
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," May 3, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: This is a Fox News Alert. Tonight, Donald Trump decisively wins the Indiana primary and Senator Ted Cruz drops out of the race, making Trump now the presumptive Republican nominee. Here's Trump reacting to the news.


DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This has been an amazing evening. I didn't expect this. I didn't expect it. And what Ted did is really a very brave thing to do and a great thing to do because we want to bring unity to the Republican Party. We have to bring unity. It's so much easier if we have it.



HANNITY: And on the Democratic side, Senator Bernie Sanders defeats Hillary Clinton in the Indiana primary.

Joining us now to react to all of this, Fox news contributor Tucker Carlson, Fox news senior correspondent Geraldo Rivera, Fox News legal analyst Peter Johnson, Jr.

OK. I'm looking at social media. I just heard Dana Loesch on with Megyn Kelly. And there are going to be -- there are conservatives, there are Ted Cruz supporters now that are angry. How do you bring the party together?

PETER JOHNSON, JR., FOX LEGAL ANALYST: Donald Trump can do that. He has the capacity in business. He's had the capacity in terms of public service now in running these 9 and 10 months. He has the capacity in terms of his force of personality, his intuition, his ability to reach out to people personally, his magnetism, his flamboyance, his empathy with a lot of people, people who are conservative, people who are liberal, people who have been left behind in this country, people who are angry.

He channeled the voice of the angry. He channeled the cries in the wilderness. And he will try to do that with Cruz supporters going forward. It'll be a process. There are hurt feelings after a primary like this.

HANNITY: This is a brutal -- listen, I've been up close and persona. This is a brutal grind process that tests everybody to the limit.

JOHNSON: But I believe he will be able bring folks together.

HANNITY: Geraldo.

GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: I think you will see a profound convergence now. I think Donald Trump will move to the center of the GOP philosophy. I think the GOP establishment will move to Donald Trump.

HANNITY: That's not going to help Donald Trump with Ted Cruz people because...

RIVERA: Believe me, Sean, he is going into California now, basically an uncontested primary there. Now is his chance to say, You know, that wall, the wall's a great idea, but you know, bridges, we need bridges, we need highways, we need schools. We need a lot of infrastructure. We're going to work together. I'm going to bring people together.

He is a winner. The people who are most panicked now are the lobbyists in Washington, D.C.

HANNITY: You know what's fascinating...

RIVERA: He has defied the establishment. He's gone right to the people.

HANNITY: This year has been maybe like an election year we'll never see again in our history. And if we go back to the very beginning and we ask the question, How did we get here, I think every single exit poll that we have seen, and we saw it out of Indiana again tonight, and that is Republicans feel betrayed by the Republican Party in Washington, that they never stood up to the Obama agenda. They never stopped health care. They never used the power of the purse. They didn't stop executive amnesty.

Is Trump going to -- do you think Trump learns from that and realizes that the things he said about building a wall and health care savings accounts and energy independence -- does he have to follow through if he wants any level of success?

JOHNSON: Oh, he has to follow through. But he's reinvented and he will continue to reinvent the Republican Party.

RIVERA: Absolutely!

JOHNSON: And what he will say is we can be a broad tent. We don't have to disenfranchise anyone, whether they're white, whether they're black, whether they're Hispanic.


HANNITY: And the numbers show he's going to -- he's going to win more primary votes than any Republican in the history of GOP primaries!

JOHNSON: This is historic! And Geraldo has talked about this and you've talked about it, and you talked about it from the beginning. There has been nothing like this in the Republican Party! There's been nothing like this come from nowhere, win, in presidential politics!

RIVERA: He is impressed himself. When I had the conversation with him on Sunday morning, he predicted a decisive victory in Indiana. He had no idea that Ted Cruz was going to pull out so suddenly.

Now I really, truly believe, Sean, that the -- what Ted Cruz disparaged as "New York values" will come to the fore. He will be to the left of Hillary Clinton on issues like trade! I think that Trump will -- with his movie star appeal -- reach out to different groups. I think the Republican Party will be remade and it will be better for it.

JOHNSON: And he will reach out to Ted Cruz, and he reached out to Ted Cruz tonight. And that's important. Those are good Americans. But the people who supported Donald Trump are good Americans. And the people that supported Kasich are good Americans.

HANNITY: And Ted Cruz.

JOHNSON: And they will come together in unity with common cause, with a common purpose!

HANNITY: Maybe -- maybe I read more social media than you guys. I mean, it has been an intense circular firing squad on social media. It has been brutal...


RIVERA: ... because they have targeted us at Fox News, you particularly, Sean, and they're blaming you for what is the will of the American people. This was not a Fox News creation. This is a populist appeal, a man who has touched a nerve in this country, a man who will reach beyond the various lines. I believe that even with women you will see a much different man, a man that will be remade. His daughter, Ivanka, will take a prominent role. He will show that in his urbanization...

HANNITY: How does he do it with Hispanics?

RIVERA: ... there's no glass ceiling. I think that -- you ask the question that I toss and turn over every night, Sean. He must make the message to the Hispanic community that some the draconian statements he made, like the Kennedy thing, you know, a comparison with Ted Cruz today, that this was in the heat of the campaign. He has no intention of using the limited federal resources to go into otherwise law-abiding undocumented immigrant families with citizen children who've been here for 10 years to deport them.

HANNITY: All right, let me ask...

RIVERA: I think that's one of the things he does.

HANNITY: Go back to the 17 candidates and handicap it. Of all the 17 candidates, is he best able to win a general election against Hillary? Was he the guy that was best able? Was that a big factor in how the people voted?

JOHNSON: Yes. And I said some months ago. And what we've seen in a lot of people, in spite of the fear mongering, have said, I'm going to vote for Donald Trump because I think he's the best choice for this party and for this country.

If Donald Trump wants to win this general election, this must be a campaign based on hope, optimism, solutions, ideas. This cannot be a negative campaign. He's got to exude the kind of energy and strength and warmth and innovation that he exuded in business!

HANNITY: Could Ted Cruz have won a general election?

RIVERA: I don't think so. I mean, I...

HANNITY: Why do you say that?

RIVERA: ... certainly would have never voted for him, that unpleasant aura of his -- I know that it is not an intellectual answer I give, but when I look at Ted Cruz -- I thought today that when he withdrew from the race, he was the most pleasant he has been. He has the lean and hungry look of Cassius of Julius Caesar. You just don't trust him. Why is it that his colleagues don't like him in the Senate of the United States? How is it that a man...


HANNITY: ... Hillary-Trump race.

RIVERA: I think that this is anybody's ballgame. Anybody who sells Donald Trump short right now has not been paying attention for the last nine months.

HANNITY: All right, I got to bring in Tucker Carlson. Good to see you both.


HANNITY: Good to have you with us, Tucker. Give us your take.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR. Well, I mean, obviously, it's remarkable, that's self-evident, Donald Trump just became the Republican nominee. The Republican Party, by the way, is much more united than the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders won in Indiana! What does that tell you? Talk about a protest vote.

I have to say, though, of the "never Trump people," I think it's entirely legitimate to be concerned about Donald Trump. I even think it's fair to be appalled by Donald Trump. His comments this morning about Lee Harvey Oswald were kind of nutty.

What I don't think is legitimate is to pretend, for Washington Republicans to pretend, that this is primarily an ideological dispute. The Republican Party in Washington is not terribly conservative. They're not mad at Donald Trump because he's so liberal, they're mad at him because, A, he threatens the status quo. He threatens their livelihoods. He threatens anybody with vested interest in, for example, pretending the Iraq war was a good idea. He threatens them in their reputations. That's why they hate him.

What I object to is people who are affirmatively working for the Hillary Clinton campaign, in effect, lecturing me about what it means to be conservative, lecturing the rest of us, telling us anybody who thinks, you know, a Trump candidacy is OK is somehow not conservative. And therefore, we're going to work on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Now, that just doesn't fly. You can say, I don't like him or I don't think he should be president, fine. But don't do so in the name of conservatism.

HANNITY: All right.

CARLSON: That's just bogus.

HANNITY: Stay right there, Tucker. We'll get back to you.

Joining us now on the phone, former speaker of the House, Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich. Mr. Gingrich, good to see you. Your thoughts on tonight.

NEWT GINGRICH, R-FMR. HOUSE SPEAKER, FOX CONTRIBUTOR (via telephone): Well, look, it's a big win for Trump, a remarkable moment. It's a big night for Cruz, who I think did exactly the right thing and did it with class and then I think was appropriately complimented by Trump, who came back with the right tone and the right support. It bodes well for their ability to work together.

I think it was a good night for Reince Priebus, who immediately tweeted about reality and moved the RNC towards directly working with the new nominee, who is clearly Donald Trump. So overall, you know, you have to chalk it up as historic evening and one that really got a lot of different things done in one evening.

HANNITY: Does -- do Republicans -- looking at Bernie Sanders, for example, winning Indiana tonight, we can talk about a superdelegate system that is corrupt as any as I've ever seen, which assists Hillary Clinton, the establishment candidate on their side. But when you look at the enthusiasm of young people -- has American gone center-right to a little center, maybe slightly left, younger people, millennials now expecting government to be the end-all, the be-all to provide student loans and health care?

GINGRICH: I think we're trapped in an obsolete set of language. I listened to that last conversation you had. And let me give you an example in terms of foreign policy where, you know -- and I'm not sure whether the right word is dumb or stupid so people can (INAUDIBLE).

But let's take stupid or dumb versus something working, OK? Overthrowing Gadhafi didn't work. It created chaos in Libya. It created migrants into Europe. It got an American ambassador killed. It created a place where weapons went out to terrorists around the world. It just didn't work.

Now, if Trump comes along and says the Clinton-Obama policy of overthrowing Gadhafi was dumb and didn't work, is that a sign he's to her right or to her left or is it just a sign he's to (ph) reality?

HANNITY: There were two -- well, here's my question are there were two great movements in terms of the conservative movement. Obviously, the Reagan presidency. The second one is when you became the speaker of the House. The Ted Cruz supporters that question Donald Trump's conservatism specifically, that are saying, Maybe never Trump, they can't abandon their principles, what is your answer to that?

GINGRICH: My answer to it is, first of all, Donald Trump may turn out to be the most effective anti-left leader in our lifetimes. He is against political correctness. He is against bureaucracy. He places American nationalism first, which I think we desperately need. I'm tired of being told we have to have phony agreements and phony efforts. And -- you know, I watched John Kerry rush from five-star hotel to five-star hotel trying to get a Syrian peace agreement that is absurdity.

So I think -- I think Trump, in that sense, may be a return to more of an Eisenhower kind of realism that nonetheless is very conservative. And he may do more to dismantle the left than anybody in our lifetime, including Reagan and me. So I don't despair.

The other side, of course, is if you're not for Donald Trump, you functionally are for Hillary Clinton, and she is going to create the most radical Supreme Court, take away your right to bear arms, eliminate your religious liberty and move this country dramatically to the left.

HANNITY: Let's talk about party unity. You said in a couple of interviews ago, before I guess the mid-Atlantic and Northeast primaries, that it would be on the shoulders of the winner to unite the party. What's the best way, the most effective way to get there?

GINGRICH: Well, he did two good things tonight. He praised Ted Cruz and he praised Reince Priebus. And he said, Look, we all got to work together. (INAUDIBLE) that's a very helpful step in the right direction.

I know that with Paul Manafort's leadership, they've been reaching out to all sorts of folks in Washington. And I heard the other day Trump say some very positive things about Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader. I mean, the way do you this is largely about humans talking to humans. And I think there is a potential for Trump to bring into a much larger tent. And then that's the key. This will be a much bigger Republican Party three months from now.


HANNITY: ... numbers of people that showed up, and I guess a lot of people, maybe blue collar, Reagan Democrats would once again joined the fold of the Republican Party.

Look ahead to a Trump versus Hillary matchup. How does that go down?

GINGRICH: Well, I think it depends. One of the biggest decisions -- there are two big decisions Trump has to make. And (INAUDIBLE) you know, he's the guy. He's going to have to make the decisions. Nobody else is.

The first is, is he willing to run a 50-state campaign or is he going to follow his consultants and try to cleverly target six or seven states? That's the first big decision because those are two radically different campaigns. I obviously favor a 50-state campaign. That's how we took control in '94. That's how Reagan won a big victory in 1980.

The second big decision is, does he only run an anti-Hillary campaign, or does he line up the entire left, so that, for example, the corruption of the VA being defended by the government employee unions, who are Hillary's allies, becomes a definition of Hillary. The failure of inner city schools because of, for example, the teachers union in Detroit going and having a sick-out in a system where 91 percent of the kids fail their tests. And those are Hillary's allies.

So he can go for a big decision, tie Hillary to every element of the left and beat all of them, or he can try to narrowly beat just Hillary. And those are the two big decisions he faces.

HANNITY: Who would be, besides you, a good VP choice?

GINGRICH: Oh, there are dozen of good VP choices. Marco Rubio is an absolutely talented person who would do very, very well. Susanna Martinez, the governor of New Mexico, is enormously talented. Scott Walker, who has been through the kind of fight -- because remember, if Trump wins and Trump actually tries to change Washington, it's going to be just like Madison, Wisconsin. You're going to have left-wingers in the streets. You're going to have daily demonstrations. So Walker has some background that could be very, very exciting.

Rick Snyder in Michigan, a very attractive governor, got right-to-work passed in Michigan, has been a very good reformer.

So I can look around and see six, eight, nine different people that they could look at who would be a very good part of a Trump ticket (ph). And remember, you have no idea what Trump's range is. I mean, he could decide to pick a retired four-star general. He could pick a lot of different people you and I wouldn't think because he is so unique that he is not bound by the normal conventions.

HANNITY: All right, Mr. Speaker, thanks for being with us.


HANNITY: Peter Johnson, Jr., Geraldo, thank you guys. We'll get back also to Tucker Carlson.

And coming up, Senator Cruz did drop out of the race tonight. Donald Trump looks ahead to the general election. We'll check in with Dr. Ben Carson, Governor Bobby Jindal -- they're all here to weigh in on tonight's big breaking news.

And Senator Bernie Sanders scores a massive victory in Indiana. What impact will that have on that race? Is Hillary Clinton trying to steal the election from him? We'll explain the superdelegates and much more straight ahead.



TRUMP: I won with women. I love winning with women!


TRUMP: But I won with women. We won with men. We won with Hispanics. We won with African-Americans. We won with every -- virtually every category. So it's just been an amazing evening.


HANNITY: All right, that was Donald Trump earlier tonight, New York City, speaking after his victory in Indiana and Senator Ted Cruz announcing he was dropping out of the race.

Here with reaction, former 2016 Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson. Dr. Carson, you were referenced by Mr. Trump. I assume you spoke to him earlier tonight. And you said this is a movement. What did you mean by that?

DR. BEN CARSON, FMR. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It means that the people themselves have just gotten disgusted with being manipulated and controlled. And what they recognize is that if they just listen to what the pundits are saying, what everybody else was saying, that we were going to end up with a brokered convention with something that they didn't want.

So they superseded the narrative. And they themselves said, We're going to take this out of the hands of the convention.

HANNITY: You know...

CARSON: And I think that was a brilliant thing.

HANNITY: It's really fascinating. When you look at the group of 17 from the very beginning, we're not talking about -- I mean, you're talking about probably the deepest bench that the Republican Party has had, successful governors like Rick Perry and Bobby Jindal, who will join us, people like yourself and John Kasich and Senator Rubio, Senator Cruz. former governor Bush. These are really -- this is the best of the Republican Party and have the best track record.

It is a pretty -- why do you think that Donald Trump was able to defeat 16 other strong people?

CARSON: Because this is the year of the outsider. It was going to be an outsider. The people had decided that because look what's happened when we sent insiders. And they just keep doing the same thing over and over, be they Republicans, be they Democrats. It doesn't matter.

And the people are absolutely tired of that, but more importantly, they recognize that we're on the precipice. If we go over, continuing down the same pathway, we have doomed our children and our grandchildren.


CARSON: I think the people know that.

HANNITY: All right, we really appreciate your time, Dr. Carson, as always. Thank you for joining us.

Here now with more reaction to Donald Trump's win in Indiana tonight and now being the presumptive Republican nominee, former 2016 Republican presidential candidate, former Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal. Governor, good to see you.

BOBBY JINDAL, FMR. GOV., FMR. PRES. CANDIDATE: Sean, thank you for having me back. Great to be on the air with you.

HANNITY: You know, when I mention the deep bench, I do mention you. I do mention Rick Scott in Florida. I do mention Nikki Haley. I do mention Rick Perry and John Kasich and Scott Walker, the governors, and then, of course, Marco Rubio and then maybe people outside of politics, Ted Cruz obviously a big part of that list, people like Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, who we had on.

Do you think it's possible to unite a dream team to run against Hillary and win and save the country from the mess it's in?

JINDAL: Absolutely, Sean. I'd say this. I know a lot of my friends are in the "never Trump" camp, and I understand that. Look, I was very critical of Donald Trump.

But we need to be honest with ourselves. Today we've got two choices. It is either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Look, it's a free country. People get to vote for whoever they want. And that's great. I'm not telling anybody they have to vote the way I'm going to vote.

But I think anybody that says they cannot support Donald Trump needs to understand they are one of the consequences (INAUDIBLE) that will make it easier for Hillary Clinton to win.

HANNITY: I think that's interesting you say that.

JINDAL: And I don't think that we can accept that as a country.

HANNITY: And you really got to look back here, even in Indiana, I mean, every step of the way, it seems that groups of people threw every single thing that they had against this guy, and he was able to overcome it.

What does it tell you about him, and has your opinion of him evolved somewhat throughout this campaign?

JINDAL: Well, look, I'd say a couple of things. Clearly, you've got to give Donald Trump credit. He tapped into people's resentment. The more that people criticized him, the stronger he got. I thought it was foolish for the establishment, the mainstream media, the Republican leadership try to go after him because it just made him stronger, the way that they attacked him.

But Sean, look, I'm going to be honest. It would be, you know, false for me to simply and sit here and say, All of a sudden, I think that overnight, he has become this great conservative or that I take back everything I've said about him. I'm still critical of him.

But I think he's better than Hillary Clinton. I think under Donald Trump, we have a chance to get rid of "Obama care." Under Hillary Clinton, we've got no chance. I think under Donald Trump, we have a chance to get a conservative on the Supreme Court. Under Hillary Clinton, we've got no chance. And we got a Supreme Court that's evenly divided on religious liberty...

HANNITY: He actually said...

JINDAL: ... that could be evenly guided on our 2nd Amendment rights.

HANNITY: He said he's going to list the name of the people, the only people that he would put under consideration for openings on the court, so people will know before election day who those people are, right?

JINDAL: I think that's great. And I think the more that he, for example, says these are the kinds of people he wanted to be his secretary of defense -- obviously, he'll name his vice president. But some of the other key appointments I think it would give people a lot more confidence.

And look, it may take a while for people to coalesce and unify behind him. I understand that people are going to take some time. I thought he was gracious tonight. I thought, you know, he complimented Senator Cruz.

I will say this about Senator Cruz. Look, it seems to me he paid the cannibals to eat him last. And what I mean by that is he was praising Donald Trump all the way up through December, only then started attacking more recently. And I think it was too little, too late.

But I think it was ironic. He was -- of all the 17 running, he was the one that was most complimentary about Donald Trump for the longest.

HANNITY: If Donald Trump calls Bobby Jindal and says, Hey, I really like what you did as governor of Louisiana, would you come work for me, your answer?

JINDAL: Look, I'm not looking for a job in the Trump administration.

HANNITY: I didn't ask you if...

JINDAL: I'm going to support him. I'm going to vote for him.

HANNITY: If he called to -- and asked you to serve and it was a position you thought you could help in. Let me ask the question that way.

JINDAL: Look, again, he's not going to call me (INAUDIBLE) Sean, after some of the things I've said, he's not going to...


HANNITY: ... don't be surprised. The phone'll ring right after this interview.

JINDAL: I'm not looking -- I don't want -- I don't want a job in the next administration. But I am going to support him. I am going to vote for him. And I would encourage all those conservatives and Republicans out there, we've had eight -- now it's almost eight awful years under President Obama. We can't afford four more years under Hillary Clinton.

If you want to see this country become each more dependent on government, more in debt, then go and vote for Hillary Clinton. Otherwise, the choice -- it's binary now. It's Trump or Clinton. My vote's for Trump.

HANNITY: Bobby Jindal -- Governor, thank you. Appreciate it.

Coming up, campaign Carl Cameron standing by right now at Trump Tower. We'll check in with him. Bill Hemmer -- he's here to break down tonight's results out of Indiana, Donald Trump's path going forward as the presumptive nominee.

Plus, Senator Bernie Sanders defeats Hillary Clinton in the Hoosier state. But we'll explain how the superdelegates are really deciding who wins the Democratic nomination. Is she really stealing it? My theory coming up.



TRUMP: Our theme is very simple. It's make America great again. We will make America great again.


TRUMP: We will start winning again. You will be so proud of this country very, very soon. Thank you all. Thank you very much. Thank you.



HANNITY: That was Donald Trump earlier tonight after winning in Indiana. He is now looking ahead to the general election, probably against Hillary Clinton.

Joining us now live from Trump Tower in New York City is campaign Carl Cameron. Campaign Carl, it looks like they are breaking things down behind you there.

CARL CAMERON, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Yes. They are quick to close things at Trump Tower. They like to get us out of here as soon as possible they can get back to work on the campaign trail. On Thursday Donald Trump will go to West Virginia as the presumptive nominee, and after more than a year of pounding the Republican Party, mocking the establishment, ripping into GOP officials, tonight Donald Trump began mending fences.

And he was very gracious, thanking Reince Priebus, saying he did great job walking through the party and all this nomination process, and that he thinks it's worked out quite nicely. How could he not? He is now the presumptive nominee.

He has talked about uniting the Republican Party. And most notably he went out of his way with two lengthy comments about Ted Cruz, saying that he has a very bright future and is he, quote, "a hell of a competitor and put up a great fight." It is an open question as to whether or not Trump can unite the party. When you hear folks like the governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, who was one of his harshest critics and one of the first to drop out, having criticized Trump, now saying that in a binary situation Republicans have to come and unite behind Trump.

There are still groups like the never-Trump and the Our Principles organizations, big super PACs raising lots of money trying to stop Trump. But they have begun to sort of edit themselves too, saying that they will fight until the convention, which is almost a signal in the advance, Sean, that they recognize that when the convention comes around Donald Trump is going to clinch it even beforehand. He will probably win on the first ballot. And the Cruz-Kasich alliance and all of that is now a thing of the past, and the question is can Trump unite the party.

It's very important to remember they have been bringing in new voters with record turnout on the Republican side. And turnout is actually down on the Democratic side.

HANNITY: It's going to be a fascinating general election, you can't deny that. Thank you campaign Carl.

Joining us now at the big board to break down all the numbers tonight is the one and only -- we call it "Bill Board" when you are here.

BILL HEMMER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Come on, it's 11:00 at night. Give me something, right.


HEMMER: Sean, I will take you through a couple of things now. The delegate math I'm about to show you, some of that was projected before the night began, OK. And then I'm going to show you when the dam broke in Trump's favor, OK. And that just goes back 28 days.

Here's our delegate math now on the board. So far in Indiana 51 of 57 have been awarded, all 51 have gone to Trump. Six are still outstanding. So here he is at 1,047, 90 away.

Trump said tonight that he will go to Nebraska. I know Carl just mentioned West Virginia. Trump is hitting Nebraska as well, so that's going to happen. But before the day began, we thought that Nebraska was all Ted Cruz. And now we may have to second guess that. But we'll see as we come up in the coming days here. West Virginia still favors Trump. So he would be at 1,071. Oregon, slight favor for Trump. Maybe that changes a little bit because after Governor Kasich's performance in Indiana tonight, we thought he might -- Kasich might split the vote out here and maybe that changes our calculation in the coming days and weeks. Washington state, slight favorite for Trump.

What about Montana, winner-take-all, does that calculation now change in Montana? It might. Right now we think it's Cruz. Same for South Dakota. New Mexico, slight edge for Trump as well.

By the way we are in June at the moment in last five states, and that winner-take-all, New Jersey we think that is Trump again. And California, we had him at 125 to start the night. That number may change. There are some estimates now Sean that suggest that 53 congressional districts in California, that Trump may play in all of them and, wow, what a number that would be. So, it would be plus 54 to get to the magic number of 1,237.

Now I want to show you where we were four weeks ago tonight, 28 days ago. We are in Wisconsin here. And that night Ted Cruz won it by 13 points over Donald Trump. And what happened four weeks ago until tonight? This is astounding. Two weeks ago was New York came home for Donald Trump. It was a home game. He's in purple. He swept the entire state.

Two weeks after that we went over to -- sorry, seven days after that it was Rhode Island, all Trump. These are all counties now that fill in. Same for Connecticut. They all fill in for Trump. Same for Pennsylvania. That same night, it was a five night sweep from Pennsylvania down to Maryland, ultimately to Delaware.

Notice one thing on that map. You see no color but purple, with one exception. Remember Donald Trump lost New York County? That's where he lives and where he works. That is the only one in the six states where he lost a single county. And that's where the dam broke in the state of New York.

This is Indiana tonight. Virtually all Trump with one exception. And Ted Cruz really had targeted this part of the state. This is Allen County. It's Fort Wayne. It's conservative. Cruz won it by less than a point tonight. And that just shows you the shear dominance that Trump has put on the rest of this field. And he has done it, Sean, in dramatic fashion starting in New York in the east, throughout the mid-Atlantic states. And now with the solid win in the Midwest to lock up that presumptive nomination title that Reince Priebus has now laid on him. It has been remarkable run, and I think, well, heck, would you have guessed that? Would you have predicted that, Sean?

HANNITY: Well --

HEMMER: I don't know anyone that would have said Trump is going to run the table and now it's going to be over.

HANNITY: You think back, Bill, a month ago, this is pretty interesting, a month ago, you're right. The stop Trump or the strategy to prevent Trump from getting to 1,237 was very, very real. No one anticipated those seven states would go as not just wins but these are landslides in every single state. So clearly people are speaking out. They want -- they really want an outsider.

HEMMER: I would just add that something -- something switched within the Republican primary system. You know, when Trump rolled to you that New York and came to the east coast, these people got very comfortable with him very quickly.

And Wisconsin, when Ted Cruz had the support of you called the establishment or talk radio in Wisconsin, Cruz did not have that in Indiana. You have the governor, Mike Pence, a popular governor running for re-election.

HANNITY: Trump had Bobby Knight.

HEMMER: That's right. And he had Gene Keady from Purdue, and former coach of Notre Dame with him by his side.

HANNITY: Lou Holtz? I didn't see Lou Holtz.

HEMMER: I think Lou Holtz is on board now. But Digger Phelps. So you have that in the state of Indiana where you know it's a rim and not a ring.

HANNITY: One month ago this was a real race. One month ago, mathematically they certainly could have stopped Trump from getting to 1,237. I think Ted Cruz saw the math. And to Ted's credit, and I think Donald Trump gave a lot of props to him, he fought really hard in Indiana, and people spoke out tonight. So that's where we are. Thank you, Bill Hemmer.

And coming up, Senator Bernie Sanders, he scored a big win in Indiana, and tells Hillary Clinton the Democratic race is far from over. But does it really matter when it comes to the Democratic delegate count? In other words, is it corrupt? Obama's former economic advisor Austan Goolsbee will be here with analysis as we continue tonight.



SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT., DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I understand that Secretary Clinton thinks that this campaign is over. I've got some bad news for her. I think that as more and more delegates to the Democratic convention take a hard look at which candidate is generating the kind of enthusiasm, excitement, voter turnout that we need to make sure that somebody like a Donald Trump does not become president, I think you will see more and more delegates concluding that that candidate is Bernie Sanders.


HANNITY: That was Senator Bernie Sanders earlier tonight telling rival Hillary Clinton that the Democratic race is far from over. So how does his win in Indiana now impact the 2016 race? Here with reaction, former Obama economic adviser Austan Goolsbee. Why are you smiling? Are you voting for Trump? That's what it is.

AUSTAN GOOLSBEE, FORMER OBAMA ECONOMIC ADVISER: You know I'm not voting for Trump. I'm just smiling.

HANNITY: I have got to give you credit.

GOOLSBEE: And dinner that I'm going to get from a bet. We are betting again.

HANNITY: I think the country has moved a little more to the left than I like. They put up with your best buddy who has ruined the economy, ruined our stature in the world. And I hope the country doesn't want more of that. One in four families don't have one member in the labor force. That came out last week, Austan. How do you explain that? Is that Bush's fault?

GOOLSBEE: A lot of people are retiring.

HANNITY: That's what it is.

GOOLSBEE: I don't know if you or Donald Trump is Thelma or the other one Louise. You guys are driving off a cliff.

HANNITY: And 95 million Americans out of the labor force, millions more in poverty and food stamps and you take no responsibility for that.

But I will give you credit. Did you point out that Ted Cruz was going to be formidable.

GOOLSBEE: I did. That's right.

HANNITY: And he did extraordinarily well. I think he should be extremely proud. I think he, in the end, probably made Trump a stronger candidate in a strange way. I know Cruz people hate the Trump people. Trump people hate the Cruz people. Hopefully they will get together, but maybe not. I bet you hope they don't.

GOOLSBEE: I think you're right. I hope they don't, though it would be fun for me to see them have to eat each other's words after what they said about each other.

But I do think you're right that Ted Cruz, and I appreciate, a, and I appreciate you remember I said from the beginning he is formidable and they shouldn't under estimate him. I do think they made Donald Trump a lot stronger of a candidate. At the beginning I kind of thought Donald Trump might have a bit of a glass jaw. But he really did not through this primary.

HANNITY: I talk to a lot of Democrats. Interestingly almost without exception they wanted to go up against a more conventional candidate. They fear Trump. Do you agree with is that?

GOOLSBEE: Maybe there is a part of it. He is a wild card and a wild man. You don't know what is going to come out of his mouth or what will be the reaction.

HANNITY: It's kind of like Obama, the Alinskyite. You never know what socialist comments will come flying out.

GOOLSBEE: I think we can both agree that Donald Trump is the anti-Obama. I think both sides would agree to that.

HANNITY: Thank god. Somebody has got to undo the damage this guy has done. This is what I don't understand. You are a smart man. How could you not -- go ahead.

GOOLSBEE: I stubbed my toe, but instead of to take the focus off stubbed toe I am going to shoot myself five times.

HANNITY: All I know is numbers speak for themselves. Eight years, he has taken on more debt than every president before him combined. Let me finish, millions more in poverty, on food stamps, and the lowest labor participation rate, and one in four families don't have a single family member working. Thank you, President Obama. Really great job.

GOOLSBEE: Look. Last six years it's gotten a lot better. First year and a half it got a lot worse. We can agree on that.

HANNITY: The growth in the last quarter, 0.5 percent, the first president in history who has never reached three percent GDP. Great job.

GOOLSBEE: Well, I mean, inflation has been extraordinarily low, and we have had a horrible recession.

HANNITY: A horrible recession, and a horrible recovery, which isn't a recovery.

GOOLSBEE: It's a recovery. It should be higher. I'm not trying to make it out that everything is perfect. What I'm saying is, if Donald Trump is the nominee, look, if Trump were elected president, and he sent us into a massive recession by declaring a trade war on China, Japan, Mexico - -

HANNITY: I do what you do. If the Republican doesn't do well in the next eight years, we will just blame Obama. That's what you have been doing the last eight years, blaming Bush.

GOOLSBEE: You're going to blame him for the wall?

HANNITY: No, I want the wall. The wall is one of the reasons he won this whole nomination. That had a big impact on voters.

GOOLSBEE: I think you are right. But I'm telling you this is the Thelma and Louise moment for the Republican Party. Do they realize the highway, that's air underneath you. That's not highway. Like this thing is going down.

HANNITY: Those 11 million people, they actually compete for jobs that Americans want and in the process they drive down wages. And the other part that scares me is ISIS can infiltrate and get into America, crossing that same border because it is not secure.

GOOLSBEE: You're telling me that this guy dressed up like Usama bin Laden walks across Mexico. I'm telling, you can have serious discussion of immigration, and you and I have had it, but the kind of facile approach that Donald Trump has taken, I just don't think it's going to work. I think when we actually start looking at the content he is going to fall apart.

HANNITY: I think you are dreaming. We will see. I hope you are wrong because the country can't tolerate four more years of these crappy policies that you have endorsed the last eight. But I have to roll on.

GOOLSBEE: We are betting on this one.

HANNITY: We're betting big time, I'm in.

Coming up, more live reaction to tonight's breaking news. Donald Trump now the presumptive nominee after Senator Ted Cruz has dropped out of the race. Larry Elder, Mercedes Schlapp, they'll weigh in as we continue straight ahead.



SEN. TED CRUZ, R- TEXAS, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We gave it everything we've got, but the voters chose another path. And so, with a heavy heart, but with boundless optimism for the long term future of our nation, we are suspending our campaign.


HANNITY: Senator Ted Cruz dropping out of the Republican race earlier tonight after Donald Trump scored a major win in Indiana. Here with reaction, Salem Radio CRN talk show host Larry Elder, Fox News contributor Mercedes Schlapp. Larry, your reaction?

LARRY ELDER, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Well, it's an incredible night, isn't it. I didn't anticipate Ted Cruz dropping out the way he did. I assumed Donald Trump was going to take Indiana, but not by as big a margin. If I were advising Ted Cruz, I would tell him you were one of the last two people standing. I know Kasich is still there, but he's not serious. Of the two Cuban-Americans who were competing, he is not the one that people thought would last the longest. He ran an incredible race. Donald Trump was very gracious tonight, called him Ted, didn't call him "Lying Ted," congratulated him. And I would ask him to take a deep breath and join the side he's already on, because there is a common enemy, who her name is Hillary Rodham Clinton. ABC, "Anybody But Clinton."

HANNITY: What do you think Mercedes? There seems to be still a lot of antipathy, open wounds, a lot of anger, a lot of people frustrated their candidate didn't win, which I totally understand. I've been on the road with all of these guys. They put their heart and soul into it, and it's not an easy process.

MERCEDES SCHLAPP, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Right. It's a new chapter for the Republican Party. And this is part of it is a healing process. And it's going to really take Trump's leadership to start bringing and uniting the party together.

And part of it is exactly what he said today about Ted Cruz, calling him a tough, smart guy. And really realizing that he's going to not only need the establishment, he's going to need those grassroots activists, those delegates out there to come together and support him and to make sure that exactly right, that it becomes #neverHillary, and reall --

HANNITY: Is that going to happen. Have you read social media tonight? Do you think that is going to happen?

SCHLAPP: I have faith, I do, Sean. This process takes a long time. It's a long way to November. I think for Donald Trump it is really his moment to step it up, to really be true to his word that he's able to unite the party. I just feel, we saw what Governor Bobby Jindal said earlier. There has to come this opportunity that we do realize what the goal is, and that is to defeat Hillary Clinton.


ELDER: She's got a lot of ammunition. You were talking earlier, Sean, about the economy. This has been the worst economic recovery in the lifetime of almost everybody listening to us. And what Hillary is running for is a third term of the Obama administration. The polls show that most Americans think we're on the wrong track economically. Most Americans think we're on the wrong track in terms of foreign policy. She's offered no major or even minor criticism of Obama. So why, if I'm dissatisfied with the economy, want four more years of exactly the same policies that have caused me to be dissatisfied?

HANNITY: All right, guys, we have more to get to. Thank you, Mercedes. Larry, good to see you. But don't go anywhere. Another live hour of "Hannity" coming your way. We'll check in with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Eric Bolling. They'll be here next to weigh in on tonight's big, breaking news. More reaction, Donald Trump now becoming the presumptive Republican nominee. Hillary losing in a big way in Indiana. What does that mean and more, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome to "Hannity." Donald Trump scores a major victory in the State of Indiana and Senator Ted Cruz has dropped out of the race. Trump is now the presumptive Republican nominee and is now turning his attention to Hillary Clinton. Take a look.


TRUMP: We're going after Hillary Clinton. She will not be a great president, she will not be a good president, she will be a poor president. She doesn't understand trade. Her husband signed, perhaps in the history of the world, the single worst trade deal ever done. They're not going to be able to do it, folks. They're not going to be able to make great trade deals. We have such bad deals -- they're not going to be able to do what we can do with the military. They're not going to be able to do what we're going to do on the border, including the wall.


HANNITY: Here with reaction, the co-hosts of "The Five" -- Eric Bolling, Kimberly Guilfoyle. A lot of hurt feelings out there, I understand it. I've gotten to know all these candidates. They put themselves out there, they work hard, it's a grind, it's tough, it's grueling. Does the party unite?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST, "THE FIVE": The party should unite. That's what we all have to like put our big boy pants on and think about the positive future and what we can do to move this country forward in the right direction to restore jobs, to not strangle small businesses, really establish a free market capitalism in the country that will help everybody grow, and strengthen our military, move forward with strong, decisive focus, foreign policy, and national security, amongst many other things, including revamping the healthcare system which is also in shambles.

HANNITY: Let me ask you, Eric Bolling, if you were sitting with a passionate Ted Cruz supporter, a never-Trump guy, what would you tell them tonight?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST, "THE FIVE": Grieve, take your moment, feel bad, and get over it and unite, because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much you dislike Donald Trump. You have to realize that in the next four or eight years, you're going to get one to three new Supreme Court justices, and you don't want Hillary Clinton picking those Supreme Court justices. That's why it has to be a Republican.

HANNITY: Trump is going to announce a list of 12 or 13 people that would only be considered for the Supreme Court so conservatives will have a good idea where he stands on that. I would assume, based on my interviews with him, that he said he wants somebody like Scalia and Thomas.

BOLLING: Yes, he's going to do -- whoever it is, whomever it may be, it's going to be better than whomever Hillary Clinton would do, would bring. She would bring a liberal. She would bring a far left --

HANNITY: Bring Obama.

BOLLING: She would bring a Clinton or an Obama, take your pick, either one. You'd much rather have a Trump.

GUILFOYLE: Somebody far to the left of Merrick Garland, you can be assured of that. So that's what you have to think about. Think about the future going forward and how the party can come together about bringing more people into the (ph) tent. And I say, I commend Ted Cruz. I think he's one of the brightest, most capable candidates we've seen in a long time. I think he has a huge --

HANNITY: He has a lot to be proud of.

GUILFOYLE: -- and a lot to say for the Republican Party and conservative movement. He ran an outstanding campaign. Think about 17 people all in with everything they had to try to get the nomination.

HANNITY: Things were really hostile earlier today. Do -- for example, what is Ted Cruz, 45 years old? He's a young guy. He's got plenty of time to run for president. What about this idea that I've been floating on my radio show now for a while, and that is that, maybe, if you look at the people that have ran and maybe some people that didn't -- Bobby Jindal was on and Rick Perry and John Kasich and Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz and --

GUILFOYLE: Scott Walker.

HANNITY: Scott Walker, and Newt Gingrich, Rudy -- you pool all these people together -- I think this was the strongest field of candidates that the Republicans have had in a long time, and the largest, and you've got a lot of talent there to tap into, right?

GUILFOYLE: You sure do. I mean, it's just really a tremendous amount of talent. When you aggregate it together, you could really come up with something very specific and focused and purposeful for the party going forward. That's why I think the energy should be, because clearly, there's a movement out there, and it really transcended ideological politics. It wasn't about Republican or independent or Libertarian. This is a movement about taking America back, getting it going in the right direction, and yes, a tremendous amount of it was about an outsider, and that's why Bernie Sanders also did well tonight and has done so well against Hillary Clinton. That's why I say, people, have a little bit of joy in your heart tonight because Hillary Clinton is a candidate that can be --

HANNITY: She's a weak candidate. That's -- and by the way, we still have the FBI -- James Comey primary. Would it be smart -- how does Donald Trump, now that he's won, and he's a tough fighter himself, and so is Ted Cruz and all of these other guys -- how does he unite the party and get everybody on the never-Hillary camp?

BOLLING: I think he's going to do that. There could be the group that's never-Trump and they'll never give that up. People walking around here with a long face tonight who may never, ever get on the Trump train and that's fine. I think Donald Trump can actually win, and needs to win, by enticing Bernie Sanders voters, the people that can't stand Hillary Clinton. They go, I'm done with her, I can't -- she's an insider, I'll never vote for her, they're Democrat independents --

HANNITY: -- because of his belief on trade issues and --

BOLLING: True, trade is one of them, but they're also -- they're people who -- it's the grassroots the same way that on the Trump side where they said, I need someone from the outside. The exit polling showed that 65 percent of the people -- I'm sorry, 84 percent of the people either are dissatisfied or angry about insiders, they wanted out, and 60 percent of the people said they wanted an outsider. It's on both sides. Grab some of those independents and Democrats and say, hey, you want an outsider? Here is your outsider.

HANNITY: One month ago, after Wisconsin, we were all talking about the possibility that you had Ted Cruz and John Kasich and they were going to stop Trump from getting to 1,237. OK. New York, middle-Atlantic state, Northeastern states, now Indiana -- they went heavily for Trump. Do you think that's because maybe the people in all those states didn't want that to happen, didn't want a contested convention, didn't want a war?

BOLLING: I think it was because of what led up to this. First it was the, Cruz and Kasich were going to split the rest of the field, the rest of the races and say -- Cruz saying, I'll take Indiana, you got Oregon -- it looked desperate on their part. So I think people are like, oh, that was pretty desperate. And some of the other things -- Ted Cruz, great guy, but picking Carly Fiorina when he was down by 600 or 700 delegates, didn't have the nomination, looked like another desperate move. So I think the people realize, I can't vote for that guy.

GUILFOYLE: You know, I don't begrudge Ted Cruz for making a move like that because I think I said in his confession speech which was very good, you know, hey, listen, we left it, we put it all on the field essentially in Indiana, and you don't want to leave any card unturned, you don't want to have regrets. At the end of the day, I think he felt that he owed his supporters and people that have worked really hard, grassroots across the country --

HANNITY: That shows me he's a fighter, which we already knew.

GUILFOYLE: I'm fine with that, because you can't worry about being ashamed, what if I fail. Be worried in life about not trying hard enough and putting yourself out there.

HANNITY: He left open the question of whether or not he would ultimately endorse Trump. As a guy that probably wants to run for president again, I saw a very passionate man up there tonight -- somebody that could be president one day. Wouldn't it be dumb if he doesn't? He better.

BOLLING: Of course he will, I think he will. I think Marco Rubio will as well. He said he'd vote for the nominee, right, so yes he would. But remember, Chuck Todd asked Ted Cruz six times, seven times, and he couldn't answer? I think now he probably will answer because you're right -- he's got a long political future.

HANNITY: Where is John Kasich in all this? But John Kasich is still in the race. Where is he?

GUILFOYLE: He commended Cruz and he said, and guess what, we're moving forward until someone reaches 1,237. We'll see you in California. That's what --

HANNITY: He's won one state. He's got less delegates still than Marco Rubio.

BOLLING: Trump should figure out a cabinet post for each one of these really talented people who gave him a run for his money.

HANNITY: I agree with you.

BOLLING: And roll them out over time. Don't throw them out at once. Just say hey, here's my secretary of defense, or here's a potential group for secretary of defense. Here's foreign policy advisers. Here's some domestic policy advisers. Roll them out over time and show the people that --

HANNITY: -- that he would want to surround himself with.

GUILFOYLE: There's a little bit of -- so yes, this is a big, decisive victory for him tonight. He showed, despite all odds, that he could fight and that he could win and that he wasn't afraid to get after -- I think those are all positive things as part of the American dream, but it's also time for healing now and coming together.

HANNITY: I think -- this is what the choice is going to be for everybody that is never-Trump. OK, who's going to build a wall? Is Hillary going to build a wall? I don't think so. If everything -- the things that Donald Trump has said -- he's going to outline and actually give names of people that he would nominate to the Supreme Court and it will be from that pool of people that he will choose -- he said to me many times, healthcare savings accounts, replacing Obamacare -- he's talked a lot about energy independence. Did you see what Hillary's comments about coal this week? It's ridiculous. They're going to put coal miners out of business? It's like frackers out of business?

GUILFOYLE: Did you see the guy, how he was crying and with tears in his eyes, about his family and --

HANNITY: I've got that cut. Why don't we play that. This poor guy -- here's Hillary Clinton saying she's going to put coal miners out of business, then questioned about it, and here's how she responds.


BO COPLEY, LAID OFF COAL WORKER: When you make comments like, we're going to put a lot of coal miners out of jobs -- these are the kind of people that you're affecting. This is my family. My hope at the same time, that's my future. I just want to know how you can say you're going to put a lot of coal miners out of jobs and then come in here and tell us how you're going to be our friend. Because those people out there don't see you as a friend.

HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I know that, Bo. And you know, I'm -- I don't know how to explain it other than what I said was totally out of context from what I meant, because I have been talking about helping coal country for a very long time.


HANNITY: She's lying. She said put them out of business.

BOLLING: You know why that's so important? Because West Virginia is a swing state, we know that. I think she just gave Trump or whoever -- Trump, West Virginia. But more importantly, Pennsylvania's gone Democrat six contests in a row. Trump believes -- because the way he scored in Pennsylvania this year in the primary where he won every single county, every county -- that he has a chance to flip Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has a lot of coal country. It has a lot of coal jobs that they've lost and continue to lose, and will lose under a President Clinton. There's a shot at flipping Pennsylvania, and then the game -- it's a game changer.

GUILFOYLE: And by the way, why not try? Don't accept the -- and I get it, there's a lot of science, statistics, history to back it up, but you never know. It depends. You can have all the polls in the world but it's about who comes out to vote and who feels motivated and passionate. We see record numbers.

HANNITY: We see record numbers for the Republicans. We see a rapid decline on the Democratic side, so those are interesting telltale, maybe predictors, indicators of things to come.

GUILFOYLE: Be positive and get after it.

HANNITY: All right, so you guys are in at midnight.

GUILFOYLE: Live, 12:00 to 1:00. As soon as you sign off.

HANNITY: So who's on the show tonight? Because I think Dana was on vacation today.

GUILFOYLE: Five all stars. Dana Perino is back. She flew in from Chicago, she's downstairs in the studio right now. We've got Juan Williams, Bolling, K.G., (ph) Greg --

HANNITY: You know, I kind of like it when there's a war going on. I hate to say it, I'm one of those people that likes a good fight.

BOLLING: Carl Cameron's going to come on too and he's going to sit with us, we're going to have some fun with him.

GUILFOYLE: Campaign Carl.

HANNITY: Yes, he was on today. See, I'm watching. I watch all the time.

BOLLING: We finish a segment, we go to break, he goes like this, he goes, whew.

HANNITY: I had my one appearance on "The Five". That was enough. I felt the same way, it's like you're getting hit from all sides. You don't know which way to turn.

GUILFOYLE: It's fun though, right? We're going to mix it up tonight. We're fired up, Hannity. We've got a lot of energy and fight left in us tonight.

HANNITY: All right. K.G., Eric Bolling, good to see you guys. And coming up, former 2016 Republican presidential candidate, Governor Mike Huckabee is here and he'll give his take on Donald Trump now being the presumptive GOP nominee. That and more as we continue, straight ahead.



TRUMP: Just so you understand, Ted Cruz, I don't know if he likes me or if he doesn't like me, but he is one hell of a competitor. He is a tough, smart guy. He has got an amazing future. He's got an amazing future. So I want to congratulate Ted and I know how tough it is. It's tough. It's tough. I have had some moments where it was not looking so good and it's not a great feeling. And so I understand how Ted feels and Heidi and their whole beautiful family. And I want to just say, though, that -- one tough competitor.


HANNITY: Donald Trump earlier tonight after his big win in Indiana, and of course, Senator Ted Cruz dropping out of the race tonight. Here with reaction, former 2016 Republican presidential candidate, Governor Mike Huckabee is with us. You know what Donald Trump said there, and I have been up close and personal with a lot of candidates. It really is tough. You go all in, you spend over a year of your life, and you don't get exactly where you want to be in the end. It's brutal. It's tough. What did you think?

MIKE HUCKABEE, R-FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Tell me about it. People don't understand -- I think sometimes, Sean, it's harder to get out of the race than it is to get in. Getting in, you kind of ramp up. Getting out is usually something you have to do very abruptly. And it is so painful. You feel like you've let down your family, your friends, people who have sacrificed financially and given their time. It's a very, very painful thing to walk up on that stage and say, we're done.

HANNITY: A month ago, I think that Ted Cruz had a mathematical chance, a realistic chance of stopping Donald Trump. That's how close it was for a while. I don't think he has anything to be ashamed of. I think he ran a very strong campaign. It was clearly -- I viewed Trump and Cruz as both outsiders, insurgents, in different ways, and the country clearly did not want an establishment guy, and it came down to those two. So he has a lot to be proud of. How does this work itself out, especially Cruz supporters that are disappointed tonight?

HUCKABEE: Well, sure, they're disappointed. Of course they are and they're hurt. But those wounds will need to start healing and then they need to ask themselves, would they rather have Hillary? Look, I believe Donald Trump will beat Hillary Clinton and I think he's the one guy that was left on the field that has the best chance to do it. Sean, let me put it this way. Hillary Clinton is like the British army in the Revolutionary War. She's very predictable. She's going to march shoulder to shoulder with red coats with the drums beating in an open field. We're going to know exactly what she's going to do because she'll run a very conventional, very predictable campaign. Donald Trump is like swamp fox. He'll hit her from the trees, she'll never know what happened. It'll constantly keep her off her game and that's not something she handles well.

HANNITY: Are you really that confident?

HUCKABEE: I think this is a great night for Republicans. Yes, I'm confident. I know Hillary better than most everybody out there running, and so I'm telling you, he's got the shot to do it.

HANNITY: Analyze for me -- you had 17 really top notch Republican governors and senators -- I think the best field we've ever had in terms of its depth. How did he systematically defeat all of these people? What is it about Donald Trump's message that now will end up in a record number of GOP primary votes in the history of the GOP? Analyze that for me.

HUCKABEE: Well part of what happened was that people had been focused on the purist of the conservatives. Well, they've been electing and nominated people that pretended that they were really purist but here's what happened -- people kept losing their job, they lost their pension, they lost their healthcare, their kids couldn't go to college, and when they looked at it, they said, if this is the purity of the conservative movement, then we don't need it. Let's do something very unconventional. Now add that to the fact that Donald Trump really did get most of the helium in his balloon. So yes, it floated higher, and most of us were struggling to get our messages out, and he was really captivating the audience.

HANNITY: He made news every second of every day.

HUCKABEE: Yes. But he was so effective in being able to control the news cycle, and I'll tell you what. Donald Trump said at the podium what a lot of people said around the coffee shop with their buddies. And so when he would go to the podium and say it, people would say, yes, that's what I believe, too. And yet, he was saying it not with the normal kind of caution that most of us as candidates would say it because we are kind of maybe conditioned not to be too blunt. And hey, this was the year that blunt really worked.

HANNITY: If he just did a few things, let's say he builds the wall. Let's say he listens to our intelligence officials, our top intelligence officials warning about ISIS infiltrating the refugee population, says no way. Until we can vet them, they're not getting in the country. Let's say he does get rid of Obamacare, puts healthcare savings accounts in, and allows energy independence. We went over Hillary's comments in the last segment. If he just did some of those things, and maybe spent less, to balance the budget, wouldn't that create a lot of jobs, by being energy independent? Wouldn't it create more opportunities by preventing illegal immigrants from coming into the country and competing for jobs? Wouldn't those simple things have a big impact on the country?

HUCKABEE: It really would. And there's something else Donald Trump, I think, will do. He will bring a sense of optimism and hope. He will want to make Americans want to be winners again. Americans intuitively, we're winners. That's what we do. We want to win. And with Obama, we always felt like we were having to apologize. Well let me tell you something -- the Russians are not going to be flying fighter jets 30 feet away from one of our Navy destroyers when Donald Trump's president. That's just not going to happen. And I think it's going to be a great opportunity for America to have a resurgence of its American spirit.

HANNITY: Do you agree with Newt Gingrich's analysis that he could single- handedly destroy the ideology of liberalism because he's so instinctively anti-liberal, as opposed to being a more traditional constitutional conservative like in the vein of Ted Cruz? In other words, does his business background and practical analysis apply to government? Does that do a better job, because it works -- and then tear down the walls of liberalism that have been built up in the Obama years?

HUCKABEE: I think he has every -- very much that opportunity to do that, and here's why. He is not the ideological kind of conservative. He's a very pragmatic kind of conservative. So when he talks about tax policy, it's not just the sense of saying, we're going to cut taxes because that's what I'm supposed to do to be a pure conservative. It's, we're going to cut taxes because that's what creates jobs, that's what motivates people to go into business and expand and put more shelves out there, put more merchandise on the shelves and lower the prices, get people in there to buy. He understands that. And one thing I think people need to be comforted by, because I mean, I hear people say, are you worried about Trump? I said, no. I'd be worried if we didn't have him. I thought I should have been the nominee, but once that didn't happen, you know what? I told people all across this country, we'll be fine with Trump. He will be an excellent president and he will beat Hillary Clinton.

HANNITY: Here's my question. Do you think the voters -- did the voters select the most electable candidate, governor, in your view?

HUCKABEE: Apparently so. He beat the rest of us, so I guess he's certainly the most electable. But yes, I think it's fair to say that, Sean, because he has brought a lot of people into the party. And when I hear these never-Trump people, I just wanted to say to them, listen, you guys ran a very narrow ideological stride for the party. Donald Trump is bringing a lot of people to the party that were traditional Democrats and independents, so get over.

HANNITY: All right, let me ask this straight up question then. Was Ted Cruz, in your view, less electable?

HUCKABEE: I think he would have had a much tougher time against Hillary. I did not endorse in the primary. I'm all in for Trump because he's our nominee. Let's just go ahead and get in there, because he needs to be. But one concerns with Ted, he was so predictable. He was just like Hillary. You knew exactly what he was going to say, I watched your interview with him the other night. You ask him questions, he just kept giving you the speech, and I thought you know, that's what Hillary does, sticks to the script, stays with the talking points. What people are so, I think, appreciative of Trump is that there's a sense in which he's really reacting viscerally to what's going on, and you get a sense that this is not just a guy reading the notes and following the script and carefully rehearsing everything.

HANNITY: I think we learned that throughout this campaign. He doesn't rehears, there is no doubt. All right, governor, good to see you. Thank you.

Coming up, we have more reaction, analysis to tonight's breaking news, Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee. Senator Ted Cruz has dropped out of the race and Bernie Sanders scores a huge win in Indiana defeating Hillary Clinton. That and more, tonight on this busy news night on HANNITY.



SANDERS: I sense a great deal of momentum. I sense some great victories coming, and I think that while the path is narrow, and I do not deny that for a moment, I think we can pull off one of the great political upsets in the history of the United States and in fact become the nominee for the Democratic Party, and then once we secure that position, I have absolute confidence that we are going to defeat Donald Trump in the general election.


HANNITY: All right, that was Bernie Sanders earlier tonight after his decisive win over Hillary Clinton in the Indiana Democratic primary. Here now, political science lecturer at the University of Georgia, Josh Putnam. From the University of Virginia, center for politics, Kyle Kondik is with us, and the president and founder of High Noon Strategies, Lisa Boothe.

Lisa, you know, you take away -- you want to talk about corruption in politic, you take away those super delegates and he's right there with Hillary.


HANNITY: He's neck and neck, but the party is so corrupt, they already decided he can't win.

BOOTHE: Well, and it makes it really hard for Hillary Clinton because -- and -- and for Bernie Sanders to try to surpass her because the delegates are based off of proportional basis.


BOOTHE: So, it's the slow drag that is happening, and Hillary Clinton wants nothing more than to end this thing, to not have to do with Bernie Sanders anymore. But Sean, the -- the -- the big -- the irony of the night here is the fact that main stream media and the liberal left have been pointing to dysfunction in the Republican party, you know, this lack of -- of -- lack of united front, lack of unity. But it's the Democratic party right now that could be potentially heading to a contested convention and is incredibly divided.

HANNITY: Isn't it amazing?

BOOTHE: Yes, it's just this great irony.

HANNITY: Kyle, what -- it is a great irony, and I agree with Lisa about that, and the funny part is Hillary's going to have a tough time. I don't -- I don't see those Bernie Sanders people, as much as Cruz and Trump supporters have been at each other's throats, I don't see Bernie Sanders supporters really feeling the Bern for Hillary in any way, shape, matter or form.

KYLE KONDIK, UVA CENTER FOR POLITICS: Well, I think that maybe Trump is helpful in that regard because, you know, I think that American voters are so often motivated by disliking the other party and certainly there are a lot of Democrats, even Sanders supporters, who are not going to like Trump and likewise there are a lot of Republicans who aren't going to like Clinton. So, I think there's going to be a lot of voters motivated by hate as opposed to love in this election.

HANNITY: And what do you -- what's your take, Josh?

JOSH PUTNAM, DELEGATE EXPERT: Well, you know, Sanders is relying at this point on -- on super delegates to come over to his side and -- and that's just asking them to do something they've never done since the super delegates have been a part of the democratic process.

HANIITY: Yes. All right, going forward, we talk about unity. Do you see a problem?

BOOTHE: You know, I think it's going to be tough, but this is where Donald Trump -- you know, for Republicans is going to have to exercise some leadership. He's going to have to bring the Republican party, it's going to have to be an inclusive message of we're all in this together, and we're all in this together to stop Hillary Clinton because that's the alternative for the country. And so, he's going to have to make the case and I think he's got a strong one, a strong economic case, and I think that's a way that he could potentially connect with voters that...

HANNITY: Has the country, though, moved center left? I get the sense watching all these millennials, all the young people wanting their student loans paid for, free health care, free daycare, free houses, free cars, who knows what they want. They want their status -- complete status utopia. Is that going to impact the election?

BOOTHE: Well, and I think that's -- you know, that's going to have to be for -- for Donald Trump to push that economic message, I think it's going to be -- have to be one about the American dream. It's going to have to be one -- and you know, he's obviously a very rich guy, but he can use that to his advantage and -- and putting the message and saying, look, I want you to do well in this economy too, and you haven't been. And that's why he has resonated with some of these blue collar -- collar workers and some individuals who feel like this economy has left them behind. And so, that's the case he's going to have to make to Americans and I think that could be crossover appeal to voters that might not typically look -- to the Republicans.

HANNITY: Kyle, let me go to you, do you think this blue collar appeal that did show up for Donald Trump in states like Pennsylvania and around the country, will it show up in the general election? Does he have the opportunity of, what, 60, 80,000 democratic voters in Pennsylvania switched to Republican because they wanted to vote for Trump? Is that a possibility, he takes a state like Pennsylvania?

KONDIK: Well so, I think that Trump -- probably will do better than Mitt Romney did in certain parts of the country, maybe in Appalachia for instance, but I think Trump's challenge is that he may lose some of those gains in kind of richer suburbs who might be turned off by him. And also, you know, let's remember...

HANNITY: Are they going to be turned on by Hillary, really?

KONDIK: Well, you know, we -- we saw to the extent there was resistance in Republican party to Trump, I think it was in higher income areas, people with higher levels of education. Now, one other thing...

HANNITY: Okay, but with the choice of Trump and Hillary, who are they going to go with?

KONDIK: Well, they might just stay home.

HANNITY: Are they going to go for four more years of Obama?

KONDIK: They might just stay home. I -- you know, I think that one other problem for Trump is that the electorate is going to be, probably for the first time, more than 30 percent nonwhite in this election. The demographics are kind of moving a little bit against the Republicans and Trump has been, let's put -- let's be honest, fairly hostile to nonwhite voters in this election. I think he needs to...

HANNITY: I don't think he's been hostile to...

KONDIK: And he has -- he has a lot...

HANNITY: When has he been hostile to nonwhite voters? Where's that?

KONDIK: Well, the...


KONDIK: ... nonwhite -- nonwhite voters do perceive him to be hostile to them, and he has a lot of work to do in that department.

HANNITY: But he -- but you can't cite an example. Are you talking about his comments about illegal immigration, or the fact that we have our national director of intelligence, our FBI director, our -- our former envoy to defeat ISIS all saying that ISIS will infiltrate the refugee population and he says we should stop or put a temporary ban on it? That - - that makes sense to me, does that not make sense to you?

KONDIK: Well -- well, I think -- I think a lot of Hispanics are worried about some of Trump's illegal immigration comments, and I'll also say that, you know, Trump was one of the leading proponents of this sort of birther theory that President Obama was not born in America.

BOOTHE: But I also -- but I also think it's going to be really difficult for Hillary Clinton to try to pull that Obama coalition together that President Obama was able to do in 2008 and 2012. I just think it's -- and there was actually a PPP poll in Ohio, Batogran (ph), Ohio, that had Donald Trump getting 15 percent of the African American vote, that was more than any of the other Republican candidates. And you remember, Mitt Romney got 4 percent.

HANNITY: By the way, who has been so disproportionately impacted by the negative economic policies that Hillary supports and praises of Barack Obama, black Americans. You know, 55 percent of black teenagers can't get a job, how good is the eight years of Obama been for the black community or the Hispanic community? I think most Americans, though, if you look at -- at the impact of illegal immigration, or I'll throw this to Josh, on our educational system, our criminal justice system, our health care system, I think Americans are kind of fed up. Add crime and drugs coming in across the border to all that, you have an equation that Americans are fed up with all of that and that message resonated.

PUTNAM: That's been the story of the -- the election cycle so far is -- is the -- the anger on both sides, right, have -- have pointed at -- at fractures in both parties. You know, again, what we've seen so far is -- is that that's not necessarily going to translate over to -- to the general election in terms of -- of support for -- for Trump or -or Clinton, right? I think what Kyle said before is -- is true, that both sides are going to be motivated by the other candidate to come out and vote against them...

HANNITY: But you have one party that has seen...

PUTNAM: ... rather than vote for a candidate.

HANNITY: ... record numbers in terms of primary turnout, and another party that has gone down dramatically from the last two election cycles, so that ought to be interesting. Guys, good to see you all. Lisa, welcome in studio. Good to see you.

BOOTHE: Thank you, Sean.

And coming up, Peter Johnson Jr., Doug Schoen, Charles Hurt here in studio with reaction, Donald Trump now becoming the presumptive Republican nominee. That and more on this busy news night tonight on HANNITY.



CRUZ, (R-TX) FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: From the beginning, I've said that I would continue on as long as there was a viable path to victory. Tonight I'm sorry to say it appears that path has been foreclosed.


HANNITY: Senator Ted Cruz earlier tonight dropping out of the Republican race, making Donald Trump now the presumptive GOP nominee. Here with reaction, Fox News legal analyst Peter Johnson Jr., Fox News contributor Doug Schoen, and from the "Washington Times," Charles Hurt.

Let me start with Doug, this was not a good night for you because you said the person you would least want Hillary to go up against was Trump.


HANNITY: And she got her clock cleaned.

SCHOEN: She did.

HANNITY: And if you eliminate the super delegates, this is a real race, except it's so crooked and corrupt in your party that they have basically given her the nomination with these super delegates.

SCHOEN: Well, but Bernie sanders...

HANNITY: What part of that is not true?

SCHOEN: It's -- it's all basically true.

HANNITY: Thank you.

SCHOEN: With a couple of other big problems.


SCHOEN: Donald Trump's going to turn on Hillary tomorrow. The Republicans, I think, will unify. Hillary still has to fight Bernie Sanders, she will face the possibility, indeed the likelihood of a contested convention. The Republicans...

HANNITY: You think Bernie takes it that far?

SCHOEN: Absolutely. Two reasons, money and the platform, both bad for Hillary, and Trump who is now under single digits or even perhaps even tied or slightly ahead.

HANNITY: Oh, (inaudible) and he was tied dead even in the -- in the battle ground. Those are the two most recent polls that I've seen.

SCHOEN: Well -- the morning -- the SurveyMonkey/NBC poll, 14,000 interviews, plus seven to Hillary. But she's at 44, Trump's at 37. Sean, this is a very, very bad night, you heard it here, for Secretary Clinton. I'm for -- I'm for her, but they are going to be really, really having some tough moments now.

HANNITY: Isn't it amazing, Peter Johnson Jr., what a rough time she has had with a 74-year-old angry, curmudgeon socialist from Vermont?

JOHNSON: It is, and -- and time and time again she declares victory only to have it snatched away. I was looking at these numbers tonight and I said, what the heck is -- is -- is going on there? He reduced his campaign staff, he'll probably increase it again, he'll see the dollars come in. There's a commitment there, there's a zealotry that cannot be match except for in the Republican party. She still has a fight on her hands in a lot of different ways, and this campaign for her is still going to be a negative campaign that she has to respond to any time.

HANNITY: And no -- and no enthusiasm. Charles, records by Trump in the Republican party in turnout, and you got really almost depressed levels on the Democratic side, even seeing that in Indiana tonight.

CHARLES HURT, WASHINGTON TIMES: Yes, and of course the big difference on the Democratic from the Republican side is that Bernie Sanders represents a very positive movement about something positive and -- and he has a -- a mission to go all the way. Ted Cruz, for whatever his -- the positives about him, he basically represented an -- an anti-Trump thing, and so he didn't really have a great (inaudible).

HANNITY: There -- there is a narrative that, okay, NeverTrump because Ted Cruz supporters were hard core, loyal, conservative. How Does Trump get them in his camp now, because that's an important part of the coalition if he wants to win?

HURT: I think he goes back to the -- the -- his basic -- the most basic fundamental principles of his campaign, talking about dealing with illegal immigration...


HURT: ... fighting terrorism, and you know...

HANNITY: So stay on the core message?

HURT: Absolutely, and that...

HANNITY: Does that mean he transitions and maybe is not as hard on Hillary as he was the other 16 candidates?

HURT: No, I think the -- I mean, you have to be careful because it's, you know, it's a guy that has problems with female voters and he has to be -- he has to be very careful with that.

SCHOEN: Sean, let me be very clear, this is politics. As long as it's a close race ,the Republicans will coalesce. He has only one strategy: to go at Hillary hard. And Hillary, if I was in the room with her tonight, I would say turn hard on Trump. Don't let up. Because you are in a weakening position. You are losing your credibility.

HANNITY: But I'll be honest, she doesn't have her husband's interpersonal skills.

SCHOEN: I know that.

HANNITY: She doesn't have Obama's oratory skills. She is a very poor candidate, and we have --


SCHOEN: That's why she's got to attack Trump.

HANNITY: We have this other problem that's hanging out there in the balance, and that is James Comey, the director of the FBI, and e-mail server scandal that -- when is that going to pop its ugly head up?

JOHNSON: I don't know, but this campaign is going to be about character and conscience on both sides. The conscience of America, the character of the candidates, where they're going. And Donald Trump is going to take a kind of a hard turn, I believe, at this point, the Trumpocrat. Where are the Trumpocrats --

HANNITY: What does that mean?

JOHNSON: -- in America?

HANNITY: In other words, is that the rejection of both parties, the failed weak Republicans, timid to fight Obama's agenda?

JOHNSON: Well, we're going to have Republicans and we're going to have Democrats. But he needs to win a sizable chunk of the Democratic voter, especially Democrats that have walked away from that party for a lot of reasons.

HANNITY: In other words, the people that suffered under the Obama economics?

JOHNSON: It's a coalition of the -- of the --

HANNITY: Blue collar workers.

JOHNSON: -- suffered -- blue collar workers of all stripes who say, listen, for all the promises of the last 30, 40, 50 years in the Democratic Party, what have they done for me? Whether I'm white, whether I'm black, whether I'm Hispanic, whoever I am. They've walked away from me.

HANNITY: Millions more in poverty, millions more on food stamps.

JOHNSON: Of all kinds of people.

HANNITY: And record debt. Double the deficit.

SCHOEN: Sean, none of them like Hillary. She's got to make it a referendum on him.

HANNITY: So why are you voting for her? You don't like her either.

SCHOEN: Look, I have a long history with her --

HANNITY: That doesn't mean you like her.

SCHOEN: Her husband.

HANNITY: Do you like her?

SCHOEN: I like her as a better choice for president. I'm sitting here not working for her --


SCHOEN: Doesn't that make the point?

HANNITY: Don't you hate -- yes --


SCHOEN: I don't hate. I just would prefer to be with you, Sean, than with her.

HANNITY: Do you think Trump's going to win?

SCHOEN: I think it's going to be a very close election.

HANNITY: I agree with you. I think have you to prepare that this is going to be close and fight like hell.

SCHOEN: Because Peter right. The Reagan Democrats will move towards Trump.

HANNITY: All right, you guys stay right there. When we come back, more reaction to tonight's breaking news with our panel as we continue on this special hour of "Hannity." Don't forget, "The Five" right after this.



TRUMP: Many, many people are calling that you wouldn't even believe. The media, the press, they wouldn't believe. People that have said the worst things about me. I've never had things said about me like this. You know, in my businesses, I've always been very respected. People didn't talk to me this way. But in politics it's easy. The worst things. And they're calling now, and they're calling us all, and they're saying we'd love to get on the train, the Trump train they call it, but we'd love to get on the train.


HANNITY: All right, Donald Trump earlier tonight, now the presumptive Republican nominee. Senator Ted Cruz dropping out of the race.

We continue with our panel. Let me play this CNN town hall, the comments that Hillary Clinton, that she's going to put coal miners out of business. Wow. Listen to this.


CLINTON: I'm the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring economic opportunity using clean, renewable energy as the key into coal country, because we're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business. Those people labored in those mines for generations, losing their health, often losing their lives, to turn on our lights and power our factories. Now, we've got to move way from coal and all of the other fossil fuels, but I don't want to move away from the people who did the best they do produce the energy that we relied on.


HANNITY: She's against coal miners. She's against fracking. She's against drilling. I guess we'll import oil from the Saudis for the rest of our lives.

HURT: And sell cheap power to China. She actually said coal miners. Yes. Not coal companies, but actually the first one she listed was coal miners. And this is an area where obviously Donald Trump has separated from the Republican Party and he has made enormous gains on this issue. And it's just sort of -- I think it says a lot about what we're going to be looking at for the next few months that here she's playing a rearguard on action on -- on those comments, and you've got Donald Trump very well on this. It's something that matters in places like Indiana, all the obvious places --

HANNITY: Let me ask you as a Trump supporter. You supported Donald Trump from the beginning. He knocked out 17 -- oh, sorry 16 really smart guys, top governors, top senators. He did it against all expectations. You were one of his earliest supporters. Do you have as much confidence he does that in the general?

HURT: I have more confidence that he will do it than I would any of the other politicians, because it really is -- it's a referendum on politics as usual. And it's a referendum on -- on -- I think on both parties.

HANNITY: You know, and that's an interesting question. Because I see a lot of Ted Cruz people obviously disappointed tonight. I totally sympathize with them. And he had a great run. He really should be proud of himself, but I'm sure he's down tonight. Would he have been more electable, Doug Schoen?

SCHOEN: No, I don't think so. I think Charles is exactly right. This is an inside/outside election. And all the energy is with the outsiders. And indeed Donald Trump is the ultimate outsider; Hillary the ultimate insider.

HANNITY: See, I contend that the establishment, Peter, hated Trump and Cruz. And if it was Cruz tonight, they'd hate him just as much as they hate Donald Trump.

JOHNSON: That's absolutely correct. And I think the Trump victory is the death nail for the Washington elites and the Washington establishment. And Donald Trump has to stay on that head. Because the Washington elites and the Washington establishment are a coalition of Democrats and Republicans who have failed singly and collectively in leadership in America. So if Donald Trump makes it clear that this is a new order in America, that he's starting fresh, that he's not responsible for the Republican sins of the past, or the Democratic sins of the past, then he can win.

SCHOEN: Can you imagine if he ran with Ben Carson, another outsider, African-American? That would really --

HANNITY: Is that the ticket you fear the most?

SCHOEN: I would because here's the thing --

HANNITY: Who else would be good? Because we're running out of time. Rubio?

SCHOEN: Rubio would be good, but --

HANNITY: How would Newt Gingrich be?

SCHOEN: OK, but --

HANNITY: I think it'd be fantastic.

SCHOEN: But a lot of negatives. A lot of negatives.

HURT: I think Rubio would be a problem.


HURT: No, I think Rubio would be a problem.


HURT: Simply because he went to Washington and was a Tea Party favorite and did the dirty.

SCHOEN: (INAUDIBLE) ran against Newt in '96. Hillary would do it again.

HANNITY: Coming up, we have more "Hannity" right after this break. Thank you all for being with us. We'll continue.


HANNITY: All right, welcome back to "Hannity." Unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. By the way, I think I sneezed on the air a record 20 times tonight. I have terrible allergies. Thank you for putting up with it.

Quick programming note. Be sure to tune in tomorrow night, 10 p.m. Donald Trump, Jr., will be joining us so stay with the Fox News Channel.

"The Five" is coming up next, a special midnight edition. You don't want to miss it with K.G. and Eric, Dana, and all our friends and Greg and everybody else.

Thanks for being with us. See you tomorrow night.

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