
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 25, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in Philadelphia and this is "The Five." It's day one of the Democratic National Convention, but the city of brotherly love, not so brotherly, and as for the love, not so much.


CROWD: Enough, enough is enough.

CROWD: Our convention.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who's convention?

CROWD: Our convention.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who's convention?

CROWD: Our convention.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who's convention?

CROWD: Our convention.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who's convention?

CROWD: Our convention.


BOLLING: Inside the convention the party is scrambling to recover from yet another e-mail scandal, this one forcing the DNC's chair to step down. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was supposed to call the convention to order about an hour ago, but she pulled out so the convention could, quote, "start on a high note." In a very controversial twist, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake did the gaveling in instead. Wasserman Schultz linked e- mails revealed a concerted effort with others at the DNC to undermine Bernie Sanders' candidacy. Clinton claims she knew nothing about it.


HILLARY CLINTON, PRESUMPTIVE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: I didn't know anything about it and I haven't read any of those. I don't know anything about, about these e-mails. I haven't followed it. I can't speak to what people who were not working for me, who were saying whatever they were saying. I can't speak to that. I can only speak to my campaign.


BOLLING: Watching "60 Minutes" last night, you didn't see that part of the interview. CBS chose to only air Clinton's answer on this bombshell story online. This morning, Scott Pelley backed up Mrs. Clinton.


SCOTT PELLEY, CBS NEWS: If I'm any reader of body language, I've known Secretary Clinton for 25 years. And I was struck as I was reading the e-mails to her in the interview, her eyes widened as if to say, what is this about? What are you talking about? She seemed genuinely surprised.


BOLLING: And literally, moments ago the DNC put out a statement offering a deep sincere apology to Senator Sanders, his supporters and the entire Democratic Party for the inexcusable remarks made over e-mail. The committee says it's taking appropriate action to make ensure it never happens again. Now we have a whole bunch of news in that intro, but Dana, I want to start with you on the "60 Minutes" selective editing of Hillary Clinton's answer on this e-mal scandal.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I mean, if I'm being kind, I think that maybe they didn't realize what they were doing. I do think that, of course, a lot of people in the media, especially at the senior level, they've known the Clintons for 25 years because that's how long she's been involved in politics, as first lady on up or even as governor -- the first lady to Governor Clinton. But I don't think you should start off by trying to say that you're fair by saying, "Oh, I've known her for over 25 years" and as I was reading it, I could see that it was first time. By the way, if it was the first time she was hearing it, where is her staff? Because she's going to do "60 Minutes" to introduce the vice presidential candidate and they don't prep her with this information that Scott Pelley has? I mean, it's not that he just like automatically got it. I just find that pretty hard to believe.


GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: They should --


GUTFELD: They should change the name from "60 Minutes" to 58 minutes.

BOLLING: Very nice, very nice. Another -- yeah, but (Inaudible), right?


BOLLING: KG, another e-mail scandal. You know, maybe they should speak -- the democrats should start using the WhatsApp.


KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Something like that, and the encryption. Again, this wasn't believable or credible. I don't think he did himself any, you know, favors as a journalist to go out on the limb to say that because it really is, quite frankly, nonsensical. Like Dana says, you don't go to an interview like that, which is a defining moment where you've announced your VP and you're going to be interviewed on "60 minutes" ill- prepared and unaware of the skep that we all knew about and it was breaking and coming out. Of course, they had to alert her to it. Of course, they had to give her with respect to the contents of it. And if not, and if she wasn't well prepared, this is just further evidence of incompetence of bad judgment, decision-making that isn't good and just obviously an organization and you know, disarray in terms of you putting your candidate ought there to be vulnerable and open to attack like that. And also, perhaps, maybe she's recession proof. She's a great actress.

BOLLING: Maybe, maybe. Oh, Juan, talk to me a little about who they replaced Wasserman Schultz with Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. Could they pick a more controversial replacement?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Not that controversial at all. She's the former mayor of Baltimore and she was involved with the whole incident about the young man who died and arguments over what happened in the course of the rioting there, but that's not controversial. It's long gone. Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is very popular right now with democrats and with the mayors and even some of the governors.

BOLLING: So, but why Baltimore? It's 95 miles away. What about the mayor of Philadelphia? I know he's a democrat, right?

WILLIAMS: Yeah, sure.

BOLLING: He's going to speak tonight as well.

WILLIAMS: He is. But no, there's nothing wrong with Stephanie Rawlings- Blake. I think, again, it's more liberal and I think fits in more with the Sanders crowd. But to me, really, even listening to your introduction, I'm thinking, boy, republicans after their disastrous convention last week are now trying to suggest, oh, democrats are going to have a disastrous convention, too. I think this is wishful thinking.

BOLLING: So this isn't any pandering to black lives matter or anything like that.


WILLIAMS: It's not pandering. I think, I think republicans are the ones who are desperate right now to say, oh, my gosh, that was the worst convention ever last week. He hoped the democrats --

GUILFOYLE: And she's the one that said let them riot. So that's perfect.

BOLLING: Greg, can we talk about the apology, DNC just released the apology saying, "Hey, we won't -- sorry, we won't let that happen again." A little late, they got their nominee, they got who they wanted.

GUTFELD: The real Olympics --

BOLLING: By the way, what's up with the shirt?

GUTFELD: Oh, this is the, "I'm with her" shirt, but I, I am wearing it because I like to change it to, "I'm with herb decriminalization." I'm with Hertz. I always rent with Hertz. It's very good. I remember Herve who play Tattoo in "Fantasy Island," a great guy. And finally, my favorite superhero played by Kevin Sorbo, "I'm with Hercules."

BOLLING: Very good, very good.



GUTFELD: Sure as -- but I'm not with her. What is going to say? The real Olympics are getting off to a better start than this.


GUTFELD: So Debbie Wassermann-Schultz is now Ted Cruz with a perm. And you were thinking there could be no woman less popular at the convention than Hillary.


GUTFELD: And Debbie Wasserman- Schultz goes, wait, I want to --

PERINO: She took the fall.

GUTFELD: I wanted, I wanted it.

PERINO: She took the fall.

GUTFELD: The only thing that could make this worse is Bill Clinton is caught hitting on the liberty bell.


BOLLING: Very nice. I look to this, how Hillary Clinton's campaign blames Russia for the leak of the DNC e-mails. They think it was done to benefit Donald Trump.


ROBBY MOOK, HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN MANAGER: What's disturbing to us is that we -- experts are telling us that Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these e-mails. And other experts are now saying that they are, the Russians are, releasing these e-mails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump. We also saw last week at the republican convention that Trump and his allies made changes to the republican platform to make it more pro-Russian. So I think we need to put this together, it's a disturbing picture.


BOLLING: The republican nominee mocked that allegation in a series of tweets including, quote, "The new joke in town is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails, which should never have been written, stupid, because Putin likes me." And he had this to say earlier.




TRUMP: I always knew she was highly overrated. I said Debbie, you're fired.


TRUMP: Get out, Debbie. Out. Boom. Debbie was totally loyal to Hillary, and Hillary threw her under a bus and it didn't take her more than five minutes to make that decision. Man, I don't want her covering my back, I'll tell you right now.


BOLLING: All right. KG, get out, Debbie.

GUILFOYLE: Debbie, you're fired.

BOLLING: Get out.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I don't know, pretty rough. That was actually probably even mild for Trump. But you know, this is obviously is not a good day or favorable for Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and yes, she is getting thrown under the DNC convention bus for sure. But she has been unbelievably loyal to the Clintons for many, many years, and she promised to deliver this convention, the nomination to Hillary Clinton, and she pretty much did. But this is really embarrassing for them especially on the -- you know, tonight, the first night, you have Michelle Obama speaking. This is just not favorable, no matter what anybody says. Juan, you got to admit, this is not an auspicious beginning.

WILLIAMS: You must have forgotten the name Corey Lewandowski. I think Trump threw him under the bus. You seemed to forgotten that. But I think what's interesting here is that the FBI has now announce that they have launch an investigation to see if the Russians really did spread this intentionally to help Trump. And we know about Trump's bromance, you know, that's the word --

BOLLING: Does it matter if --

WILLIAMS: That's what (inaudible) to say.

BOLLING: Does it matter what ...

WILLIAMS: Let me finish.

BOLLING: ... is the advantage, though?

WILLIAMS: Trump's bromance between Putin and Donald Trump.

BOLLING: No, you would have to tie Trump to it, though. Wouldn't you Juan?


BOLLING: It doesn't matter what his motivation is.

WILLIAMS: Well, he -- well, Trump has --


WILLIAMS: Trump has praised not only Putin, but every other dictator in the world. And Putin said that he likes Trump. So we don't have to tie it. They've said it. They've given personal testimonies.

BOLLING: But these e-mails have a tie to the Clinton campaign.


BOLLING: That's the difference, right?

WILLIAMS: No. It doesn't matter. As Greg pointed out last week, it's not right what WikiLeaks is doing, but the idea here is that WikiLeaks didn't even do the hacking. "The Washington Post" reported in June that the Russians had hacked the DNC ...

BOLLING: But Juan --

WILLIAMS: ... and they gave it to WikiLeaks.

BOLLING: All I'm saying is that there are these, in these e-mails that WikiLeaks found or were given by the Russians, even if they were given by the Russians has operatives within the Hillary Clinton campaign e-mailing with other people, with media, very --

GUILFOYLE: Showing collusion, crackling.

WILLIAMS: There is no collusion.


WILLIAMS: There is no collusion and talking to the press.


PERINO: I would just hope that republican or democrat, independent, libertarian, and whoever it is, we could all agree that we do not want and it's highly inappropriate and illegal for any country outside of the United States to meddle in our elections. We can meddle with our own elections. We're obviously doing a pretty good job with it in 2016. So hopefully everybody can agree on that and I don't think the FBI just launched this investigation by reading their statement. Seems to me the investigation probably started back in June when they had the initial --


PERINO: When they had the initial leak.


BOLLING: Do anything this whole e-mail scandal, what -- were the Russians involved, does it matter?

GUTFELD: Uhm, maybe, maybe not. What bugs me about it is that the reason why that they --what they were trying to do was go after Bernie Sanders for being, maybe an atheist. As of being an atheist is a really bad thing. Atheists didn't just try to shoot up a wine bar in Germany. Atheists aren't shoot, didn't shoot up a gay club in Orlando. And atheists did not drive a truck into a crowd in France. An Islamist did. A religious --

GUILFOYLE: Or in San Bernardino.

GUTFELD: A religious extremist did, an Atheists don't do that. The One other thing about we have to learn is, we're beginning to think is everything more corrupt than it is. I think the explosion of communication makes hacking obviously -- makes the communication more vulnerable. I don't think we're seeing more corruption. We're just finally seeing what's behind the curtain ...

BOLLING: Do you --

GUTFELD: ... that's been going on for decades.

PERINO: And then politics that's happening.


BOLLING: Do you think Hillary Clinton knew that her operatives, people in her campaign were working, they have e-mailing back and forth with the DNC and bringing up these things about Bernie Sanders?

GUTFELD: She might have. I think that like she's -- she doesn't even know what her own e-mails are.

BOLLING: That's a good point. What do you guys think?

WILLIAMS: So what?

BOLLING: Do you think she knows?

WILLIAMS: So what if people are e-mailing back and forth? There shouldn't be as public collusion.

BOLLING: You know, but they're trashing the other candidate ...


BOLLING: ... that she's running against.

WILLIAMS: Of course, of course people in politics -- look, it's true, he's not a democrat. I think they said he's not a democrat, he wouldn't understand our democratic --

BOLLING: But Juan, this religion --

WILLIAMS: No, it did not. They said he's was an Atheist.

BOLLING: Paint him to be an Atheist.



GUILFOYLE: Or the last other religion.

WILLIAMS: That's different to say than going after him because he's Jewish.


WILLIAMS: No, they were saying specifically ...

BOLLING: I'm not --

WILLIAMS: ... that for southern Baptist, the idea that this guy doesn't believe in God was a deficit and could hurt him with voters.

BOLLING: But he is Jewish.

WILLIAMS: I just -- yeah, he's Jewish. They didn't say -- I didn't want talking about the fact that he was Jewish.

BOLLING: Highlight the fact that he might be Atheist, might be Atheist. Meanwhile, he's a Jew.

GUILFOYLE: yeah, I mean, they're trying to like spin this and run it through the rinse cycle like 10 times, but it is what it is. I can still smell it from here. I mean, this is not good.

GUTFELD: That stinks.

GUILFOYLE: There oh -- yeah.


GUILFOYLE: Still a little sweaty in the tent in here.


WILLIAMS: I don't think it's any coincidence that this stuff, this leak comes right before the start of the convention, and you think, hey, this looks like a red Russian hand, not even a red republican hand involved in it.

GUILFOYLE: This is my favorite part right now. Is that Juan is like, mm- hmm, I'm on it's a good, yeah, he'll be OK, he's smelling the conspiracy, but God forbid --


BOLLING: Right as we have to throw to break.


BOLLING: All right. Ahead, Bernie Sanders supporters are furious about the revelations from the DNC e-mail leak. And many have fanned out across Philadelphia today in protest. You'll hear from some of them, coming up next.


PERINO: All right. Back now to the explosive new e-mail scandal for the democrats just as the DNC gets under way. Today, Bernie Sanders supporters spread out across Philly to protest Hillary Clinton and the DNC, and some are even threatening to leave the Democratic Party altogether.


CROWD: Hell no DNC. We won't vote for Hillary.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: After e-mails coming out with WikiLeaks, I think the DNC has had it out against Bernie the whole time. I think Hillary knew what was going on. I won't be bullied into voting for Hillary because I'm afraid of Trump getting elected.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: the election was cheated. It was rigged from the beginning. I am going to wait to see where I think my vote will most hurt Hillary. I might even vote Trump. I've been a democrat my whole life. I'm 60-years-old. And it will be the first time I've ever cast a vote for a republican. Thursday, 13 million people are doing the dem-exit, which is we're leaving the Democratic Party on Thursday, for good.


PERINO: Sanders will address the convention tonight. He's been attempting to unite his supporters behind Hillary and tried again this afternoon.


BERNIE SANDERS, VERMONT SENATOR: We have got to defeat Donald Trump. And we have got to elect Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine.



PERINO: Greg, is he the unlikeliest rockstar of 2016?


PERINO: He can believe it.

GUTFELD: Oh, it's just like, because he's actually true to himself. As much as I find his beliefs, many of us believes repulsive because I'm not a socialist, at least he is what he is. And by the way, I mean, he's winning too, because people just don't like Hillary. She's like a "Police Academy" sequel, you know, you don't, you don't need another Clinton. But the fallout of the scandal, I believe, you got a guy -- the Sanders supporters. There are a lot of them that aren't going to go to Hillary. Because of this, they may go to Trump; they may go to Gary Johnson, Gary Johnson is like 11 percent. He gets his own --

PERINO: Libertarian candidate.

GUTFELD: Right. He's on the --


GUTFELD: So that could happen now. I don't know. It's a -- but it's hurting her.

PERINO: Kimberly, these ...


PERINO: ... Bernie Sanders supporters are not in any mood to be placated. They want to fight.

GUILFOYLE: No, they're pretty fired up. No one is going to call them low energy. Let me tell you, and in fact, my former home state of California at the breakfast there were so angry, they were pounding the table, yelling Bernie until the silverware pops right off. So I think that, it's just getting started. So, I think we're going to see a lot more of this. There's a lot of discontent. And in fact, they didn't have like a 48-hour cycle to kind of like pushback and push away from the e-mail scandal. It's still very fresh. So emotions are running high and you can see it in some of the footage we've shown.

PERINO: Let's talk about -- Eric, get comments and Juan, you can wrap us up, because I bet you'll have a lot to say. Eric, what do you think?

BOLLING: So, OK, so 40 -- 12 million people voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary, right?


BOLLING: Forty percent said they could no way, no how, never Hillary.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: That's an opportunity for Donald Trump. That's 4.8 million people who would never vote for Hillary, given this new e-mail scandal that if those 40 percent realize that this was stolen from Bernie Sanders, they're very ripe for Donald Trump to take. In 2012, Mitt Romney lost by 5 million votes to Barack Obama; 4.8 million will never vote for Hillary this time. I don't know. There's a huge opportunity for Trump.

PERINO: I've -- but Juan, I am, I've been skeptical about that. Obviously, we just had a woman who said like, "I'm thinking about it." She's 60-years- old, always voted democratic. That's a big leap. But do you think that Donald Trump could pick up some of these Bernie voters?

WILLIAMS: No. I can't --

GUILFOYLE: Of course.

PERINO: I can't ...

WILLIAMS: It's not even --

PERINO: ... even explain --

WILLIAMS: It's not even my opinion. I just go look at the polls. The polls came out and they said 90 plus percent of people who backed Bernie Sanders during the primary said they will now back Hillary Clinton. Among Hillary Clinton supporters, it was 98, 99 percent. So you gonna have a 10 percent yet, and even in that, Dana, let me say, the closer you get to November, the more closing you will see. That's what happened when it was Hillary Clinton versus Barack Obama. And Hillary Clinton's people were very upset that they have stolen away the opportunity for the first woman back in '08. And don't, don't forget, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, all the lefties here are lined up behind Tim Kaine, which is the other point of dissonance. A lot of the people on the far left don't like Tim Kaine, because of his stand on trade.


WILLIAMS: He's pro -trade. His stand on abortion, he says personally, he's opposed to abortion. And he was, you know, not their guy. But guess what? The far left in terms of the leadership, Sherrod Brown, Elizabeth Warren, I could go on, are all lined up not only behind Tim Kaine, but behind Hillary Clinton.

BOLLING: Can I pushback on --

PERINO: Eric, you want to say something? Yes.

BOLLING: Yeah, I just want to push back on the 90 percent. I don't know where you got that, I've been hearing 40 percent ...

WILLIAMS: Sure it is.

BOLLING: ... would never vote for her. But if you have a 90 percent number, I would suggest that it probably was prior to this big e-mail ...


BOLLING: ... scandal somehow.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yeah, yeah. But it's after --

BOLLING: But this will certainly skew a lot of people who thought they could vote for Hillary, because she want it fair and square, when in fact there's no way you could call this a fair --

PERINO: It will bring up --

BOLLING: A primary win for her.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I think it's very fair. And don't forget, when you talk about how many people voted for Bernie Sanders ...


WILLIAMS: ... Hillary got 10 million more votes.

GUILFOYLE: I think there's opportunity here to pick them off. That's what you're going to do, just think --

WILLIAMS: Well, that's --

PERINO: Well, there's --

GUILFOYLE: One at a time.


PERINO: It will be interesting to see what Bernie Sanders ...

GUILFOYLE: He knows them.

PERINO: ... does tonight. We're going to have that, obviously live here on Fox News. And addition, I was asking a friend of mine, democrat, who were you looking for as a possible news standout star? Remember Barack Obama with a state senator when he spoke at the DNC in 2004, eight years later, he was president of the United States, or five, six years later he was. They gave me two names, Marty Walsh who is the new mayor of Boston. They say he's really a good speaker. And also Joe Kennedy, III. Apparently, he is one to watch. So --

GUTFELD: You need more Kennedys.

PERINO: Definitely ...

GUTFELD: I've been standing all along.

PERINO: ... Clinton, Kennedy. And Marvin Bush is going to throw this out in the ring, and (inaudible Marvin, get it. All right, coming up, Juan's take on why Hillary is winning the battle, but Sanders has won the war already.


WILLIAMS: On Thursday night Hillary Clinton will claim the democratic nomination for president here in Philadelphia. But don't be fooled. It's Bernie Sanders' party now. Mrs. Clinton's name will be on top of the ballot, but Bernie and his supporters, they're calling the shots. I wrote about this all in a new column that's in "The Wall Street Journal" today. Basically I said, look, this is not your mom and dad's, or even your older sister or brother's Democratic Party anymore. It's far more liberal. Sanders and his activist supporters have moved the base to the far left forcing Hillary Clinton to run to the front of this liberal parade. Now, let me ask you, Dana, when I look at the numbers, I say, you know, it's incredible, between 2000 and 2015, the number of democrats who identify as liberal has gone from about 27 percent up to 42 percent. That's a big jump.

PERINO: Well, I wanted to ask you, Juan, because I thought the column -- I read the column this morning and I wanted to find out what you thought like, in terms of chicken and the egg situation. Is that an Obama effect? You know, did Obama bring the party so far left or is he been swept up in it as well, in your opinion?

WILLIAMS: I think, first of all, there's a lot of reaction to the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and then, secondly, I think there was great hope and change; that was Obama's theme. And of course, he then insisted that, yes, we should push forward. And then you had republican resistance, obstruction, and some would argue, and I think that has fired them up even more. Greg, I just want to cite two numbers to you. One is this, that 47 percent now of democrats think they're socially liberal, but also 60 percent say socialism has a positive impact, positive impact on society.

GUTFELD: I'm with Hershey.

WILLIAMS: I know you are.

GUTFELD: I love their chocolate.


GUTFELD: I love their chocolate. Bernie's strategy was to pull her incredible -- so far to the left. She is now the reincarnation of Hugo Chavez. They're even dressing the same.


GUTFELD: Ridiculous.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: She's making Karl Marx just look like Groucho Marx or in reverse. I'm not quite sure. But my question to you is, Juan, is she a political boomerang? Meaning, during in the campaign she goes way out to the left, and then when she's, you know, comfortable, she comes back to the center, gets back to free trade, strong national defense which is the center's currency.

WILLIAMS: Well, you know, I thought the pick of Tim Kaine was a very much a center pick.


WILLIAMS: And I think it was a pick that indicated that, not only is she focused on coming to the center, but she's focusing on actually governing. I thought it was a pretty confident pick. But you're absolutely right.


WILLIAMS: That's -- I don't think she's a left far, left candidate.


BOLLING: Confident or a foolish pick?


BOLLING: According to you ...


BOLLING: ... that the party has moved so far left, she should have gone with a further left VP --


BOLLING: ... pick like Elizabeth Warren. I mean that's, look --


BOLLING: I know he will talk about --

WILLIAMS: The party is going to be with her.

BOLLING: She doesn't want to share the spotlight ...


BOLLING: ... with Elizabeth warren, but if you're saying the party's move so far left, socialist --

GUILFOYLE: That was the move.

BOLLING: Social issues. Yeah, that's the one --

GUILFOYLE: That was the move she make.

BOLLING: And she make mistake.

GUILFOYLE: And she didn't make it.


BOLLING: Doesn't make the right calls after all.

WILLIAMS: Well, what do you --

GUILFOYLE: That was an ego.

WILLIAMS: I was --

GUILFOYLE: That was an ego. That was an ego thing. And so obviously she wanted to be the one to be in the spotlight. She wants to be with somebody that's going to outshine her or be -- or share the first with anybody like Dana has said.

But let's take it back to the question of what is produced this far left radical shift in the party. I think in part it is attributed to the administration of Barack Obama eight years, which has really supported and legitimized the far left radical agenda with groups as well like Black Lives Matter by bringing them to the White House.

What we've seen in terms of the way race relations have been handled in this country in the light of tragic events that have happen in Ferguson and other places across the city. You really see this pattern and this trend. And that's why there is still such a level of dissatisfaction with the Bernie Sanders followers, the far left progressive. This did not do anything to quench their thirst ...

WILLIAMS: So let me challenge you to say, listen, I think there are a lot of young people. The party's become more, I think, distinctly liberal because they got more young people, millennials.

GUILFOYLE: And plus some millennials.

WILLIAMS: Almost -- I think it's almost 50 percent of millennials now identify as Democrats, only 35 percent as Republicans. No, not only are they younger, but in so many cases they're multiracial and immigrants. And these people are the ones who are involved with Occupy Wall Street ...


WILLIAMS: ... Black Lives Matter. And so that's a lot of energy, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: You're absolutely right. And you know what, they have the momentum there if they can maintain them in their base, but studies -- you shows as people get older they do ...

WILLIAMS: But you're critical of both ...


WILLIAMS: Hang on a second. I just want to make this point. You're critical of both Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter, so why would you want Hillary Clinton to rush over to them?

GUILFOYLE: I'm just talking about winning. You're asking me about of what I think would help her to win.

WILLIAMS: But I don't think the center that she's after, the people who are here to be persuaded.

GUILFOYLE: They can center when she gets the position.

WILLIAMS: All right, so that's right.

GUTFELD: So that's the reason why there are so many young people who are now becoming leftist and progressives is because they haven't been able to experience the joy of a paycheck.

We have fewer young people working, so they don't -- you become more conservative the first time you look at your paycheck and you see where everything's going. And you go, you know what? This old big government thing is one big scam. I don't know where this stuff is going.

But that -- the experience among young people, that's not happening anymore. They're playing video games at home, would studies are finding that they're less likely to take a job no matter the wage because they'd rather stay home and enjoy ...

WILLIAMS: Oh, come on. You -- come on. How many young people do you know who would -- don't want to come to work for Fox or anybody? Gosh.

GUTFELD: There's a lot of that. There's a lot of ...

BOLLING: It's 40 percent who identify with socialism. Do you have that number?

WILLIAMS: Yeah. Well, those 40 percent, I would say, aren't interested in working and paying any taxes ...


WILLIAMS: The young people I meet they want to work.

GUTFELD: But these people protesting, I mean, they have time to protest.

WILLIAMS: All right, well, they're paid for that.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah, it's true.

WILLIAMS: All right. Ahead, Greg doesn't think Democrats have their priorities in order. He takes on Secretary of State John Kerry to prove it's not too hot here in Philadelphia, next.

GUTFELD: Oh, it's a thing.

GUILFOYLE: What does that say now? I'm (inaudible).


GUTFELD: As the Democratic convention kicks off it pays to focus on that party's odd priorities. Just recently, Secretary of State John Kerry -- you remember him: he resembles a driftwood sculpture in a bike helmet -- said at yet another climate conference that the chemicals used in air conditioning are as bad as ISIS:


SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY: Yesterday I met in Washington with 45 nations, defense ministers and foreign ministers as we were working together on the challenge of Daesh, ISIL and terrorism. It's hard for some people to grasp that, but what we -- you are doing here right now is of equal importance because it has the ability to literally save life on the planet itself.


GUTFELD: So the secretary of state thinks cold air is as bad as terror. He's right: Just the other day I saw an air conditioner shoot up a mall. Now, this is around the same time that the Dems banned electronic cigarettes from the convention floor. What do these issues have in common? They reveal how Dems mistake health for harm and see real evil as an illusion.

First, is Kerry not aware that home air conditioning has reduced premature deaths on hot days by 80 percent over the past 50 years? So air con saves lives; ISIS takes them. I guess to Kerry, ISIS is a passing thing like James Taylor's hair.

As for vaping, let's not forget, there's no tobacco in these things and tobacco products kill 440,000 people in America alone. If vaping were around 20 years ago there'd be 10 million people alive right now that aren't: parents, grandparents, siblings, some you don't like.

My point, the Dems in general couldn't see a threat if it bit them in their butts while they condemn what saves lives. In a world full of zombies who are killing in the name of some god, the Democrats prefer to chase air and vapor. No wonder they blow.

All right, I have to make a disclaimer. It wasn't just the Democrats that banned vaping. At the Republican convention, you couldn't vape either. But it's just -- but it's stupid. This will save people live. But at least the difference between Republicans and Democrats, win or stand terror.

PERINO: Right. Its terror conditioning that I'm worried about because that's what's happening when you have this new version of a lone wolf, which is somebody who is radicalized on the internet decides to figure out a way to work alone but with the urging of ISIS.

The other thing is that John Kerry was talking about what is the Montreal Protocol of 1987. It was a really good thing. It was smart. But you know what helped solve that problem, technology and innovation.


PERINO: Technology and innovation is the key to solving all these problems, not just if they're concerned about global warming, fine. But what do you need to have -- innovation?


PERINO: You need a strong and growing economy.


PERINO: And that's where the Republicans come in.


GUTFELD: It's kind of a weird disorder where they're avoiding the real threat.

BOLLING: Yeah. In terms to figures, are they back to global warming now?

PERINO: Yes. That's what this is all about.

BOLLING: Is global warming -- and then because we realize that there are periods where the globe actually cooled, it went to climate change. But now Kerry is going back to global warming because higher temperatures create lower crop ...

PERINO: Well it is July.

BOLLING: ... and there are poor people, people starved and they get mad and they go kill people, they join terrorist groups. That's the theory? Well, you can't have it both ways. Is it global warming? Is it climate change or back to global warming? I'm confused.

GUTFELD: Juan, he's looking at you and he's saying, "What's up, Juan?"

WILLIAMS: Well, I think what's up is you can do two things at once, you know.

GUTFELD: Not me.

WILLIAMS: You can, in fact, fight terror and also address the real legitimate concern which is global warming which has the potential to kill millions ...

GUTFELD: One has priorities, Juan. One has priorities. Terrors (ph) are more important.

WILLIAMS: No. OK, you think we don't have people right now on the ground in Syria and Afghanistan fighting a war while John Kerry's up there in Montreal talking about ...

GUTFELD: He's secretary of state talk about that. Don't talk about Montreal.

WILLIAMS: Well, I say you what. There's more chance for me, Greg. We're getting hit by lightning or being attacked by a right wing zealot or slipping in my bathtub than being attacked by a terrorist.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Well, tell that to the people that have lost family members and loved ones in the United States and in Europe, 400 people ...

BOLLING: You let him get away with that, though? Take him down K.G.

GUILFOYLE: I want to finish what I was saying.


GUILFOYLE: Almost 400 people ...

BOLLING: Look at the statistics. The statistics are pretty clear.

GUILFOYLE: Almost ...

BOLLING: I don't know. I don't have that. We'll do this in the break, though.

WILLIAMS: All right, but I'm saying, it seems to me it's pretty obvious. I mean, I'm in more danger walking down a street in Philadelphia or New York from these people who are talking on their cell phone and not looking where they're going than any terrorist.


BOLLING: That's was the one I had a little problem (ph).

WILLIAMS: The right wing zealots. Yeah, from people who scream at me, remember?

GUILFOYLE: Far more dangerous is trying to get a word in here and being interrupted within one sentence. Anyway, 400 people lost their lives to terror in the United States and Europe already in this past year. So what he is saying about air conditioning and refrigerators is really so insulting and so offensive and out of touch.

And it shows you want to stay with an administration that put this forward like President Barack Obama and a continuation of that with Hillary Clinton, especially in the light of the recent events that have happened showing that terrorist is in fact the biggest threat that we all face globally right now.

WILLIAMS: I think it's a real threat. I'm not arguing that. What I'm saying, you can also fight the real and obvious that comes from ...

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but it's absurd. It's absurd and ignorance to say air conditioners had promotes (ph) a greater threat than ISIS. And it's really -- it's like you should flunk out and go to the back of the class.

WILLIAMS: Remember what Greg just said, you have people who would flee. You would have flooding. You would have loss of agricultural land. You would have more hunger and potentially more poverty which is exactly the breeding ground for terror.

GUILFOYLE: Well, these are the same people ...


GUTFELD: If that's the case, people have al-Qaeda and Death Valley. We don't have al-Qaeda and Death Valley.

BOLLING: That we know of.

GUTFELD: Yeah, that we do. There's no ISIS in Palm Springs. Have you been to Palm Springs? It's a scorcher. All right, new polls show a convention bounce for Donald Trump. He congratulated himself at an event earlier. You'll hear that next.


GUILFOYLE: Well, Donald Trump's got something to be very happy about. New polling conducted after the convention shows the Republican nominee got a big bounce. He's overtaken Hillary Clinton for the first time in a new CNN poll. Another survey from CBS shows the two tied at 42 percent. Trump took a victory lap earlier.


DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Have you seen the polls that just came out, right? We had like the biggest bounce that anyone can remember. They said, well, if he gets out of the convention with no bounce that will be a success. Did we have nine points or something, 10 points? We're leading. We're actually leading in the polls.


GUILFOYLE: OK. So, Dana, coming out of a convention like that, historically people will look for a bounce, but you also kind of have the perfect storm of a very rough start for the DNC with the e-mail scandal.

PERINO: Absolutely. So going into August, in a tie position with somebody like Hillary Clinton that you have this traditional campaign, has a ton of money but she's so hobbled.

There are some numbers out of "The Washington Post" today that just show like she is, after all of this, in a terrible position brand wise and one of the things you try to do at the convention is showcase the nominee where you have a lot of people talking about the nominee going into Thursday night's speech where she'll be supposedly, you know, the headliner.

I just think that there's a lot of other Democrats that will steal the show because they're a lot more popular than she is. So, Donald Trump should be happy with this. And now August is when, you know, you've to work your tail off and he had the big rally today in Roanoke. I imagine that if they can keep that schedule up, they'll do well through Labor Day.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So, Greg, you have a stomach issue because the base (ph) is interesting?

GUTFELD: I just don't like it when she swears like that.

PERINO: What did I say?

GUTFELD: Tail? You know, I disagree with you. I think the strategy is so that no one notices Hillary is there. You've got Biden, Barack, Michelle, and a bunch of other people.


GUTFELD: Bernie, all these kind of debate -- the liberal all-stars. The less -- because the more you see of Hillary, the less you want to see of her. So I think this is actually a deliberate attempt to cover her up, to bury her.

PERINO: I don't think so.

GUTFELD: Really?

PERINO: No, I don't think. Well, that's a great theory, though.

GUTFELD: Thank you very much. And watch your mouth.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Eric take a sue the numbers, I mean, these are a couple of the polls that are out there, but all of them showing that there's gains being made by the Trump camp.

BOLLING: These are big. I mean, you're talking about the six-point Trump increase from the RNC, but you're not counting for the four-point Hillary drops. So you have a 10-point swing prior to the convention until after.

Now, he leads are also -- for me the biggest one is this, CNN poll a month ago had among independents had Hillary leading by three points. Now Donald Trump is up by 18 points in independent. That's a massive swing.

I'd be a hypocrite to talk about Nate Silver, because I said that he was having a rough primary. But he did nail 2012. He got all 50 states who was going to win and he just now came out today saying 57.5 percent chance Donald Trump is the president going forward.

WILLIAMS: As the president? Wow, because I mean, a few weeks ago, he was 70 something percent Hillary Clinton, so that's a big shift. I think the key for me was noticing that he got a bigger bump than Romney. But, again, it's the consolidation of the Republican vote and I think that comes with all the attention to Trump and his family last week.

And also, you got to consider more people now are paying attention to Trump. So its independents right now who have, in the last few weeks, with the Republican convention, looked like they have gone more toward Trump. But guess what, there's a Democratic convention this week. And so you're going to get more attention to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic message.

And don't forget, I think what Dana said is so true. Come Labor Day, those are the polls that really start to count. Right now this -- everything is so up in the air, so much in flux that historically you can't count on them. But I think it is telling. I can't believe that there's this many people willing to vote for Donald Trump. That's unbelievable to me.

GUILFOYLE: All right, shock and awe, Juan, shock and awe. You know what's next, "One More Thing."


BOLLING: Time for "One More Thing." And Greg kicks us off.

GUTFELD: I just want to wish a happy 91st birthday to my mother. She's not here with us, but I wish she was here, because this might be the strangest year in my life, and I would have loved to have known what she thought about everything going on. But she's not. Happy birthday.

GUILFOYLE: She would be proud of you.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, she'd be proud.

PERINO: Oh, your mom is a wonderful lady.

WILLIAMS: Happy birthday.

GUILFOYLE: She just swings.

BOLLING: All right, K.G., you're up.

GUILFOYLE: OK. So this is very interesting. If you all recall, when Dallas Police Chief David Brown called upon the community and people to get involved and said, "Don't just complain or protest, put down your signs and come in and fill out an application." Take a listen to this.


DAVID BROWN, CHIEF OF THE DALLAS POLICE DEPARTMENT: Serve your communities. Don't be a part of the problem. We're hiring. We're hiring. Get off that protest line and put an application in, and we'll put you in your neighborhood and we will help you resolve some of the problems you're protesting about.


GUILFOYLE: Here's what is so exciting about this, about being a community leader and being proactive in terms of change. That police chief widely respected, now applications to the force have jumped 344 percent since the five police officers lost their lives and were massacred on July 7, compared to the same time period in June from last year. And that's what the department has released. 136 applications from June 8th to June 20th and 467 people willing to serve their communities from July 8th to July 20th. That's something to be proud of.

BOLLING: Very good, very good K.G. All right, so take a look at this. Last week I told you about the Cleveland police and all the law enforcement that came to help out. Here also in Philadelphia, it's been amazing. There's an outreach going.

Here are a couple of law enforcement officers, Philly police. Those two are -- I don't know if we have the picture of the three. Those were Capitol Hill police who came to help out as well. (Inaudible) and then just go right to the big out of this three Capitol Hill police and then this one the big -- the state troopers of Pennsylvania.

State troopers Jamie (ph) have a wife and two kids. Al (ph) has a wife. Marty (ph) says he's very single. Ken (ph) has a wife and three kids. Ryan (ph) has a wife. Jason (ph) a girlfriend. Keith (ph) a son and a fiancee, and Eric with a wife. But remember these people keep us safe. They put on the vest so we don't have to.

PERINO: God bless them.

BOLLING: Yup. All right, Dana.

PERINO: All right, outside of Philadelphia, today is an anniversary, the 25th anniversary of the passage of the National Literacy Act. And that was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush effectually known as 41 inspired, of course, by his wife's love for literacy.

Barbara Bush is passing for literacy. Since 19991, it's helped millions of people to get their high school diplomas. They go back. They learned how to read. They change their entire family's lives. So in celebration, you could send us a note for what you are reading this summer.

The book I'm in the middle of is "The Summer Before the War" by Helen Simonson. I just -- every time I pick it up, then something else happens in the news. So I'm taking me awhile ...

BOLLINGL: How can you be for literacy? You have to keep the world clean. Juan you're up.

WILLIAMS: By the way, if I bring in pictures and show you pictures of people who've been shot by cops like doctors, like -- do you want me to start doing that?

BOLLING: Juan, come on.

WILLIAMS: All right, I'll start doing it. OK, so here we go.

BOLLING: You can have both. You can ...


WILLIAMS: Yeah, we'll show that with pictures then. We all know the Democratic Party is much younger than the GOP, but that doesn't mean they don't have seniors in their ranks.

Meet Ruby Gilliam who is the honor of being the wisest delegate at the Democratic convention this year. She's 93 years old, attending her eighth convention, a delegate from Ohio. Here she is in '08. Here she is in '12. And, of course, Gilliam is not only civically involve, a member of the women's division of the Naval Reserve and she said that's her proudest accomplishment.

BOLLING: Very good. All right, we're going have to leave it right there. We'll see you back here tomorrow on day two of the DNC. "Special Report" is next.

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