
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 1, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5:00 o'clock in New York City. And this is "The Five."

A huge day for president-elect Trump and vice-president-elect Mike Pence, attending their first public event together since winning the White House, more than three weeks ago. In two hours, they will kick off their nationwide thank you tour in Ohio, a key swing state that helped them pull off the remarkable victory. Fox's John Roberts is live in Cincinnati, where the rally will be held tonight. So, John, I understand you also have some news on Mr. Trump's cabinet.



GUILFOYLE: Maybe he's getting some breaking news.

ROBERTS: I'm checking with my sources here.


ROBERTS: And the breaking news is that earlier today, we reported that General James Mattis -- General James "Mad Dog" Mattis, the former commander of Central Command that took over David Petraeus was Donald Trump's top contender for Secretary of Defense, but I was told it was not 100 percent. And the reason why it was not 100 percent was because of course anything can go wrong in a presidential transition and, B, because U.S. law states a person cannot take over a civilian position at the Pentagon within seven years from retiring from the military. Mattis retired from the military back in 2015and would require a special Congressional waiver from both the House and the Senate. And that the reason it is not 100 percent is because that waiver has not yet been drafted and of course things can go off the rails. So there are a couple of smaller alternatives who are under consideration just in case things go off the rails with Mattis. So I was just confirming with a Trump source on that. And it seems to remain where it is right now. There are some news organizations who are saying it's a done deal. I was told earlier today, being told again to treat that very cautiously because while Donald Trump does like the really like General James Mattis, would like him to be Secretary of Defense, it's not yet 100 percent a done deal.

On the Secretary of State angle, we're told yesterday that there were four contenders for Secretary of State. Two of them were named, Romney and Giuliani, some of the others that have been out there, Corker, General David Petraeus. He is meeting tomorrow with John Bolton, the former U.N. ambassador about the position, although some people doubt it. Bolton might be a better fight for the number two position at state, and that is deputy secretary. Still a very powerful position. But whether or not he got that job would depend on who gets the top job.

Donald Trump will be here in Cincinnati in a little while, 7 o'clock tonight, he has a big rally at the U.S. Bank Arena. At the back, it's little city, you can see some of the folks who were gathered here. He won the state of Ohio 52 to 43 percent over Hillary Clinton. Interesting, he did not win Hamilton County, which is where Cincinnati is located. But when I was here back in the beginning of October, he put about 16,000 people into the arena. Tonight, he's expected to pack it to the rafters and hold 17,590 people and some more on the floor. So there could be in excess of 18,000 people here tonight as Donald Trump begins his victory tour. The first time he's really been out at an any kind of an event like this since being elected president. Back to you, folks.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Thank you so much, John, for that update and identify your source. No, just kidding.


GUILFOYLE: OK. All getting the good information right up to the last second, right for the show. So, Eric, what do you make of this announcement that was sort of put out there but then a little bit of a walk back saying not just yet. We thought it was a lame, by the way, and then she got the nod.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Yeah. So they're going to take their time and this is mystery and intrigue. Again, I will tell you it's running very smoothly and the pace is brisk. They're ahead of schedule versus other administrations. Don't forget, he has a big task. He's coming in after eight years of Obama, he's making a lot of changes, and he's not tapping from the normal pool of would-be candidates.


BOLLING: He said he's going -- he wants to drain the swamp as best he can. Some say he's not draining it fast enough or well enough. His pool of potential candidates I think is far smaller anyone else would have been, either Hillary Clinton or another Republican. Very quickly, on this tour...


BOLLING: He starts in Ohio, they're saying it's more logistics than symbolic. And that's because of the Carrier tour, he went to the Carrier plant in Indiana. You start there and the tour is going to be Ohio, North Carolina, Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida, all the very important swing states that he won. I just love this idea. I'm looking forward to it. Again, this is going to be spread out over the next couple of weeks.

GUILFOYLE: Dana, what do you make of this rollout? Do you think you know it is well advised, it's a good idea to get out and thank the supporters?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Yeah. I mean, we kind of gave President Obama a hard time for the permanent campaign, but it worked for President Obama and he won the reelection. And I think for this, it makes sense. I admire it. I said I feel like I work in the Victorian age of politics, like everything has changed, and I can take the corset off now, I guess.

GUTFELD: Not here.

PERINO: Not on live TV.

GUTFELD: I'll wear it.

GUILFOYLE: You could use it.

PERINO: I read somewhere where one of the undecided voters that made up his mind in the last week said that it just felt good to be understood, and he liked going to the last rally that he was able to attend. And that he said it felt like being in high school and it was really fun. So if people want to lighten up a little bit, and have a good time, and enjoy this transition period because transition periods are usually fun. Governing is not necessarily that fun.


PERINO: The transition period can be a good time.

GUILFOYLE: And you said the other day good government is sometimes also boring.


PERINO: Good government is boring. It should be. We should want our government to be boring.


GUILFOYLE: I've got my quote. All right, Greg. What's important with you?

GUTFELD: Oh, I'm not sure if this is a victory tour or a thank you tour. I keep hearing one or the other.

GUILFOYLE: Can it be both?

GUTFELD: Well, if it's a thank you, he should go to James Comey's house.


GUTFELD: If it is a victory, he should go to John Kasich's and egg his house. So that's what you got to do. It's a struggle. But in a weird way, when I think about this and when I think about the large crowds over the primary season and everything, it kind of to me was a logical evolution of the tea party events. Breitbart would show up and there would be thousands of people and it would be this energy, and they're kind of similar in the sense they represented emotional release from a suffocating culture that spent eight years or even longer, perhaps decades mocking you for your beliefs. So these things are kind of like they're less political than they are festive. And I think Donald Trump fell in love with the applause and the idea. This is something -- I said it before, he's like classic rock band and he gets out there and they want to hear the hits and he'll do build the wall. He can't do lock her up anymore. He can't do that one. He can do drain the swamp, but I think I realized the swamp is now Fox News or Goldman Sachs.


GUTFELD: We're both being drained by him.

GUILFOYLE: And everybody loves swamp people.

GUTFELD: It's a great time in the swamp.


GUILFOYLE: Yes. It comes in handy. All right. So, Juan, what do you make of this? I think it's a nice thing to go out and say thank you. And have a whatever you want to call it, a thank you tour or victory tour, and get back out there and go like listen, I just didn't come in front of you to get your vote, I want to say thank you, and I'm going to continue to earn your support.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I mean, Dana says she's Victorian. I just feel like an old timer because normally the president- elect not only would he have some kind of structure and you know we would know exactly how he's going about picking a cabinet. But here we don't know and it looks like is he watching TV or picking these people from where we don't know, a lot of them I will say that, but a lot of them you just think wow, -- I mean, definitely not drain the swamp. When I look at people like Ross and even General Mattis that we're talking about today, I said these people have been on the scene and talk about anti-Wall Street. I don't see how you're anti-Wall Street with Ross. That looks like you know Goldman Sachs to the max, right. I don't get that.

But I do have questions about going out on this kind of very showman-like tour because there's no press conference, there's no explanation in general. And I just wonder you know as Greg was saying he can't say lock her up. I guess he can say build the wall. So what is he going to say? I would hope and pray for his success that he would say I'm here to unify the country.

GUTFELD: Yes, the unity is the important part.

WILLIAMS: I'm here to build support for my policies. And here are my policies. Now, if he's going about celebrating the Carrier thing today, today's paper is overflowing with hey guess what, this is not free market.


WILLIAMS: It's unbelievable.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Juan, before you jump the shark (ph), we're going to do that in the next part. But let's talk about communications and the messaging here. What should he say to these supporters?

PERINO: Well, I think he will thank them for coming out, for recognizing that he was a different kind of politician and he will probably talk about his cabinet pick. I actually think that the process has actually been more transparent than before. I don't even remember CSPAN setting up a camera to watch people coming in. So you actually know who is going in and out...


GUTFELD: Talk about transparent.


PERINO: Obviously. No corset there. Not at all.


PERINO: It will be interesting to see what he says about unifying the country. You're going to be in a crowd of possibly 18,000 people. They adore you. That's great, but there's a whole bunch of people who still are reeling from the election. How does he reach out to them? Does he have to? No. But I think that he probably will, in some way. You will see some sort of outreach...


WILLIAMS: I think it's important for him to reach out to people who are no the supporters. What we've seen in the last few weeks actually is his favorable numbers have gone up.

PERINO: That's right. That's what I'm saying is he doesn't feel he has to.

WILLIAMS: No, no. But I think he has to because as president-elect and I think it's important to say to all Americans, I'm for you. The problem is these are all Trump supporters.


BOLLING: Trump's thank you tour begins. He's going to go around the country and my guess is you have been flying over the country for too long, your voice is heard...


BOLLING: And he's going to try and muster up support for his policy issues, which is very smart.


WILLIAMS: Wait, hold on. That's grievance politics.

BOLLING: Fine. My point is that there's plenty of time. There's at least four maybe eight years to reach across the aisle, offer the olive branch, and say yes, let's unite the country on both sides.


WILLIAMS: I think he might be presidential.


WILLIAMS: At some point, he has to go from the candidate to acting serious.

GUTFELD: I think he can do both. He has to talk unity because -- I'm going to enter the hypocritical world that no one cares about. But if Obama had done a victory lap, this network would explode. We would be frothing. We would have pitchforks running down Pennsylvania Avenue. But I realize...

BOLLING: Do we have something like this?


PERINO: We gave him a hard time for the permanent campaign.

WILLIAMS: That was after he became president.

PERINO: I know.


BOLLING: He showed up at the Coliseum.


GUTFELD: He had that thing around his neck.

BOLLING: He lived the permanent victory lap.

GUILFOYLE: It sounds like we're going to Ms. President Obama.


GUTFELD: He's not going anywhere.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

Next, Carrier employees in Indianapolis got a special visit today from the president and vice-president elect after they successfully negotiated a deal to save more than 1,000 company jobs. Hear what Mr. Trump had to say about it all after a tour of their plant straight ahead. Stay with us.


BOLLING: President-elect Trump's nationwide thank you tour kicks off in less than two hours in Ohio, but he started his day in Indiana touring a factory where he saved 1,100 jobs from moving to Mexico. Mr. Trump and vice president elect Pence met with cheering workers at the Carrier plant in Indianapolis earlier and addressed the larger group of them after their tour.


DONALD TRUMP, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT ELECT: United Technologies and Carrier stepped it up. And now, they're keeping -- actually the number is over 1,100 people, which is so great.

You watch how fast you're going to make it up because so many people are going to be buying Carrier air conditioners. So I just want to let all of the other companies know we're going to do great things for businesses. There is no reason for them to leave anymore. Because your taxes are going to be at the very, very low end and your unnecessary regulations are going to be gone.


BOLLING: The president-elect also put other companies on alert that there will be consequences if they choose to leave the United States. The deal by the numbers, Carrier will invest $16 million over 10 years and if Carrier keeps those 1,100 people working, the state of Indiana will incentivize Carrier with a tax savings of $7 million over that period. Now, it's apparent that the president-elect recognizes how important manufacturing is to the economy. That sector alone contributed $2.15 trillion, with the T dollars, to the American economy. Dana, so he says that the manufacturing yesterday, there are tax incentives, but we'd like more companies to have tax incentives, don't we?

PERINO: Well, I think what I like that he said overall would be applicable to all companies, which is tax reform.


PERINO: I'm not necessarily for the individual picking and he also said companies will not be able to leave without consequences anymore. So what does that mean? And who is that for? And if Obama was doing this, we would be screaming about the free market, you should be allowed to do things. But what I like that Donald Trump is saying and I think it is true, and one of the reasons why the market has responded well is that the overall economic conditions of the country are set to improve. And that is why people will want to stay. Even Donald Trump himself when he talked about his ties over manufacturing in China, he explained why that the economic conditions of the country -- of this country were not good enough for him to stay. And I think if he would have been -- if they would have proposed a penalty for him or some sort of consequence, he wouldn't have taken kindly to that.


BOLLING: A $16 million investment Carrier has to make in order to get the $7 million in tax incentives keeping more of their own money.


BOLLING: Honestly, it's a win-win for any corporation that wants to buy into this.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I just hope that the message is sent let's try to do what we can to create jobs here and make this a job friendly environment for companies that want to be able to do business here. I hope we can also attract overseas to manufacture here and build here, so it's more of you know we're not exporting jobs and manufacturing and textiles and cars, automotive industry out of this country. But this is a place that becomes the place where people want to do business because of the business friendly environment. The other thing I want to say is that I saw a little bit of the White House's response to this that was petty to the families that are happy to have family with jobs and their loved ones to be employed, it does mean something. The 1,000 to 1,100 does mean something especially when you saw this administration spending billions on like phony mythical green energy jobs.


GUTFELD: You're picking winners and losers by using tax incentives. You're bribing somebody with their own money. Why is manufacturing the sector losing jobs? Because the manufacturing sector is doing better with less and the reason they're doing better with less, robots. Robots is the radical Islam of 2016.


GUTFELD: Nobody wants to say it. Technology advancement is responsible for 85 percent of all manufacturing job loss. So right now this is -- this feels good. It's an emotional symbolic victory, but you put a Band-Aid on a tumor. This thing is going to get worse.


GUTFELD: No, we have to start thinking about trade schools that teach people how to deal with robotics, how to deal artificial intelligence. We need to talk about this new world because these jobs are going away. There are going to be new swamps, millions of Americans who are going to be unemployed. There are going to be in the Silicon Valley who are trillionaires. And how are you going to deal with that wealth and inequality? It's not going to when you give these phone calls for a thousand people because you're just temporarily solving a problem. It's a bigger problem.


BOLLING: It could be spread across every corporation in America. Drop the tax rate, give them tax incentives. After all, it's their own.

GUTFELD: But if it's better -- if President Obama did this to Donald Trump and said look, I'm going to raise your taxes if you layoff those workers because Donald Trump has laid off workers.

BOLLING: I agree with that part. And I think this is something he may have to tweak. Don't penalize, incentivize. And that's a big difference. You're right.


BOLLING: I would say the consequences are loss of opportunity, keeping more of your own money.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God, you should offer yourself to the administration.


GUTFELD: I could be the robot guy. I could be.

GUILFOYLE: No, I know you want to be.

GUTFELD: Secretly, I do.

GUILFOYLE: Now, everybody knows.

WILLIAMS: It's not just robots. I mean, it's efficiency. Actually, manufacturing in the country having hit bottom is coming back up.


WILLIAMS: And you know why it's coming back up? Because of automation and efficiency. So exactly, you know, I'm reading in the morning papers the Wall Street Journal said not only is it a $7 million tax break engineered by Mike Pence who is currently the governor of Indiana, for Donald Trump, but guess what, Carrier is still sending 600 jobs from their plant to Mexico. They're closing a second plant in Huntington, Indiana. And in that plant, 700 jobs are going to Mexico. So, actually, we're losing more jobs than they're saving, but Carrier is getting this huge tax break. Bernie Sanders wrote today in the paper, he said you know, I want to work with Donald Trump because he promised he's going to get tough on corporations who are threatening the American worker. Instead he says Donald Trump is playing footsies with these companies, and saying oh yeah, if you threaten to go overseas, you got it, we will do anything you want.


BOLLING: He had the state kick in the $7 million.


WILLIAMS: Whose dollars? Don't you think that's the working man's dollars going to the rich man?

BOLLING: No, it's not. It's the company's dollars.


BOLLING: It's the liberal falsehood that you don't get. If you don't pay more money of your own taxes, you're not taking money out of anyone else's pocket. You're keeping more of your own money.


BOLLING: Take a look at this. It's a 19-second video. This is when the Carrier employees were told that their jobs were going to Mexico. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It became clear the best way to stay competitive and protect the business for long term is to move production from our facility in Indianapolis to Monterey, Mexico.


BOLLING: Now, there are 1,100 families that are pretty darn happy that this deal came through. I hate to do it, but we have to go, beyond our control. The outcome of this year's election should be causing Democratic leaders to rethink their party's message to the American people, but Elizabeth Warren doesn't seem to think there's any need to do that. You'll hear why and our thoughts when The Five returns.


WILLIAMS: The year 2016 was a very rough year for Democrats. We've got to figure out how to regroup before the next Election Day they're saying. Elizabeth Warren who some consider to be the future of the party, she isn't convinced that Democrats need to change their message at all.


ELIZABETH WARREN, UNITED STATES SENATOR: Out of touch when 2.3 million more people voted for the Democratic candidate than the Republican candidate, when the Democrats picked up seats in the Senate and the Republicans lost, when the Democrats picked up seats in the House of Representatives and the Republicans lost. You know, let's be clear, we are not the minority here. We are the party of opposition.


WILLIAMS: Bill O'Reilly on the other hand disagrees.


BILL O'REILLY, THE O'REILLY FACTOR SHOW HOST: Now, it is quite clear the talking points, the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton put the needs of immigrants, the needs of immigrants, some of them here illegally, above the needs of working folks. For the past eight years, President Obama has encouraged illegal alien amnesty for certain groups, sanctuary cities and a colossal welfare state. Meanwhile, the folks out in Indiana and other places are being laid off because corporations want to make a few extra bucks by moving to Mexico or another foreign country. Trump said enough. Thus, he won the election.


WILLIAMS: So, we're in a situation now where the Democrats in disarray and especially the big money people, I read a piece today in the Hill, and they said the big donors are just totally at a loss when the people are coming to them and saying we need to rebuild the party. And the donors are like we just burnt a ton of money here.

GUILFOYLE: That's right.

WILLIAMS: And Hillary Clinton way outraised Donald Trump, what do we get for our money? So if you are looking to write a prescription, if we act as a pharmacy, right here on The Five.


WILLIAMS: And you're writing a prescription for the Democrats, Kimberly, what would it be?

GUILFOYLE: Well, there would be a few. There would be a few. But, I mean, they need like a gigantic B12 shot. You know what I mean? Honestly, put them on a regular dose because they are lacking the motivation, the energy, the focus, also a little bit of insanity because if you do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result...

GUTFELD: It's me.

GUILFOYLE: Correct. So if you want to win huge, then you've got to do something different. What do they do? They put in Nancy Pelosi again. They are not getting it. They're tone deaf, and their donors shouldn't reward that kind of failure with more cash. It makes no sense, it's a bad business model.

WILLIAMS: So Greg, let's pick up on the Nancy Pelosi point--


WILLIAMS: -- for a second. So Howard Dean, who is now in the running to become the new Democratic Committee chair, he's the former--

GUTFELD: His nickname is idiot.

WILLIAMS: Well, I'll leave that to you.

PERINO: That's so mean.

WILLIAMS: That's not new for Greg.

But he makes a very important point. He says, look, this is the Baby Boomers getting in the way of the new generation of Democrats.


WILLIAMS: And in fact, he makes the point that Hillary Clinton, if it had just been up to people under 35, would have won going away.

GUTFELD: Well, here's the deal. When you -- when you're thinking of rebuilding or reinvesting in the Democratic Party, and you see people like Pelosi and Howard Dean, it's like adding a second floor to an outhouse. Anyway, I thought that worked when I wrote it.

GUILFOYLE: I'm not -- get that.

GUTFELD: There is a marvelous first going on right here. The left is being bamboozled by their very own left-wing strategies. They -- they are now no longer the compassionate ones.

Remember, it was supposed to be the Republicans that were evil and cold and unemotional and didn't care about other people. Now it's the left who don't care about the poor and the aggrieved, because the right has learned from them. In the race to Balkanize America, with all these little competing identities, they forgot what unity is. They forgot about America in place of identity. And now they're on the back foot, trying to figure out how do they talk to America, because they can talk to all of these little slivers of groups, but they can't talk to America.

WILLIAMS: Well, this is an interesting point, because right now I think the center of much debate is a piece that was written by a Columbia professor, Mark Lila (ph). And he said the Democrats are too identity obsessed--

GUTFELD: Exactly.

WILLIAMS: -- and need to become more about common identity. So Dana, the point I wanted to make to you is that you have people now saying that Chuck Schumer, the new minority leader in the Senate, needs to do more in terms of this outreach. Trump won 62 percent of rural voters in the country.

PERINO: So I don't think Chuck Schumer can match the width of Mitch McConnell, because Senator McConnell will play a really long game. What you saw the Democrats doing over the past couple of weeks and Elizabeth Warren just in the clip a moment ago, is they are soothing themselves with the truth, the fact that they won the popular vote by a substantial margin, but that's not where the fight matters. And so they're patting themselves on the back, but they're not going to be able to win a national election based on doing the same thing over and over again.

And here's the thing that I think worries them the most. Yes, the Republicans need to think about that popular vote, because they need to have more people vote for them. That's always a good thing. What will change that, if the economy improves. If the national economic conditions improve and cities do better, as well, then Republicans will probably be in pretty good shape on the popular vote in urban areas, because social issues are now obsolete.

WILLIAMS: So Eric, the contrary thought would be, "Hey, you know what? We're approaching 2018, and the party that holds the White House typically does not do well in midterms." Democrats think, "Oh, we're going to do well in '18."

BOLLING: But it lines up differently this year. Democrats have a lot of Senate seats to defend, and it doesn't look good. So the Democrats lose the House in '10, '12, '14, '16 and will likely lose it in '18. They lose the Senate '12, '14, '16, likely '18; yet they do the same thing.

What I think the Democrat [SIC] Party needs to do is reinvent itself the way the Republican Party reinvented itself with Donald Trump. Now, they need to figure out a way to hit the heartland. They have to get back to the flyover country and draw from -- from that. And they had it going. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders had that going, but frankly, they're not the ones to do it.

You need a dynamic young personality that has the same kind of views and values as the Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

GUTFELD: Anthony Weiner.

BOLLING: Not Anthony Weiner. I don't know who it is.

GUILFOYLE: Cory Booker. They're already preparing to run against him.


BOLLING: My point is, having someone with a dynamic, outgoing personality that has -- that hits home the way a Bernie Sanders--

WILLIAMS: Wait, wait, wait. A politician or a celebrity?

BOLLING: I don't know. I don't know.

GUTFELD: Tom Hanks.

WILLIAMS: Tom Hanks. We have so many ideas at the table.

Ahead, why you won't ever see Muslim terrorism covered on a popular American TV show. So many of the shows focuses on national security, but not on Muslim terrorism. Greg fills us in on that PC controversy next.


GUTFELD: The New York Times has an upcoming piece that asks if TV is fair to Muslims. It interviews writers, actors and so on. The problem? Programs with Muslim characters are often terror-related. Never mind that terror-related programs feature Muslim characters because terror-related realities feature Muslim characters. Eliminate that link, and you eliminate truth.

Take Joshua Safran who runs the TV show "Quantico," who says -- quote -- "For me, it was important to not ever put a Muslim terrorist on our show. There hasn't been one. This year we have the appearance of one, which is a spoiler, but it's not true." Well, how brave. He thinks he's fighting stereotypes, but he's simply obscuring truth. How does that help real Muslims? Wouldn't it make more sense to tackle reality than remake it as fantasy?

Fantasizing the innocence of any group has always been Hollywood's thing. The homeless man turns out to be a gifted pianist, not a junkie. The bank robber's just trying to make ends meet. Oddly, this treatment is never reserved for Christian couples on reality shows.


GUTFELD: Safran's mentality is a truth burka, a cloth to hide facts. The thing is, fiction that obscures reality to protect feelings reinforces a dangerous victimhood, linking grievance to retribution. Before he was killed, the OSU terrorist was taking a class that asked him to list micro-aggressions and which identity groups are victims. Now there's a plot point you will not see in Hollywood.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, literally, you're corrupting people's minds and making them mentally ill and turning them into jihadists. Seriously. Because now you don't even need to, like, go online and pick your dude or whatever that you want, right?


GUILFOYLE: You can just go to school here in college and listen to this nonsense and let the college that we're paying for with our tax dollars radicalize these guys. Do you see how crazy this is?

GUTFELD: I think it's -- it's making you crazy, K.G.


GUTFELD: You're hot when you're crazy.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Anything works for you.

GUTFELD: Yes. Well, a lot does.

Juan, we were talking in the green room about this. I can't remember why, but we were.

WILLIAMS: I think it's a fascinating topic, because I think it's so interesting. But so we -- you and I were talking about so, for example, do you play to stereotypes, especially if they are negative? Right? If you say, "Oh, gosh, we see here the Islamic jihadist radical terrorist," right? And is that representative or -- you know what I read somewhere? It said if this were Germany, would you -- would you depict a Jewish family in the midst of Nazi Germany. Well, some of these people are awfully good businessmen and awfully -- and they're very wealthy.

GUTFELD: That comparison is wrong, though, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Muslims are the minority here.

GUTFELD: But Muslims--

WILLIAMS: Jews were the minority there.

GUILFOYLE: Help him out.

GUTFELD: If you look at -- I would say Nazis and radical Islam are exactly the same. And so if you're going to portray a terrorist as a non-Muslim and portray him, I don't know, as -- I don't know, pick anybody -- if you were making a movie about Nazi Germany what would you do? Would you have them be Germans?

WILLIAMS: No, I would say that we have this radical element. But the thing is, I would think--

GUTFELD: But I mean, take Nazis.

WILLIAMS: I'm talking to--

GUTFELD: Would you not make them German?

WILLIAMS: Of course you would. But I'm talking to you--

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

WILLIAMS: -- about the minority in your midst that is already subject to heavy stereotypes.

When you look at the objection to Mike Flynn becoming national security advisor, it has to do largely with tweets that he sent out that were Islamophobic about Muslims.

GUTFELD: You know, the thing is, I'll take a tweet that's somewhat offensive over getting my head chopped off, Eric.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know. Right? I don't know. Think about it.

BOLLING: I think we probably all agree on that.


GUILFOYLE: Consensus, finally.

BOLLING: But it's not across all media; it's not across all shows. We talked a little bit about "Homeland." They don't shy away from it. They got called out, and they stepped up; and it literally--

GUILFOYLE: "Twenty-four."

BOLLING: -- was ripped from the headlines.

"Tyrant," another one where they're not hiding it at all. It's all about Muslim terrorists and Islamists. But "Designated Survivor" is a show I actually liked, and recommended.

GUILFOYLE: Another Jack Bauer.

BOLLING: I'm off. I'm off it.


BOLLING: They went P.C. a couple of weeks ago.

PERINO: Oh, that's why you bailed?

BOLLING: I'm just done with it, yes. What a great premise, and then they started in with that. They started candy coating, sugarcoating stuff, and it's awful now.

GUTFELD: They actually had in "Quantico," which I think its ratings are declining, something where they actually had a terrorist say the phrase, "Make America great again." I think that might have been the spoiler that actually -- and that was before the election. What kind of message are they sending?

The thing that I have a problem with, Dana, is that, if you portray a terrorist as Muslim, that is somehow racist. Islam is a doctrine of ideas. And we're not saying all Muslims are terrorists. We're depicting a terrorist who happens to be Muslim. How can that be bigoted? I don't understand it.

PERINO: I don't understand it either. But I also think, if Hollywood really wants to help -- and I've always thought the CIA should do things like this, which is basically psychological ops. And create Muslim heroes, Muslim-American heroes who are the ones that are helping find terrorists and to bring them--


PERINO: -- to either stop a terrorist attack or to inform on them or something that actually make them be the hero.

GUTFELD: I think "Homeland" had done that.

PERINO: A little bit. "Madam Secretary" is pretty good at that, too. But there's, like, not one character that you can--

BOLLING: They all get killed.


BOLLING: The ones that help out, they all end up dead.

GUTFELD: It's like--

PERINO: We need a superhero.

GUILFOYLE: Why don't we start profiling at college campuses in stupid classes about microaggressions that are radicalizing people and turning them into jihadists?

GUTFELD: There you go.

WILLIAMS: But the other argument would be you need a "Cosby Show" for Muslim-Americans.

PERINO: "All-American Muslim." It's on TLC.

BOLLING: Sure, there's a couple.

GUILFOYLE: And "Shahs of Sunset."

PERINO: Busby never wrote an article about them.

GUTFELD: I think we need a "Cosby Show" for short people. How about that?


GUTFELD: Yes. We are underrepresented, aren't we?

PERINO: Because we're so short.

GUILFOYLE: You want to do it with Dana?

GUTFELD: Yes. Well, I don't know.

What are you saying in my ear?

GUILFOYLE: Jasper's taller than you.

GUTFELD: Oh, OK. Just 24 days until Christmas. Time to pick our secret Santa.

GUILFOYLE: Three and a half weeks. Hurry up.

GUTFELD: Yes. Join us for that electrifying annual tradition, next.


PERINO: December has arrived. The national Christmas tree was just lit in Washington. President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama flipped the switch to light the 48-foot blue spruce for the final time a short while ago. Always a fun tradition.

We want to do one of our own annual Christmas traditions that everyone is so excited about. This is my block for the day, making our secret Santa pick. Everybody, let's go. Should I go first?


GUILFOYLE: Can you pick me so I can get some fuzzy bedroom slippers again?

PERINO: Also remember what you got last year?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my salami of the month club?



PERINO: All right. I've got mine. We'll go this way.

GUTFELD: All right. By the way, that tree was a living creature.


GUTFELD: And they chop it up and they electrocute it.

PERINO: Was that a microaggression?

GUTFELD: No, it's a macroaggression.

PERINO: All right.

GUILFOYLE: You did get me two years in a row.

WILLIAMS: Don't they plant it?

GUTFELD: No. They kill it, and then they electrocute it.


WILLIAMS: I think it is planted.

GUTFELD: Like I said, I think it's a beautiful tree. A beautiful, beautiful tree.

WILLIAMS: You know what I want to get?


WILLIAMS: I want to get Bolling, because last year Bolling gave me a Washington football team shirt.

GUTFELD: That's right.

WILLIAMS: I wear it. You didn't think I would wear it.

BOLLING: Do you cover up the Redskins logo?

WILLIAMS: The logo -- the logo's on the back somewhere. But it was a terrific gift.

PERINO: Did anybody get themselves?


WILLIAMS: Wait, I got myself.

PERINO: Put it back.

BOLLING: So we have to do it over again, because then he'll know I have him.

GUILFOYLE: Wait. Wait, you got -- you got yourself for real?

PERINO: OK. Put them -- everybody put them back.

BOLLING: We've got to do it over, guys.

GUILFOYLE: Juan did get himself.

PERINO: I got Greg. So now I'm going to--

GUTFELD: I got you.

GUILFOYLE: I got Eric.

PERINO: Wait. Who got -- put it back.

WILLIAMS: Typical confusion.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, man. I would have got--


PERINO: We're running out of time.

GUILFOYLE: -- your gift.

PERINO: -- before "One More Thing."

BOLLING: This show started with John Roberts on the phone.

PERINO: Now you go.

GUILFOYLE: Bolling, I need the Lasik eye surgery. Can you pick me?


BOLLING: I love this.

GUILFOYLE: No, I really--

PERINO: OK, check if you got yourself.

GUTFELD: That could conceivably happen.

BOLLING: I did not get myself.

GUTFELD: Every time.

GUILFOYLE: All right, little freaky. You go.

GUTFELD: How did you know that was my name in college?

PERINO: What's the big -- what's the big gift everybody wants this year?

GUILFOYLE: I want Lasik.

PERINO: What does Ronan want?


PERINO: Do we know?

GUILFOYLE: Well, he already got a puppy, so he's happy.

WILLIAMS: The big one is something called Hanimals [SIC].

PERINO: Hanimals [SIC]?

BOLLING: I saw that.

WILLIAMS: Yes. You can't even get it. You can't even get it.

GUTFELD: I can make -- make you one.

GUILFOYLE: And today, you've got the air streamers, the flying shark, like Sharknado, Bolling, that you like. Sharknado.

PERINO: What is it?

GUILFOYLE: It's a flying shark, remote controlled. It flies through the whole thing.

PERINO: In your apartment?


BOLLING: Do you know I was asked to be in "Sharknado," the last "Sharknado"?

GUILFOYLE: And what happened?

BOLLING: I was told I wasn't supposed to do it.

GUILFOYLE: Why? That -- that--

BOLLING: I'm going to go back one more time next year.

GUILFOYLE: -- that and "Celebrity Apprentice."

PERINO: OK. Who's going to wear the hat? All right, Greg.

GUTFELD: I'll wear that.

PERINO: Wow, you are in, like, the holiday spirit.

GUILFOYLE: Why? Because it fits--

GUTFELD: My head's too big.

GUILFOYLE: He's like a little elf. Look at him. Elven magic.

PERINO: Very good. "One More Thing" is up next, everyone.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing" -- Dana.

PERINO: All right. I'll kick it off. Of course, everyone's been watching this week the fires in Tennessee, eastern Tennessee. At least 10 people have died. Believe it or not, the people -- the fire service believes that these were human-caused fires, which is absolutely outrageous.

In response, country music legend Dolly Parton pledged Wednesday night to pay $1,000 a month to families who lost their homes in wildfires in her native Sevier -- I hope I'm saying that right -- County, Tennessee, until they get back up on their feet. She said, "I've always believed that charity begins at home." And she said that her companies, which include Dollywood, will help provide a hand up to those families that are affected. So you can check out--

GUILFOYLE: Is Dollywood in danger?

PERINO: I don't know if it's in danger, but it's right in the area.

GUILFOYLE: I think it is.


GUILFOYLE: So there -- OK, so we wish them all well. It's a very, very good cause.

All right. Eric.

BOLLING: OK. So we got some really, really good economic news today. First of all, obviously, the stock market made a new record high again today, but economic confidence, this is an important one. This is how willing you are to spend money. This is the way you feel about the economy going forward. We were minus 11 right before the election. It came out today at plus 6, and that's the highest it's been in eight years. So clearly, people are feeling better about it.

I talked about the record close on the Dow. Fifty percent of money people, people who manage money, think the economy is going to be strong going forward.

But this is a really, really important one. This happened this week. Home prices, you remember the massive housing dip, and everyone was like, wow, it went from $184,000 nationally per home, all the way down to a low of $134,000. And we just this week, this month, this week, the monthly numbers, made it all back, and we're now above the high it was, prior to the housing dip.

PERINO: Thanks, Obama?


WILLIAMS: Yes, thanks. That's what I was going to say. I was going to say thanks, Obama.

BOLLING: See this -- see this minus 11, Juan? Minus 11 was right before the election.

WILLIAMS: What about -- yes, no wait. You know what you should do?

BOLLING: When Obama was still president.

WILLIAMS: What about gas? You put gas prices and unemployment here. Gas prices, unemployment, GDP.

BOLLING: Oh, my goodness.

GUILFOYLE: Another excellent white board by Ms. Kyle Nolan.

GUTFELD: Why does it have to be white?

GUILFOYLE: Well, because it's -- the color is actually white.

GUTFELD: I don't see color.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, good for you.

GUTFELD: Hey, I've got an article coming up. It's on FOXNews.com. There it is. It's FOXNews.com/opinion. I talk about President Obama's recent slamming of FOX News. It's quite a read, if I don't say so myself. So I won't.

Therefore, it is time for this.


GUTFELD: Greg's Sports Corner


GUTFELD: Quickly, let's go to the cat ping-pong Olympics. This is Fluffy McWhiskers. Watch.


GUTFELD: Watch that reflex. She's won the gold in flicking ice. And this went on for over 37 hours. I'm not joking. Thirty-seven hours.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that sounds like animal abuse or something.

GUTFELD: Well -- no, she demanded it. She has a feline fetish. For ice. OK, we can stop it now.

GUILFOYLE: So weird. OK.

GUTFELD: That's what they gave me.

GUILFOYLE: All right, all right, all right. Enough.

GUTFELD: Don't blame me, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Zip it. OK, Juan.

WILLIAMS: So "Kimberly's Dating Tips." Just joking.

GUILFOYLE: Wait, what?

WILLIAMS: This is very sweet. Ferris and Margaret Romaire of Louisiana have been married 70 years. But guess what? They didn't have any wedding pictures. So their granddaughters arranged for them to have a wedding photo shoot for their 70th anniversary. And just look at them.

Here are their two big rules for a good marriage. One, give each other space, which is something that Eric and I try to do. And learning to say you're sorry. We're working on that one.

GUILFOYLE: You guys are the new "Hannity and Colmes."

WILLIAMS: Congratulations to Ferris and Margaret on 70 years of marriage. By the way, next year, I will be on 39.

GUILFOYLE: Wow! Congratulations.

WILLIAMS: Congratulations to Delice.

GUILFOYLE: You better come up with a big present. A nice piece of jewelry for your wife. She likes it, right?

WILLIAMS: She loves it.

GUILFOYLE: All right. I want to do something here that I did last year. It's very important. It's a wonderful cause, and you can go to my Facebook page. It is wreaths set graves. And if you remember this, each December, Wreaths Across America coordinates with Arlington National Cemetery to lay wreaths on veterans' headstones. But this year, half of our heroes could go without one, due to a shortage in donations, if you can believe this. So help spread the word. Visit WreathsAcrossAmerica.org to purchase a wreath. Sponsorship, it only costs $15. So find it in your heart and your pocket, please. The deadline to contribute is December 14. Again, you can click on my page or go to theirs to contribute.

Thank you so much. I hope you do it. And I will be very grateful.

Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us, unfortunately, tonight. But "Special Report" is next.

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