
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 13, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.



GUTFELD: I'm Greg Gutfeld with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and she plays hockey on an ice cube, Dana Perino -- "The Five."

Wow! Our bus trip is just days away, which means it's time for some road trip rules.

Now road trips are all about forced proximity, respecting one's space. It's not about bonding; bonding is for teenagers at camp. Here, it's just about making it to the convention in Ohio, without killing each other.


GUTFELD: So number one, no number two on the bus.


GUTFELD: It is not a Starbucks bathroom in Barnes & Noble, it's a bus.

Number two, no sing-a-longs. There's no point to 100 bottles of beer on the wall. Can we please let this evil die with us? It's as bad as children playing Marco Polo.

Number three: Don't keep asking truck drivers to honk their horns.


GUTFELD: Do truckers come to your home and ask you to ring your doorbell?


GUTFELD: They -- well, Kimberly, maybe; four, don't open the window to pretend to play hand airplane. We know you're breaking another kind of wind.

Number five: If you can't see it from the freeway, it doesn't exist. Stick to visible drive-thrus. By the way, no one eats fish on the bus. That's like playing death metal in church.

Number six: Are you always the last person to get on the bus at every stop? Don't be the person everyone is waiting for, Kimberly.


GUILFOYLE: Worth the wait, worth the wait.

GUTFELD: No illicit drugs. The other passengers shouldn't have to endure a cavity search, because you couldn't go without a buzz for a week, Juan.


GUTFELD: Number eight: Always do roll call when you're leaving a truck stop. That's where most people disappear according to my Uncle Steve who's been on "Forensic Files" eight times.

Nine: Stay on the main roads. Remember one word : Deliverance.


GUTFELD: Ten: Have a safe house along the way. You may need to park somewhere private to scrub evidence off the grill.

And finally: No arguing about politics or religion. And most of all: No mooning school busses, Eric.



BOLLING: Well, because you did that, Greg. I'm going to point out to the Starbucks bathroom at Barnes & Noble. I was little confused by that.


GUILFOYLE: That's Greg.


GUTFELD: It's one of the cleanest.


GUTFELD: Does Barnes & Noble exist?


GUTFELD: Yes, good.

BOLLING: Oh no, they are serving alcohol now.

GUTFELD: That's right, that's right.

BOLLING: They decided to serve beer and wine at Barnes & Noble.

GUILFOYLE: You'll be there.


DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Now everyone can go.

GUTFELD: Exactly. Does anybody have any suggested to the lists .


GUTFELD: . starting that way?

PERINO: I do. I believe there is a microwave on the bus.


PERINO: No microwave popcorn on the bus, OK?

GUTFELD: Why? That's smells great.


PERINO: No, it doesn't.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, it does.

PERINO: You like that, too?

GUTFELD: It's the best smell ever.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, we're voting that one down.

GUTFELD: So buttery delight.


PERINO: Nope. No popcorn on the bus.

GUTFELD: That's it?

PERINO: Also -- Well, I thought you were just doing one and going around.

GUTFELD: No, no.

PERINO: I'll think of --

GUTFELD: We got a lot of time to go.

PERINO: I'll think of more.

GUTFELD: We got to stretch this --

PERINO: I'll think of more.

GUILFOYLE: Did you get that approved -- that list? It's very interesting.

GUTFELD: I made a list that eliminates all things I don't like. Eric, you must have something.



BOLLING: Again, who gets -- I know we're going to keep the two TV's on the bus .


BOLLING: . one Fox --


BOLLING: . like we should -- maybe one on Fox Business and one on Fox News.


BOLLING: Yeah, OK. The music, I want control of the music, the clicker.

GUTFELD: You can't have control of the music.

BOLLING: I want it. I'll share. I mean --

GUTFELD: It's just gonna be the "who", all the time.

BOLLING: No, no, no. We'll split it up.

GUILFOYLE: No, he won't do that.

BOLLING: No, but --

GUILFOYLE: He loves Justin Bieber.


GUILFOYLE: Remember?

PERINO: That's true.



GUILFOYLE: He loves the bieb (ph). You got mad love for the bieb (ph).

BOLLING: Here's a serious question, are we stopping and getting off the bus at like truck stops and hanging out? But are we doing that -- this thing?


BOLLING: Like people are going (inaudible) .

PERINO: Maybe that's our advertising.

BOLLING: . on the bus.

GUTFELD: I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: We can go drink at the Barnes & Noble.

GUTFELD: But if you -- if somebody gives you trouble and ask you who you are, just say you're a Claims Adjuster. And they'll just like walk away.

PERINO: Well, I agree. That happened to me to me this weekend. So it's like, what do you do? And I like, I work at Fox News, and then I never heard the end of it.

GUTFELD: Yes. So just say you're Claims Adjuster.

PERINO: Leave me alone.

GUTFELD: And why are you in that bus? I have no idea, the bus that got me here.


WILLIAMS: But you know what I didn't like .


WILLIAMS: . you said we have to stay on the main roads, why can't we go on some backroads?

GUILFOYLE: For what?

WILLIAMS: Well, I mean like, like for example, I was thinking --

GUILFOYLE: Just like kidnapped?

WILLIAMS: You know like you see swamps. Like I was once in North Carolina .

GUILFOYLE: Or great sounds.

WILLIAMS: . and there was a storm and I went off on a backroad and there was a Great Dismal Swamp. I would normally never see such a thing.

GUTFELD: The Great Dismal Swamp.

WILLIAMS: That's what it was called. Or --

PERINO: Is it an oxymoron?

WILLIAMS: Yeah. Or you know what? You would love this Gregory.


WILLIAMS: South of the border, like in down in South Carolina. You come -- they're south. I mean they got all kinds of --



BOLLING: That's what I said.

WILLIAMS: There you go.

GUILFOYLE: I don't think we can get off of any of the main roads.

GUTFELD: I've had --

GUILFOYLE: I think that's dangerous.

GUTFELD: I've had some problems going off the main road.

BOLLING: And Juan maybe a little .

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: . graphically challenged. South of the border would be about 4 or 500 miles out of the way.

WILLIAMS: Anyway, either way.

PERINO: There is the south of the border in South Carolina, though.

WILLIAMS: That's the one I'm talking about.

BOLLING: We're not playing a Pedro.


BOLLING: Pedro says -- like with the hat?

WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah, yeah, like sombrero.

PERINO: You go there?

WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah.


WILLIAMS: You're amused, Dana.

BOLLING: It is part of this one stop on one exit and now it is like 12 miles long.

PERINO: Entrepreneurship.

BOLLING: Yeah. PERINO: The free market.

WILLIAMS: So what about stopping at outlet malls?


PERINO: Oh, I'm for that.

GUTFELD: Yeah, that's not, that's not bad. But there's no bars in outlet malls, that's --

PERINO: You already scouted that mall?

GUTFELD: Yes, I have.

GUILFOYLE: He already checked that out.


WILLIAMS: There are shady guys standing on the corner.

GUTFELD: Yeah. You know, Kimberly, I envision that you're going to be the one that holds us up wherever we go.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, I'm going to be so trapped on this bus. I really don't know what do about it yet. Yeah.

GUTFELD: What -- do you have any -- thoughts?

GUILFOYLE: I'm just -- I like little -- I'm terrified, because of the temperature. I know you're going to keep putting the temperature down. It's going to be like an ice cube and be like a cryogenic chamber. I'm probably like reverse --

PERINO: That's why I brought -- I packed a sweater; two sweaters, a scarf. I don't know if I need anything else, in addition to that. I do have a jacket.

GUILFOYLE: She sent me photos of all her perfectly packed things. Like she spent one night doing toiletries and next night doing this, sweaters, little button down, sensible shoes, farm shoes, amusement park this, and shoes for the set. And I have done nothing yet. We'll see how it works out.

WILLIAMS: Well, I just --

PERINO: I just had my toiletries separately one night, because it was just very overwhelming.

GUILFOYLE: And then like this lock bags and nothing leaks --

GUTFELD: Just the word toiletry is bizarre.

WILLIAMS: It is bizarre.

GUTFELD: It conjures of an image of a tree .

PERINO: I think it's French.

GUTFELD: . with toilets.

PERINO: Toilet tree.

GUTFELD: Anything from France, you can't trust.

WILLIAMS: But you know --

BOLLING: Is there a Wi-Fi --

GUILFOYLE: There are blankets --

GUTFELD: I think there is .

WILLIAMS: There is Wi-fi.

GUTFELD: There is Wi-Fi.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, they told us there's Wi-Fi.


WILLIAMS: But you know, in terms of packing clothes -- so Gwen Marder who runs fashion here at Fox .


WILLIAMS: . she gave me a coat, in fact.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, I got that, too.

WILLIAMS: And she gave me an umbrella .


WILLIAMS: . that says Fox, right? Like no one would know.


WILLIAMS: And the thing was she said --

GUILFOYLE: This is funny.

WILLIAMS: Oh, go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: No, you -- who else got the umbrella?

PERINO: I didn't get an umbrella.

GUILFOYLE: Right. There weren't enough umbrellas.

GUTFELD: Really?

PERINO: Also Juan --

GUILFOYLE: There were five umbrellas.

WILLIAMS: I don't know, but any way, here is the thing. She said to me, " Do you have a pair of jeans? Because you should look like relaxed and casual, you shouldn't be in a suit."


WILLIAMS: And I said, well, no, I don't own a pair of jeans. And so the hunt was on to find me a pair of jeans.

PERINO: Are you kidding? You don't own a single pair of jeans?

GUTFELD: You're like George Will.


GUTFELD: George Will, he doesn't own a pair of jeans.

PERINO: What do you --

GUILFOYLE: I hope you didn't get like this --

PERINO: What do you wear on a weekend?

BOLLING: Mom's --

GUILFOYLE: Those Obama mom's jeans.

BOLLING: Mom's jeans.

WILLIAMS: Cool. Yes, so cool.

PERINO: But what do you wear on the weekend?

WILLIAMS: You guys are so hard.

GUILFOYLE: No, that's true. Did you see those --


BOLLING: Does it have a draw string, your jeans?


WILLIAMS: Yeah. Yes, so that they don't fall down.

PERINO: Make sure you don't wash them before you wear them. That's a really good look.

WILLIAMS: Why? I thought all --

PERINO: I was joking.

WILLIAMS: I thought all (inaudible) --

GUILFOYLE: What kind of jeans are they?

PERINO: They were Wrangler.

BOLLING: Whatever you do, make sure you iron your jeans before you go on the bus.


WILLIAMS: A crease --

BOLLING: Make sure you do that.

WILLIAMS: Like a little crease --

BOLLING: Crease on the middle.

PERINO: Definitely.

WILLIAMS: But wait a minute. I want to -- but Dana, to impress Dana, I have to look like a country music singer in jeans.

PERINO: That would be great.

GUTFELD: How you clean your jeans?

PERINO: You can pull that off.

GUILFOYLE: Are they good?

GUTFELD: You put them in the freezer.

GUILFOYLE: Do you like it. Do you try them on?

PERINO: What do you mean?

GUILFOYLE: What color are they?


GUTFELD: You put your freezer -- you put your jeans in the freezer and that kills the bacteria.


GUTFELD: You don't wash them.

GUILFOYLE: Are they dark blue or light blue?

GUTFELD: You put them in the freezer.

PERINO: Are you joking?

GUTFELD: We're doing two shows.


GUTFELD: We're doing two and a half and two and a half --

GUILFOYLE: I just want to make sure that he shows up in cool jeans. So I guess that, you know, what color are they? And he said they're blue. I said no, no. Are they light blue or dark blue?

PERINO: Acid wash.

GUILFOYLE: Please. Yeah.


PERINO: Can we go back to this?


PERINO: You put your jeans in the freezer to what?

GUTFELD: To -- that's a great way of cleaning your jeans because it kills the bacteria rather than ruining your jeans by washing them.

GUILFOYLE: OK, that's, I think completely --

PERINO: Really?

GUTFELD: By the way, I mentioned another tip about not putting your feet on the dashboard.

PERINO: Oh, yeah.

GUTFELD: Why is that a problem?

PERINO: Well, one, it might drive somebody crazy and be disgusting.


PERINO: But there's another thing. So Peter, my husband, gets really frustrated with me when -- if I'm not passenger seat and I'm very short, in case you haven't noticed, and I put my foot on the dashboard, I put my knee up so that my knee is facing my face, and he said, "Don't do that because if we had to slam on the brakes, you could -- your knee would go straight into your face and break it."


GUTFELD: Wow. So that's it. That's a possible note.

PERINO: So that's why.

GUTFELD: You know what? Glad I asked.

PERINO: I also disagree that Triple A says that you shouldn't rely on a single GPS. I don't think you should have multiple GPS is going on the bus.

GUTFELD: I have multiple GPS as once; best time of my life. But you know --

GUILFOYLE: All right.



GUTFELD: Can I point out the hashtags for social media?


GUTFELD: Hashtag if you're tweeting or whatever, you young kids do on social networks. #roadtocleveland, never been used before.


GUTFELD: And hashtag, when we then go to the other one, Philadelphia, which is in Pennsylvania, #roadtophilly. And there is --

PERINO: IE or Y? I'm just kidding.

GUTFELD: Y -- because we like you. All right, Instagram is @thefivefnc. Twitter is @thefive. Facebook, you go to facebook/thefivefnc.


GUTFELD: And "The Five's" blog is foxnews.com/thefive. Why can't we get beyond having to always label our slashes?

PERINO: If front or back?

GUTFELD: Yeah, front or back. You know?

BOLLING: I think forward slash is understood now.


PERINO: I don't think anyone uses backslash any more.


GUTFELD: I know people who still say www before the websites.


WILLIAMS: Yeah, because you know me.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Good job, stretching.


GUILFOYLE: Moving on.

GUTFELD: Thank you very much. Another 10 minutes. All right, we are waiting a huge announcement from Donald Trump. He spent the last 24 hours meeting with his VP finalist. Who would it be? Next.


GUILFOYLE: I know you got it. That's one of the best, by the way, playlist.

Anticipation is building at Donald Trump gets out to announce who will be his running mate. The presumptive GOP nominee has entered the final phase of ranging last minute meetings with finalists along with members of his family. He's with Chris Christie yesterday -- today, Newt Gingrich, Jeff Sessions and Mike Pence. There's a lot to speculation, it could be Indiana's governor. Here with Pence, earlier.


MIKE PENCE, INDIANA GOVERNOR: I think he's giving it very careful considerations. And we're humble to be a part of that. There's a number of others and know where the Americans that they're considering and I'm just honored to be on that list.


GUILFOYLE: Trump addressed the rumors with Bret Baier in an interview that will air tonight on "Special Report."


DONALD TRUMP, GOP PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Indiana has been special to me. And I think, you know, that the level of receptivity that I've had here is incredible, and the governor has been -- he's been amazing. So, we'll see what happens. Newt Gingrich is coming in today, to see me, here, who is by the way --

BRET BAIER, "SPECIAL REPORT" HOST: So it was basically down to two?

TRUMP: No. I tell you, Chris Christie is somebody I've like a long time. He's a total professional. He's a good guy, by the way, a lot of people don't understand that, but I'm narrowing it down. I mean at three, potentially four, but in my own mind I probably, I'm thinking about two.


GUILFOYLE: OK. Well, about a week here with 10 and now, it will all be down to what? What do you think --

PERINO: Well, Bret Baier said, "So it down to two?" And then he gave us his long explanation at the end, he said, "So yeah, I'm down to two." In his head he's down to two, but there are five people. I like this part of the presidential election because it's fun, exciting to think about who is going to be chosen. I don't think it really matters that much in terms of the general election on that day, people will vote for Trump or Hillary, and the vice-president can help, but like since 1960, it is not that big a deal, you don't win your state any more. You don't have to bring your state. So I think that that doesn't have to be a box that you don't need to check anymore. So if he chooses Chris Christie, it doesn't mean that Chris Christie is going to bring home New Jersey to the republicans. It also is important that any of these candidates can pass the vetting, so at this point if there is still five left, it probably all pass the vetting, so that's good for them. And I think also what really matters is, who can help him drive home the message on social media, because that will help shore up any sort of unity problems or enthusiasm problems. The media thing they've got taken care of all these guys are go to media -- on traditional media, social media is really important.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So Bolling, what do you think of to like?

BOLLING: Who knows? I, you know --

GUILFOYLE: It's like good friends network.

BOLLING: Who knows? Like Donald Trump brings in Chris Christie. Chris Christie is like Donald Trump. He is provocative. He is loud. He is bombastic. I don't -- I can't imagine him wanting more of that kind of still a bit of --

GUILFOYLE: Maybe in a different position.

BOLLING: Mike Pence is the opposite. He is quiet. He is reversed. He is contemplative. He gets the evangelical votes that Juan talked about yesterday. Who knows? I don't think he even really meant -- did you see the numbers that came out today?


BOLLING: Amazing. I mean there -- the swing states in Ohio, they're tied, they are basically tied; in Pennsylvania, they're tied. In Iowa, they're tied -- Hillary and Trump. And the big one, in Florida, Trump took a lead. He was getting destroyed by Hillary in the last poll. So he is real come back on the polls. Also, on trustworthiness, he beats her by 13 percent in Florida, 10 percent in Ohio, 15 percent in Pennsylvania. He beats her in the economy, he beats her national security. He should lay low with his VP pick and go, hey, let's just, let's just keep doing what we are doing. She is destroying herself and he should just let her.

GUILFOYLE: You already -- so Eric said the float (ph) gets for us, perfect, moving right along.

BOLLING: I didn't to --


GUTFELD: I wanted -- I think there would -- the choice that Donald Trump needs is somebody who brings reassurance for the country, a sense of stability is helpful, but the question I always say is, will Donald Trump listen to that person? You know, Dirty Harry never had a partner. It wasn't Dirty Harry and Hutch. It was Starsky and Hutch. And Trump is like Dirty Harry, his partners always keep disappearing. So I'm wondering who that kind of person he is going to respect and listens to and everything like that. The polling is interesting because, I look and I go, you know, Trump had a bad week. Hillary had a worst week. And America had a terrible week.


GUTFELD: And I think because the last two points bolster Trump, because he's the one that's been saying, "We have problems," and the last two weeks have been saying, "We have problems." And I do think that, I don't know -- that her loss has been his gain, right?

BOLLING: You nailed this, though. You were probably the first one to come out and say, hey, this whole James Comey thing is gonna hurt Hillary.


BOLLING: But the first initial reaction was, wow, that's great for her. She's not gonna get indicted.

GUILFOYLE: No, right.


BOLLING: But then the, you know, the 15 minutes leading up to it, you pointed it out. And look at it, in the polls, Trump went up a little, but she got destroy.



PERINO: She needs a good convention.

GUTFELD: I mean Comey basically underlined every conservative or mainstream critique of the Clintons.


GUTFELD: They get away with everything, but they're stained.

WILLIAMS: So, I think that, to the contrary, I think she did have a bad week. There's no any question about that. But I think that when people look at the kind of tensions that we've been going through in the country, I don't think they're going to trust Donald Trump to bring us back to center and calm things down --

GUTFELD: But Juan, she's been invisible.

WILLIAMS: No, no -- but yes. She didn't respond to Comey.


WILLIAMS: That's what you're saying.

GUTFELD: Yeah, but also the Black Lives Matter --

WILLIAMS: And she had bad week.

GUTFELD: The Black Live Matter, the Dallas -- she told white America to look at themselves. And everybody is like going, are you nuts?


GUTFELD: There was a sniper killed five cops, and she is telling us --

WILLIAMS: Wait a second, wait a second. There was two black --

GUTFELD: She's telling America.

WILLIAMS: You didn't see the video of the black people being killed?

GUTFELD: Excuse me.

WILLIAMS: But let me just go back to the politics for a second, because I think this is really interesting. Gingrich, I think, is the only one who is skilled at .


WILLIAMS: . number one events for a vice-presidential pick, which is the debate.

PERINO: Debate.



WILLIAMS: So you got to be good at the debates.

PERINO: I don't know. I think Christie has --

WILLIAMS: Mike Pence.

PERINO: I think Christie is --


PERINO: I think Christie would crush her at a debate.

WILLIAMS: Oh I think, I don't know about it.


WILLIAMS: . national debate. Newt Gingrich, I can tell you, having been victimized by Newt, Newt is good at national debates.

GUTFELD: Can you elaborate?

WILLIAMS: So he -- yeah. No, I don't need to. But let me just say, so Paul Manafort, though, would like Mike Pence. And Paul Manafort is the player right now inside the Trump campaign. So why does he want Pence, because I think he is Pence bringing along the Koch brothers, potentially, bringing along some money and bringing along conservatives. So I was shocked today when I saw that lot of conservatives are actually opposed to Mike Pence.


WILLIAMS: I had no idea that, you know, both --

PERINO: You know, pay attention.

WILLIAMS: They said he lost on that freedom.


WILLIAMS: We lost Freedom Act in Indiana, and basically gave up.


GUILFOYLE: Just we talked about that on this show.



BOLLING: Can we just also point out .


BOLLING: I know we're leaving politics right now. I just want to get this in.

GUILFOYLE: I think it would be fantastic.

BOLLING: And Hillary Clinton has spent the last three or four weeks just -- to trashing Donald Trump. And it's not working for it. Trump has been out there saying, "This is where we need to go," and all she said, including today, in this big speech she made was -- is a negative attack on Trump. She hasn't shown anything. She hasn't unrolled policy extensively, and he is beating her at that.

GUILFOYLE: All right, so and then she brought up Bernie. All right, (inaudible). Still to come, the Fastest 7, but first, a singer at the all- star game last night is gotten suspended from his group after he changed the lyrics of the Canadian national anthem to address racial tensions in America. We're going to play the tape for you -- that's next.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. My friend Bret Hume says he noticed something about President Obama when he addresses race in America.


BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: You know, the president has a problem in a sense that he -- to him, I think, racism in America has a white face, never a black face. When it comes to the hideous violence against blacks, black-on-black violence in cities like Chicago and Baltimore and others, the president has been virtually silent.


WILLIAMS: Some believe that the president and others like this NAACP leader North Carolina are fueling the racial divide. Curtis Everette Gatewood blames racism for the killing of the assassin of those five cops in Dallas last week. He came to the defense of the murderer on Facebook. He wrote this, quote, "by taking this black suspect and demonizing and using a killer robot to blow him up in this unprecedented and barbaric manner, and without a trial in the court of law, that's the truest and most literal example yet of a, quote, "high tech lynching," end quote. What do you make of that, KG?

GUILFOYLE: That's such ignorance, really. I mean, when you think about happened there and the brutal murders, gunning down the police officers. Everybody not knowing there were multiple shooters, running for their lives, you know people that don't have fathers coming home to them, you know, now or husbands. And by the way, no one else injured. So instead, would he have preferred somebody else to go in there and more people to get shot and for the guy to then get out? What is he talking about? And have a trial and all --


WILLIAMS: Actually, we had this discussion yesterday about, you know, the militarization of police. I guess that's what he is talking about. But it seems to me to call a lynching was way out of line.

BOLLING: Yeah. Especially because many cops saw this guy killing other people and they cornered him because they --

GUILFOYLE: Public safety issue.

BOLLING: I mean there are video, a video of this guy coming around pillars and killing police officers. So they know that was a guy, that was the bad guy and they're going to take the kill shot, whether --

WILLIAMS: I have a question for you. But isn't Trump also exacerbating racial tensions in the country? I saw today that, like a third of his Twitter account, the things that they retweet come from white nationalist accounts.

BOLLING: A third of --

WILLIAMS: The retweets done by Donald Trump come from white nationals --

BOLLING: Oh, I didn't even know that.


WILLIAMS: Even like the Star of David.

BOLLING: But you know we all do that. I think we all do this, right? I certainly do that. And he retweet is -- I don't -- it is a retweet. It doesn't necessarily represent my opinions.

WILLIAMS: Why are you retweeting something --

BOLLING: Well sometimes you see a comment and then you'll retweet it and there is a link to a story underneath it. This has happened a ton of times. So -- and you go, let's just hope we don't hold everyone to our retweets, because that's --

WILLIAMS: But I think the hard question is, for you is, Trump unleashing like white nationalists, rage and anger in the country.

BOLLING: I don't see evidence of that. I mean, I think there is a -- he does very well. It's just biggest support groups are white males. I mean, if that's what you mean.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, but when he talks about issues like immigration, I could go on when he makes statements about --

BOLLING: Well OK. Yeah, Trump is does resonate in the nationalism world arena. It versus a globalist arena, which I would argue is a good idea. I like the idea of a southern border. I like the idea of being careful of who comes into our country .


BOLLING: . vetting further before we just say, come on, we will take everyone.

WILLIAMS: OK, OK. Let me leave that alone and go to Dana. Dana says that Trump has said he will not speak to the NAACP. I think he's one of the first presidential candidates.

PERINO: Well, I think that there was a period, and I don't know exactly when, but George W. Bush refused to speak at one time as well, or declined -- didn't accept the invitation, but that was because the NAACP had been so aggressive and wrong. And I can't exactly remember the issue at the top my head.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. They have said that James Bird was dragged to his death in Texas.

PERINO: I can't remember (inaudible), specifically, but I do remember that. I'm actually curious to see how Hillary Clinton handles this on Monday. She will speak on the first night of the republican convention. She will be at the NAACP convention. And knowing that President Obama is subject to this kind of criticism that we reported in the block that you read; I'm anxious to see how Hillary Clinton decides to play that. Will she do what she did this past week, when she did her interviews, or will she try to find some sort of balance and have separate tougher language for them. I don't know.

WILLIAMS: So Greg, what do you think about what Brit Hume had to say about President Obama only sees racism in white faces, not black faces?

GUTFELD: I think the history -- where President Obama comes from is decades of progressive education in campus life. And that is always to point a finger at society in general, the power structure, and that everybody else is innocent, but the power structure is guilty. And the nature of progressivism is to dismantle -- dismantle that system without actually having a replacement.

I don't think he's particularly guilty of that. But those who educated him, whether it is -- the people he was with, like Bill Ayres or Reverend Wright, it's just enough for them to destroy society, because it feels good, without having to actually put something in place. That's not the primary goal.

I think he's better than that. I just think he was -- he was steeped in that kind of education.

WILLIAMS: Well, but obviously, the history of the country is of racism directed at black people, and segregation.

I think -- well, anyway, do you know how deep this has been the last couple of weeks around the racial issues in the country? So take a look -- take a look and a listen to what happened last night at Petco Park, the all-star game.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (singing): We're all brothers and sisters. All life matters to the brave.


WILLIAMS: Yes. He -- he sang "All lives matter," and then he held up a sign that said, "All lives matter."

So Kimberly, at first I thought, well, I guess he didn't say, "Black lives matter," but people were still upset. And he's been suspended from his group.

GUILFOYLE: Because all lives matter? I mean, don't all lives matter?

GUTFELD: Now that's seen as racist.

GUILFOYLE: Right, that's the...

BOLLING: By Black Lives Matter.

GUTFELD: Yes. But also, the left.

WILLIAMS: That's a good point.

GUTFELD: But by the left.

WILLIAMS: People complained.

GUTFELD: The left -- the left say that when you say, "All lives matter," that's a dog whistle.


GUTFELD: That's a dog whistle to other bigots. When all -- the fact that -- remember what they did to O'Malley, BLM to Margaret O'Malley.


BOLLING: What, listen, if you hear "Black lives latter" and you go back and respond, "White lives matter," I could see to make a case by Black Lives Matter, say, "Hey, you know what? You're pushing back on our movement. That's -- you know, remotely racist."

But to say "all lives matter" is inclusive of the back people, too, right? How in the world...

GUILFOYLE: Yes. But it's also free speech. I mean, it's crazy. It is hardly, like, inciting a riot. It's saying all of us, all lives matter. What in the world is wrong with that?

GUTFELD: If he had said, "Black lives matter," he would be a hero in the media.

WILLIAMS: In the media? No, I think people are upset that he politicized the all-star game.

GUTFELD: He did, he did.

PERINO: But if he politicized it in the way that Greg suggested, if he said "Black lives matter," then he would be getting kudos today, not a demotion.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's what Eric said, that in fact, even Black Lives Matter was upset with this guy. But it's so interesting. You can't say much these days.

Next, Donald Trump calls on Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to resign over her comments about Trump to the press. So that feud on display, when "The Five" comes right back.


PERINO: All right, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is causing quite the controversy over comments she has made about Donald Trump. I think it's safe to say that Ginsburg is not a fan.

She told The New York Times, "I can't imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president. For the court, it could be -- I don't even want to contemplate that."

She went further in another interview, calling Trump, quote, "a faker. He has no consistency about him. He really has an ego."

Now Trump's responded by calling Ginsburg a disgrace for getting involved in a political campaign. He says the 83-year-old's mind is shot, and is calling for her to resign.

And not only that, but Kimberly, The New York Times editorial board says that Donald Trump is right about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. That "Washington is more than partisan enough without the spectacle of a Supreme Court justice flinging herself into the mosh pit."

I've got to agree.

GUILFOYLE: Well, there you go, New York Times. Well done.

GUTFELD: But there's a -- I'll tell you. Go ahead. There's a reason why they said that.

PERINO: Go ahead.


GUTFELD: Because they know it helps Donald.

PERINO; That's true.

GUTFELD: When you have -- when Ruth Bader Ginsburg comes out and trashes Trump, that doesn't convince anybody to change their minds. It only gets people who are on the fence about Trump...

PERINO: Fired up.

GUTFELD: ... from the Republican side to go, like, "Well, why is she saying that?"

GUILFOYLE: Well, and also, it says OK, do you want Hillary Clinton picking three to four more Supreme Court justices, just like sweet Ruth? Or would you like Trump to pick them with the people that he already listed that he would choose and select from.

So I agree with you. I think it helps him in that regard, too, because it's a real example of what they shouldn't be doing. It sounds like an activist. You know, expose your ideology first.

PERINO: The Washington Post editorial page also editorialized against the justice, saying you really shouldn't have said that.

WILLIAMS: Well, so but Gregory, I think this is where you're wrong. It's far more subversive than that.

GUTFELD: Really?

WILLIAMS: Yes, than just, oh, encourage people to vote for...

PERINO: Double subversive twist.

WILLIAMS: Here's the double subversive twist. Which is that the Democrats -- and there are several Democrats who have come out against Ginsburg on this, think that "Oh, my gosh, look at what happened in 2000 when the Supreme Court had to make a decision about the outcome of the election." And if Ginsburg is there, and she may have to recuse herself, because guess what? She has now made her political views very apparent.

And therefore, they're saying, "Hey, slow down, keep it to yourself."

The other thing I'd say is didn't Trump just go after Judge Curiel and make all kinds of comments about...

PERINO: Yes. So the separation of powers, Eric, the separation of the branches is not necessarily going so well this campaign.

BOLLING: So our brain room did the research, and they find that federal judges, not Supreme Court justices, federal judges should -- quote, "should refrain from political activity." And they also further that justices alone, Supreme Court justices alone, can decide whether they hear a case or not.

But I've got to tell you, all that -- all that speculation that, even though it's been a 5-4 conservative -- before Justice Scalia passed, 5-4 court leaning to the conservative side, to the right, it's been the most liberal Supreme Court in modern history for this reason. Because someone who's supposed to stay out of politics and out of the fray has decided to weigh in...

GUILFOYLE: Jumps in, right.

BOLLING: ... right before these conventions. I don't know.

PERINO: Well, Antonin Scalia.

BOLLING: You can't censor her. She has a right to say it, but she shouldn't.

PERINO: Scalia got criticism for this, as well. You know, he wasn't as pointed as what Ginsburg said. He took criticism, as well.

But President Obama has used them as a political pawn. Remember in the State of the Union speeches, where he points to them. And he had Alito shaking his head. He doesn't even go to the State of the Union address any more.

GUTFELD: By the way, who is she to judge?

PERINO: Ha, ha, ha.

She didn't take a vow of silence, but she should probably...

GUTFELD: She says she's moving. She would move to New Zealand. We know why, because it's the home of "Lord of the Rings." Hobbits.

PERINO: Is that where you come from?

All right. Trump also getting some more feedback from another one of his critics, actor Matt Damon. The star now says he's frightened by the candidate. You're going to hear why in "The Fastest Seven," next.


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...


GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


BOLLING: ... "The Fastest Seven Minutes on Television." Three lurid stories, seven lively minutes, one laconic host?

PERINO: Sure. Well, wait. Doesn't that mean you're lazy?

GUTFELD: No, that means silent.

PERINO: Oh, silent. Then that's not true.

BOLLING: First up, for a very long time here on "The Five," we highlight the liberal love fest between Hollywood and Washington, D.C. Sarandon, Clooney, Penn and now Matt Damon, a.k.a. Jason Bourne, hating on the Republican nominee some.


MATT DAMON, ACTOR: I'm really frightened at the prospect of a Trump presidency and what that would mean. It's not even a Republican/Democratic issue. I'm genuinely concerned about his temperament. Somebody sending, you know, photos of their hands of people, and you know, it's just like if it's that easy to get under your skin, you should not be able to wield that much power. It's just too dangerous for the rest of us.


BOLLING: All right, K.G., what's this all about?

GUILFOYLE: I don't know. Why does he need to go with the hands? Right? Is that the whole Marco Rubio thing?

BOLLING: Well, why is Matt Damon now...

GUILFOYLE: That's what he's worried about, though? He said it's not a conservative or liberal thing, because Greg said that he heard that he was becoming a conservative. So I don't know if he's just trying to say he specifically doesn't like, you know, Donald Trump, but he does have a movie coming out, a new "Jason Bourne," and he's getting some press and a little bit of pop for that, right? So I think it's out the 29th.

BOLLING: What do you think?

WILLIAMS: I think that -- I think all of us who fear that, you know, what Donald Trump represents had better speak up. Even people in the Republican Party. And you know, not be silent.

So he has a platform, because his movie is coming out. He got in trouble last week with Greg, because he said, "You know, I think that we need to have some conversations about guns" and couldn't even do that after Newtown. He was like why is he talking about guns? He has a gun in his movie.

So I mean, you know, you can say what you want, but you know what? Be a man, Matt Damon. Say what you've got to say, bro.

Do we care what Matt Damon thinks of Donald Trump?

PERINO: Like, Hollywood is not going to be for the Republican nominee. So you just have to factor that in. They will get the media attention. But Nobody can get media attention like Donald Trump, so he trumps them.

GUTFELD: We have to give him this. Oftentimes, they're asked the question. So oftentimes, they don't -- they don't offer it. The other two is, he's making a decent point that a lot of people have made, including Trump supporters. We question his temperament at times.

But then I have two other points. Anything that frightens Matt Damon might be good for us. So -- I mean, good for the country. And he wasn't apparently frightened of the script "We bought a Zoo," which is one of the worst movies ever. So I question his judgment.

BOLLING: Very good. All right, next up, the "Pokemon Go" craze is all the rage now. It's a new twist on the original game. It actually has players hitting the street in search of Pokemons, a brilliant new innovation, I believe, in gaming, but watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, guys, you're playing "Pokemon Go"?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's raining, and you guys are not letting up. What's the allure in "Pokemon Go"?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think the friendship of Pokemon, you know, and everybody coming out together.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can hold a gym. And if you have a strong enough Pokemon, and other players can come battle. And if they can't beat you, then you know, you have bragging rights.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's kind of like I'm going back to my childhood, and like bringing that back to life.


BOLLING: This is an absolute brilliant, brilliant innovation on an old game. But there are some unintended consequences for the explosive success. Now Greg, your thoughts.

GUTFELD: All right.

BOLLING: Good or bad.

GUTFELD: When you show the clip.

GUILFOYLE: He looks like a Pokemon.

If you're watching guys who are in their mid-20s and 30s, it reminds how easy and wonderful life is. Imagine creating a man who landed in Normandy on June 6, 1944, and have him look at this and see that, wow, when I was 19, when I was ten years younger than these guys, I watched people around me die, and for this. Good, these people have great lives.

BOLLING: The innovation, it's exploding. Thirty-one million users.

PERINO: I keep thinking about I would love to know what it was like for the person in the boardroom that came up, not the boardroom, probably, you know, in the conference room, "Hey, like, maybe we should do this," like, a little innovation. This person could be, like, 20 years old and just made the company $7 billion. I mean, it's remarkable.

WILLIAMS: The stock -- the stock went up, so you show know that. Nintendo stock went up.

The funny part to me, picking up on what you just said about men who were in the greatest generation, fighting World War II, the Holocaust Museum in Washington...

GUTFELD: I know.

WILLIAMS: ... you have to tell them, stop. Don't come. We don't think it's appropriate to come in the Holocaust Museum and search for Pokemon. I would think.

GUTFELD: Just said, they went to the cemetery. Right?

GUILFOYLE: But everybody loves this. You've got little kids. Like, Ronan likes it. He wants to do this with his babysitter and run around. I don't know. I mean, I don't get it, but go for it. They love it.

BOLLING: All right, this is the last one. There are some of the hottest new shows everyone wants to watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Without any mental reservation, or purpose of evasion.

KEVIN SPACEY, ACTOR: I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.

One heartbeat away from the presidency and not a single vote cast in my name. Democracy is so overrated.


BOLLING: But if you're thinking about just borrowing your friend's password to binge on shows like "House of Cards" right there, you may want to think again. Netflix password sharing could now be potentially a federal crime, since this ruling came down. However, many have actually said they don't -- Dana.

PERINO: I think if you get caught doing this, you could just use the new Jim Comey defense for Hillary Clinton, that "I was just so unsophisticated when it came to technology, I didn't know what I was doing. So I should get a pass."

BOLLING: Like you didn't intend to do it?

PERINO: Juanito.

WILLIAMS: I just think that this is kind of a modern American crime.

PERINO: Modern?

WILLIAMS: People do this with their cable, you know, to get HBO and Showtime. And you see it all over. But I think it's criminal, no question.

BOLLING: Is it criminal, K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: You know, I pay for my own Netflix account. If Ronan goes over, stays at his dad's, he has his. I could very well have shared it, right, but then that would be the wrong thing to do.

BOLLING: I think it's wrong, Greg. I mean, if these people want to get the content, they're supposed to pay for the content.

GUTFELD: They should be executed.

You know what my Netflix password is? Netflix password. Yes. Just easy to remember.

BOLLING: You know what else is easy to remember? "One More Thing" is up next.


GUTFELD: Time for "One More Thing" -- Eric.

BOLLING: So cops have been getting a bad rap lately. You know all about what's going on with Black Lives Matter. But check this out. Last week in Waterfront, Pennsylvania, four cops are eating at the Eaton Park diner. Another couple comes in, and they're supposed to be seated across from those four cops.

The cops hear the couple say, "We don't want to sit near them." So they go ahead, and they're seated somewhere else. By the end of their dinner, the cops had picked up that couple's tab, $28.50, plus a $10 tip. And this is important to note, that this was done the day after five law enforcement heroes were gunned down in Dallas.

So you know what? Stop pointing the fingers at the cops. Pat them on the back. Buy them the dinner.

GUILFOYLE: Unbelievable. You know? It's like have -- show some class and decency and respect for human life.


GUTFELD: Hopeless. Whatever you just said will not sink into those brains. Those two people.

WILLIAMS: You guys have no nervousness around cops?


WILLIAMS: Wow. You live in a different world.

BOLLING: You do?

WILLIAMS: Of course I do.

GUTFELD: this is "One More Thing" -- Dana.

PERINO: Well, I'm going to lighten this up. Because guess what? It's time for this.


PERINO: "Dana's Corny Joke of the Day."


PERINO: OK. This is bus trip related.


PERINO: All right? Juan, are you ready? OK. Name a bus you can never enter.

BOLLING: Omnibus.

PERINO: That's not bad. Not a bad guess. Name a bus you can never enter. A syllabus. Omnibus would have worked, as well. OK.

GUTFELD: Buster Douglas.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Are we going to do these on the bus?

PERINO: No, don't worry. I'll get it over with here.

What do you call a song that you sing in an automobile? A song that you sing in an automobile?

BOLLING: Car-e-oke.

GUTFELD: Pretty good.

WILLIAMS: That's pretty good.

PERINO: Good guess. Car-tune.


GUILFOYLE: I like his better.

PERINO: OK, fine. Then he can do corny jokes.

What would you call the USA if everyone lived in their cars? What would you call the United States of America if everyone lived in their cars?

GUILFOYLE: The drive-in.

BOLLING: I don't know.

GUTFELD: Really?

GUILFOYLE: The incarnation. Come on, that's funny.

WILLIAMS: I think that was funny.

GUTFELD: It's funny and it's sad.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: Sad time for America.

All right. Where am I -- Juan.

WILLIAMS: All right. So, you know, one of the greatest basketball players of all time retires this week. But I bet you may not have heard about it. But the five-time NBA champ retired without a press conference, without a farewell tour, without even a statement. Tim Duncan is gone.

So his humble, low-key personality is why his coach, Gregg Popovich, sang his praises. No press conferences, said something to reporters. And then one of the reporters asked, who would you have dinner with, if you could have dinner with anyone? And Popovich said, you know, "It wouldn't be the Dali Lama. It wouldn't be Mother Teresa." Here's his answer.


GREGG POPOVICH, NBC COACH: And I can honestly tell you, my dinner would be with Timmy. He's so genuine that it blows your mind.


WILLIAMS: A genuine human being. Hats off. See you later, Tim Duncan. You are definitely a hall of famer.

GUILFOYLE: God bless him. Very nice. Enjoys his family. Good example, right?

GUTFELD: All right, K.G..

GUILFOYLE: I aspire to be a good role model, as well.

GUTFELD: You're trying.

GUILFOYLE: And I love Barbies. OK. So here's the deal. It's connected. Don't worry. So as this November election draws near, guess what's been released? Yes, the Barbie presidential candidates, and they have a female V.P., as well. Dana, some foreshadowing? Hillary may be...

PERINO: Wishful thinking?

GUILFOYLE: Although those outfits look a little bit different. So Mattel has launched -- no, I was making a joke. Yes. Launched its presidential Barbie for 2016. And by the way, so they did this because the first female all-ticket.

But this is my Barbie here, the Barbie look. Kimberly Guilfoyle.

GUTFELD: Wow. Must be nice.

PERINO: Very cute.

WILLIAMS: This is the first lady of San Francisco.

GUILFOYLE: This wasn't my outfit as first lady. There's another one for that.

GUTFELD: All right. Let's roll this.

GUILFOYLE: This is my Friday night outfit.


GUTFELD: Greg's Sports Corner!


GUTFELD: You know, last week, we helped Brandon Belt get onto the all-star -- all-star game for the National League. And what did he do? He flied out. I want to apologize to our viewers. Brandon, you know, we put our faith in you, and you flied out.

PERINO: What does that mean?

GUTFELD: That means he hit a ball out, and it got caught in left field. But, you know, he's batting .302, so that's pretty good. He's got 47 RBIs so far in 2016.

BOLLING: He earned it.

GUTFELD: Yes. Yes, he did. Thanks, Brandon.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Come on.

GUTFELD: "Special Report" up next.

GUILFOYLE: Why you got to hate?

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