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get along with him. He's a leader of his country. I say it's better to get along with Russia than not. And ii Russia helps us in the fight against ISIS, which is a major fight, and Islamic terrorism all over the world.

O'REILLY: Putin's a killer.

TRUMP: There are a lot of killers. We've got a lot of killers. What you think? Our country is so innocent? You think our country is so innocent?

O'REILLY: I don't know of any government leaders that are killers, I mean --

TRUMP: Take a look at what we've done too. We made a lot of mistakes.


GUILFOYLE: All right, so that was obviously a very interesting interview and he's also going to have more on it tonight on tonight's program clips we haven't seen. What do you make about the comments about, well, Bill O'Reilly calling Putin a killer and then president Trump's response?

WATTERS: It was a strange exchange when I first saw that. I didn't really know what to think of it. It's not something that I would have said. I think he was just trying to deflect and do some misdirection because Bill is pretty strong with him, and it wasn't a political answer. It was the answer of a businessman.

And the only thing I can think of he's trying to say is like I'm going to keep the relationship with Russia clean at the jump because we need them for leverage over the Iranians. We want to double-team China with the Russians. We want working with the pipelines, we need help with that. We need help with Isis. That's the only thing I can think he was trying to do there and maybe he doesn't need to slam the leader. He needs to move forward in the international arena right away.

WILLIAMS: Well, I'll tell you're busy like that one-armed painter, I mean, a wall to wall paper hanging (ph) -- you're spinning in every direction. Dana's face is about explode.


WILLIAMS: But it's all right.

GUILFOYLE: Faces of "The Five."


WILLIAMS: Eric will be back shortly.

GUILFOYLE: But he has security on "The O'Reilly Factor."

WATTERS: That's the point.

WILLIAMS: No, my point to you is you're saying that O'Reilly was so tough. O'Reilly asked him a real question --

WATTERS: That's a good question.

WILLIAMS: Good job, and then he says somehow that we, America, the United States of America, that we are engaged in this kind of activity.

WATTERS: It's funny that you're upset about this because the last president, President Obama said he believes in British exceptionalism.


WILLIAMS: You're off the rails.

WATTERS: And you didn't say anything then.

WILLIAMS: You're off the rails.

WATTERS: And so now he doesn't believe in America --

WILLIAMS: You don't want to talk about that fact that he just said that we, the United States of America are the equivalent of murderous thugs running the Soviet --

WATTERS: I don't think he was making a moral equivocation. I think what he was trying to say was maybe we do dark things to further our national interest.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my god.

WATTERS: And so does Russia. Do I believe --

WILLIAMS: I can't just pull you anymore. You're so deep in the hole, buddy.

PERINO: OK, hold on.

SHILLUE: I got a better idea.

WATTERS: I'm trying to get inside Trump's head for you, Juan.


GUILFOYLE: Clean up on aisle seven here.

SHILLUE: He's done it before though. He has done that -- he goes -- it's a weird answer. He's been asked about Russia and the guy says, oh, hey, you know we've done things. It's not a good answer, but I got a good -- why doesn't he say what is this thing about Russia, you keep asking me whether I like Putin, you know. The better answer is I don't know Putin. He was just I don't know Putin. I don't know Putin.

GUILFOYLE: He said that in the debate with Hillary. I don't know Putin.

SHILLUE: It's a strange thing, this obsession with Putin and Trump. We didn't ask Obama when he wanted to normalize relations with Cuba. We didn't get in his face and say, oh, what about Castro? He's a murderous thug. Do you like him?

PERINO: No, we did do that.

SHILLUE: I don't think we did.


PERINO: Yes, we did that.

SHILLUE: Who did that?

PERINO: This one right here.

WILLIAMS: I did it. I did it.

SHILLUE: You did it?

WILLIAMS: I did it. Right here.

GUILFOYLE: Even Juan did it.

WATTERS: Juan, but you don't believe that Trump is not a patriot.

WILLIAMS: Why would he call us, the American people --

WATTERS: He ran the whole campaign on nationalism and patriotism.

WILLIAMS: That's fine, but you kidding me that what you think -- you think American leaders, American presidents are poisoning our political opponents? No, I don't I believe it, Jesse.

GUILFOYLE: I think he's saying that, you know, we have gone to war. We have defended our country. This is not, you know, a country that has always lived in peace, right. I mean we have to do what we need to do to defend ourselves on national security.

WILLIAMS: That's a different ball of wax than poisoning people, invading neighboring countries.

PERINO: Throwing journalists out of windows from their apartment building.

GUILFOYLE: I think he meant to say what I said.

WATTERS: I think Trump would like to throw a few journalists out the window as well and he wouldn't say that on TV.

PERINO: But however, we don't do that. Therefore we are different.

WATTERS: That's right.

PERINO: We don't have thugs like that.

SHILLUE: I like the answer that when he says, do you respect Putin? He says, yes. I do not really like him but I respect him, that's funny.

PERINO: No, I almost went to like 99 percent of the way. All right, absolutely. In fact, when he said, "Today we deliver a message in one unified voice to these persons of death and destruction of America and its allies, we'll defeat you." And I'm like, that reminded me of you're either with us or you're against us. I'm with him all the way up until then. And then he seems to like say one thing --

GUILFOYLE: Well, I don't think he was referring to any U.S. presidents. I think he's referring to U.S. military presence versus like we don't have anybody that was the head of the KGB or was it like, you know --


WATTERS: It's a one-day situation. It is a small gaffe. It's going to be forgotten tomorrow despite what Juan wants it to be.

PERINO: Because there's going to be something else.


GUILFOYLE: Tom, you had another comment?

SHILLUE: Well, I mean, Mr. O'Reilly, who I will not criticize --


SHILLUE: -- he didn't say that Putin poisons people, what do you think of that. He said, kills people.

PERINO: He's a killer.

SHILLUE: He says he's a killer, OK. So he gave --

PERINO: Just like what is expected to understand what Trump meant and you're saying you know what O'Reilly meant when he said that.


PERINO: He's talking about people who mysteriously have organ failure because they are against the government.

SHILLUE: He did give him a little bit of, again, I'm not going to criticize Bill O'Reilly, OK.

GUILFOYLE: All right, for more on O'Reilly and Jesse's job security, catch "The O'Reilly Factor" tonight. More of that exclusive interview with president Trump, new clips that you have not seen yet at 8:00 p.m. eastern tonight.

And hey, did you stay up to watch the biggest comeback in Super Bowl history? I sure did and I've never seen anything like it. We've got a lot to say about the big game, the big halftime show, and much more when "The Five" returns. Stay with us.


WATTERS: You don't have to know much about football to realize something incredible happened last night in Houston. It's the first time in history that a Super Bowl game went into O.T. It's also the biggest Super Bowl comeback we've ever seen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tossed to White. He did it. Patriots win the Super Bowl! Brady has his fifth. What a comeback.

TOM BRADY, QUARTERBACK, NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS: Thank you to all our fans, everyone back in Boston, New England. We love you. You've been with us all year. We are bringing this sucker home!




WATTERS: So Tom Brady now has five Super Bowl rings, more than any other quarterback in history. Patriots ended up defeating the Falcons 34 to 28. So I thought the game was over at halftime, Juan.

WILLIAMS: I did too.

WATTERS: And then you know, you have the strip sack and you have them taking the sack in field goal range, then the holding penalty, the amazing catch by Edelman. Incredible game.

WILLIAMS: I did think it was an incredible game. I also thought it felt like election night for me. I was rooting for the Falcons. Oh my god, it felt like (INAUDIBLE). I thought it was over. I mean, I've got to just -- Tom Brady, incredible. Hats off. That was like beyond magic.

I got a thrill just watching him do that little bit there about saying I want to bring this stuff to home to Boston. That was sweet. I also got to give a hat tip to Matt Ryan, the quarterback for the Falcons. I thought he had a great game. And Julio Jones the receiver, made some catches beyond belief. Fabulous Super Bowl game. And Fox coverage, I'm a team member here but I thought it was excellent.

WATTERS: Yes, the coverage was fantastic. And Roger Goodell, the commissioner booed, like he wouldn't believe when he hands over the Lombardi trophy to Kraft, the owner of the Patriots, because you know he railroaded them with deflategate.

SHILLUE: Is that -- is that protocol or should he -- did he go through Kraft because he didn't want to have to hand that trophy to Tom Brady?

WATTERS: I would have loved to see him hand it Brady. I think they shook hands in one point but that was probably just a formality.


GUILFOYLE: Well, what do you expect?

SHILLUE: I celebrated --

GUILFOYLE: Right? I mean, come on.

SHILLUE: It was the coin toss. My big celebration was the coin toss in overtime because when the Pats won it -- you can't stop Brady at that point. It was -- when they got it I thought they're going to win this because if they threw a seven it's over.


SHILLUE: And I knew he was going to drive. I went nuts --

WATTERS: And speaking of coin tosses, we have this amazing footage of Bush 41 in the beginning of the game. Let's roll the tape on that.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President Bush, would you please toss the coin? It is tails. Atlanta has won a choice.


WATTERS: Powerful moment there, Dana.

PERINO: Even men would say they weren't ashamed that they -- to admit that they cried during that or got a little teary. Because just about ten days ago, President George H.W. Bush was in intensive care...


PERINO: ... for treatment for pneumonia. But he rallied and not only that but he said -- he and Barbara Bush said to the staff, "We have to go. This is Houston. This is our home. We have to go and help be good hosts."

And so I thought it was a great moment of American unity, for sure.

WATTERS: And Houston was a fantastic host city. I was down there doing some things for FOX. And every time I walked around, everyone kept coming up to me, "Where's K.G.?" Where -- athletes, media members. Where did you watch the Super Bowl?

GUILFOYLE: Sorry I infiltrated your world.

I was actually with my son at his grandparents'. And we had an amazing time, super fun party and great food. So you know, I was all in.

WATTERS: What did you eat?

GUILFOYLE: Well, I ate everything: from chicken wings, to chips and guacamole. A lot of that.

WATTERS: A lot of guac?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And that was pretty good. Also they had, like, delicious, like, spinach ranch dip.

But let me tell you something: I love football. This is one of my favorite things to do, was watch games with my father growing up. We had the best- time parties every Sunday to watch the games.

This was amazing. I have never seen a Super Bowl like this. And I just -- I kept watching. Because I'm like, this -- let me tell you something. Do not count Tom Brady out. I called it for the Patriots to win, which like so many people did. It's like, "Duh."

But then it wasn't looking so good, and then you hear the reports of all the private planes that were like, wheels up. You know?

PERINO: Oh, really?

GUILFOYLE: After the first half, yes, and they were all taking off.

PERINO: They were like mascot theory -- Dana's mascot theory.

GUILFOYLE: Dana's mascot theory.

WATTERS: Oh, really? Well, throw that theory out the window.

GUILFOYLE: and how about the two-point conversion?

WATTERS: Two two-point conversions.

GUILFOYLE: When does that happen?

WATTERS: It never happens. But speaking of Falcons, someone else was flying through the sky. And it was at halftime. It was Lady Gaga. Here, we have some tape on her.


LADY GAGA, SINGER: One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.




WATTERS: So let's go around quickly. Gaga, good or bad? How are you thinking?

SHILLUE: It was a great performance. You know, my daughter, after she jumped off the roof, my daughter said, "I can see the strings, Dad."

I said, "You're right. Lady Gaga cannot fly."

PERINO: That was Louise.

WATTERS: What did you think of Gaga?

PERINO: I thought she was great. And one of the things that was amazing also was technology. So when she was doing the pledge, the lights behind her were actually drones.


GUILFOYLE: Very cool.

WATTERS: Did you dig the Gaga or are you more of a Bruno Mars fan?

WILLIAMS: I like them both. You know, I like her music for exercise. It always pumps me up.

PERINO: Wow, the visual.

WILLIAMS: And I thought, how it was that she could sing, because she was - - I think she was in constant motion.

GUILFOYLE: Because she wasn't lip-synching.

WILLIAMS: And I must say, I thought those drones, that was the most incredible thing. I later read that they had to do it beforehand, because they cleared the air space. So it couldn't be live. It was taped.

But the drones, they used the drones to create the images, the flags. Unbelievable.

WATTERS: So Lady Gaga, well done?

GUILFOYLE: I loved it. I thought she smashed it. I loved that she didn't make gratuitous political comments.


GUILFOYLE: That she honored this country and the men and women that served. I love the way she sang. I mean, that, you know, to me is like this is what hard work and dedication and focus, to be able to sing that live and nail all of those cues to make that go perfectly. Not easy.

WATTERS: Because the buildup was whether or not she was going to get political.


WATTERS: And she didn't. She's smarter than she looks.

GUILFOYLE: I thought she was fantastic.

WATTERS: All right. Ahead, there have been lots of leaks...


WATTERS: ... coming out of the Trump administration...

PERINO: You're unbelievable.


WATTERS: ... about phone calls he's made with world leaders. The president thinks he knows who's responsible. Hear who, next.


WILLIAMS: Last week President Trump spoke with a number of world leaders, including the presidents of Mexico and the prime minister of Australia. Details of those particular calls leaked out to the press, and the president thinks he knows who's responsible.

In an interview with FOX News contributor Judith Miller, Mr. Trump blamed, quote, "Obama people," holdovers from the last administration. He said, quote, "It's a disgrace that they leaked, because it's very much against our country. It's a very dangerous thing for this country."

The president said those people are being replaced. Dana, what do you think?

PERINO: Well, I don't know the particulars. I know that -- that was a weird camera shots. Did you see that?

GUILFOYLE: I don't know what was going on with that.

PERINO: I'm short, but I'm not that short. As a White House press secretary or even as a deputy, I don't remember having to deal with leaks like this in my -- in my own personal experience. If we dealt with a leak in the media about a national security issue or a world leader call, it almost was always the other side that was leaking it. I thought Kellyanne Conway...

WILLIAMS: You mean the other country's leader?

PERINO: Right. So for example, we would do a call with the Iraqi government every other Wednesday and sure enough, before I got upstairs, Reuters would have a story based on the spokesperson from the Iraqi government reading out the call to them from their point of view. So then Reuters would call me and say what did you see or what did you hear while you were on the call? And so that was our stock up (ph).

We didn't tape the calls, these world leader calls. There were detailed notes.

So I think that the White House is right to try to track it down, but in my experience, it's usually the other side.

I saw Kellyanne Conway's comments, though, about how it was our allies that actually looked bad so that she didn't think that it was actually leaks from the other country, that they were coming from within somewhere in our government.

GUILFOYLE: I they think they're from Obama administration holdovers that are left on the National Security Council, and they're been -- fired.

WILLIAMS: I think a lot of the focus is on State, holdovers particularly at State at the moment, the idea being that the readouts had to go to State; and that it was leaked there.

But the contrary view is that there's so much going on inside the administration with various cliques and groups; and there's a lot of rivalries and distrust. And that this is not a happy situation, Tom.

SHILLUE: The -- as usual, the problem is not the leaks themselves but the narrative that's created by the press after the leaks come out. We've had mischaracterizations of all these leaks.

We had the -- they said he hung up on the Australian prime minister. He didn't hang up. They said he said he was going to invade Mexico. That's a mischaracterization of what happened.

So it doesn't matter. These leaks...

GUILFOYLE: I mean, you think?

SHILLUE: These leaks are perfectly innocent, the leaks, the information. If you look at what was released, it's nothing bad, but the press spins it into an anti-Trump story.

WATTERS: Right, so why would the Australian prime minister's team leak that he got hung up on? That's why I don't buy that it's always...

PERINO: I agree. Right.

WATTERS: ... our allies who are doing the leaking. I do think there are these people, either "never Trumpers" or Obama holdover officials...


WATTERS: ... that are trying to actively undermine the current president from within. And he needs to get to the bottom of it.

GUILFOYLE: He knows. He knows who's doing it. They're not going to be around. Trust me.

WATTERS: Throw them out the window with Putin.



GUILFOYLE: Pick up your favorite coffee cup.

WILLIAMS: By the way, Politico was reporting that Steve Bannon, one of the president's top aides, wants to hire his own P.R. person, Dana. Is this...

PERINO: I -- you know what? I refuse to believe that until there's actually more evidence of that.

So for today, you have Jackson Diehl, one of the editorial board writers of The Washington Post, writing an article about how the media got the national security, who was going to be on which principals committee, and et cetera, they got it wrong and that the White House didn't explain it well, and the media reported incorrectly. And so I think that the White House has a legitimate beef with the press.


PERINO: I also think, though, that in the articles this weekend, in which they have senior staff on the record saying, "We will do better" from the White House point of view, that maybe things will just settle down in a couple weeks.

WILLIAMS: So if you look at this from the outside, Kimberly, do you have a sense that it's been a rough few weeks as the president tries to come to terms with being president? With governing as opposed to campaigning?

GUILFOYLE: No, I think he's actually been very on point in terms of what he wants to accomplish. He's used to the press behaving like this. He expects it from places like The New York Times. So it's just sort of par for the course. He's been battle-tested for so long now that none of this is coming as any surprise. And he's trying to remain, you know, undeterred in his focus, in terms of what he's promised that he wants to do.

Sure there is going to be, like, you know, where you have situations where there's roadblocks or there's setbacks that you're seeing. But the press's unhealthy obsession with, like, Steve Bannon and the rest of it is just bordering on, you know, hysteria. And the misinformation that's coming out, it's just not true. I don't know it just from the outside. I know it from the inside.

WILLIAMS: All right. That's one lady's opinion.

Alec Baldwin was back...


WILLIAMS: ... doing his Trump impersonation on "SNL" this weekend. But that's not the skit that got everyone talking. This is.




I will put you in the corner with CNN.


MCCARTHY: You like that? You like that dork? What's that, dork?


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my gosh, look at that comparison. So what did press secretary Sean Spicer think of that? Brian Kilmeade got his reaction. Stay right here.


SHILLUE: "Saturday Night Live" loves to tear apart the new Trump administration. Alec Baldwin puts his spin on the president. Kate McKinnon plays Kellyanne Conway. And they've now added a new character to the mix, Melissa McCarthy as White House spokesman Sean Spicer.


MCCARTHY (AS SEAN SPICER): I'd like to begin today by apologizing on behalf of you to me. For how you have treated me these last two weeks.

You need some props? Are my words too big? When it comes to these decisions, the Constitution gives our president lots of power and Steve Bannon is the key advisor. OK? And our president will not be deterred. In his fight against radical moose-lambs.


GUILFOYLE: I have that.

SHILLUE: What, the whole thing? Was Spicer amused by that?


SEAN SPICER, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: It was cute; it was funny. I'd rather keep talking about the issues that the president is so committed to helping Americans on, but you know, it's part of American culture.


SHILLUE: Could have used some props there on that one.

Dana, you were in the White House in a more innocent time. Weren't you?

PERINO: I call it Victorian age.

SHILLUE: Did they ever do "Dana Perino"?

PERINO: No, I must have really boring.


PERINO: But that's fine. I didn't want the attention, and I think that's what Sean was saying.

GUILFOYLE: I loved the gum, the gum.

PERINO: He found humor in it, but that as the press secretary, you don't want to be the story. You shouldn't be. The story should be focused on the president.

SHILLUE: Yes, but they're going to...

PERINO: But it was funny, and I think Sean has a great sense of humor. I'm sure he laughed.

GUILFOYLE: I thought it was amazing.

SHILLUE: He -- he actually said "Saturday Night Live" was kind of mean, but he was talking about to Trump, not himself.

PERINO: Right.

SHILLUE: He took his own impersonation in pride.

GUILFOYLE: Look at the squirt gun. He said, "I'm going to wash out your filthy mouth with a squirt gun with soap." I love it.

SHILLUE: Are they going to be able to keep this up, though, K.G.? I mean, with the...

GUILFOYLE: Yes, of course.

SHILLUE: You think all through the four years they're going to be able to lead their show with a Trump thing?

GUILFOYLE: Well, I mean, I don't know. I think Melissa McCarthy is, like, unbelievably talented. And she was killing it on the Super Bowl, too.

SHILLUE: Hilarious.

PERINO: That was so funny.

GUILFOYLE: She had a very, very funny Super Bowl commercial. So I was like, wow, the two of those, she's just like the king. So there's obviously going to be, you know, some desire to have her come back and do this. Everyone was going crazy, because it was so hilarious. And CNN was in the cage in a diaper and the fake news. I mean...

PERINO: They'll do something soon that will surprise you, because there's plenty of material, and they will go after the Democrats, I think, within the next month.

GUILFOYLE: She is way better as Sean Spicer, I think, than Baldwin is as President Trump. No doubt.

WILLIAMS: Well, let me just say both of those casting moves were extraordinary. Because I didn't recognize her at first. I didn't know who it was, and it's even better when you realize it's Melissa McCarthy. It's just really -- she's transformed herself.

And the gum, knowing Sean Spicer and the fact that he chews a lot of gum, I just thought -- he said it was over the top hyperbole with the gum.

SHILLUE: He said it was too much. He doesn't chew that much gum.

WILLIAMS: He does chew gum, and he swallows it.

SHILLUE: Not like that, Juan.

GUILFOYLE: Not at once.

GUILFOYLE: That was super beast mode. I loved it.

SHILLUE: All right. We've got to go, all right?

GUILFOYLE: All right.

SHILLUE: "One More Thing" is up next.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing" -- Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, family pride just overflowing at my house this weekend. My son, Antonio, was named a Presidential Leadership Scholar for the class of 2017. The highly selective program seeks to help a diverse group of young leaders prepared to face society's and America's greatest challenges.

Tony, along with 59 others, will get to travel to the four presidential centers throughout the country named after presidents Johnson, Clinton, and both Bushes. He will hear from the former presidents, White House officials and more.

I could go on and on about this, about the amazing program, about my pride in Tony. I'm so proud of him. Anyway...

GUILFOYLE: God bless him.

WILLIAMS: Just wonderful. And I want to do a hat tip to my friend Dana Perino, who was the one who alerted me and Tony to the program.

PERINO: Yes, it's a great program. And I'll be speaking there May 12.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, nice.

PERINO: I wish that I could participate, because you get to meet a lot of people. And he is a great young leader.


PERINO: You've raised three of them, and the grandchildren are following closely behind.

WILLIAMS: Yes, so Tony's at Comcast, and he'll six months, dynamic, and build, just like Dana's talking about, a wonderful network of alumni to -- who really work together after the program.

GUILFOYLE: So exciting.

PERINO: Very cool.

GUILFOYLE: Congratulations to you, Juan.

PERINO: Yes, you're a good daddy.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. The best family.

PERINO: What about you, K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: Well, something slightly royal.


GUILFOYLE: Kimberly's Royal News.


GUILFOYLE: Yes, in case the crown didn't give it away. How's that?

PERINO: You got it?


OK, Queen Elizabeth II -- it's a little bit hard to look down and do this - - has become the first British monarch to reach the milestone of 65 years on the throne. Can you believe this?


GUILFOYLE: So they celebrated today with a 41-gun salute, which is really incredible. There you see it right there. And interestingly, she does not celebrate the anniversary of the date that she actually ascended to the throne and became queen, because that is the anniversary of her father's death. I can relate to that. So she didn't want to have a celebration on that day. So long live the queen.

PERINO: So this was the day she was -- that she was crowned?



GUILFOYLE: And she surpassed Queen Victoria as Britain's longest-serving monarch in 2015.

PERINO: I'll tell you, the women can live long...

GUILFOYLE: Such longevity.

PERINO: ... in the U.K., yes. Longevity is the word I was looking for.

GUILFOYLE: I'm Juan's queen. He may not realize it. He resists it. But he gave this to me for Christmas.


PERINO: Well, I don't have a cool nexio for this next thing, but I might try one, because I had never done a girls' weekend until this weekend, and I had so much fun.

I started out in Nashville at the National Cattlemen Beef Association. Nine thousand people. It was an amazing group of people. It was like -- it was like going home. I loved it.

And then I got to go to Ann Patchett's bookstore in Nashville, independent bookstore called Parnassus. Huge turnout, big fans of FOX News and "The Five." So -- and there's Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, who came to see us.

Then we got to go to the Opry, and we went backstage.

GUILFOYLE: Wow. Very good.

PERINO: We saw Trace Adkins. That's K.G.'s favorite.

GUILFOYLE: My boyfriend.

PERINO: And that's Josh Turner. Like, the deepest voice in country music and a fan of the show, which was good to see.

And then we went to Tootsies. We saw Jake Maurer, who is a wonderful singer, there. That's Kevin Lawler, Kyle Jennings. It was just, like, the best weekend. A lot of shopping. And Janice Gatlin (ph), too. Could not have been better.

GUILFOYLE: You had the best weekend ever.

SHILLUE: I love it.

PERINO: I had the best weekend, except for I wasn't at the Super Bowl, but Jesse was.

GUILFOYLE: I know. And you're nexie.

WATTERS: I was. I was. Speaking of milestones besides the queen, we have a lot going on. We have Tom Brady, five rings. We -- I think this year we actually touched down on Jupiter. And tonight, "Watters' World" has reached its 300th episode. So big milestone. We have a clip of it right here.


WATTERS: You don't know "Watters' World"?


WATTERS: I'm Watters, and this is my world right here.


WATTERS: Mr. Vice President, Bill O'Reilly has a question. He wants to know when you're coming on "The Factor."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tell him when he wants me, I'll try to come.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think he's ridiculous. I don't enjoy his show.

WATTERS: You think Bill is ridiculous?



WATTERS: That is me at a nudist colony. And there will be a lot more of that on the 300th episode of "Watters' World."

PERINO: Eyes up here.

WATTERS: That's right. Eyes on the prize.

PERINO: All right. Tom.

GUILFOYLE: Rough job.

WATTERS: Someone's got to do it.


SHILLUE: All right. The Wyoming, Minnesota, Police Department was live tweeting the Super Bowl yesterday. Check out this tweet. They said -- they weren't impressed with the commercial by Justin Bieber. It says, "If you drive drunk tonight, you're going to subject -- we're going to subject you to that Justin Bieber Super Bowl commercial the entire way to jail."


SHILLUE: Then they tweeted this at around halftime. "Scrap the Bieber punishment. If you're caught drinking and driving, we're going to make you watch the Patriots game tape. #Brutal."

But, late in the game, "We take back everything we said."

PERINO: I love it that they -- the police department is having a little fun, getting people to follow them on Twitter.

SHILLUE: Yes. I know. I wish people, you know, would be more loose with Twitter like that.



GUILFOYLE: You must admire someone.

SHILLUE: Yes, yes.

PERINO: Very good, K.G.

GUILFOYLE: Leader of the pack.

PERINO: Set your DVR so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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