
This is a rush transcript from "Special Report," November 20, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: Well, actually it`s all about not looking base, because if you want your kid to get into that college, better clean up his computer, or at least what he is sending out on social media.

It turns out that colleges check them out. And if they don`t like what they see, guess who is not getting in?

To social media use guru Franky Arriola on what you can do to make sure your son or daughter`s best Facebook moves forward.

First off, guys like you always remind me, whatever you put on online to these sites, they`re there permanently.

FRANKY ARRIOLA, FOUNDER AND CEO INTERVIEW, NAPOLEON MEDIA: Yes. What you post will be used against you at some point in life.

CAVUTO: Wow. So what do you do?

ARRIOLA: So, privacy is key.

So, if you have a kid, hammer it home privacy is key. Keep a private profile. Don`t let -- don`t make yourself vulnerable to teachers, any authority figures. Because you`re young, you`re dumb, you`re going to make plenty of mistakes. Don`t make them now.


CAVUTO: So, the differences between now and when I was a kid is that I could make the mistakes, because there was no Internet.

But I`m wondering what do you with all these kids who have open accounts. And, all their friends come in. They don`t even have to log in with a password.


So, as a parent, you have to be concerned. There`s a Web site called TrueCare where you can monitor your child`s social media accounts and to see if anything is getting flagged for inappropriate. And you just have to sit them down and tell them, hey, look, this stuff will be used against you. Use your head, common sense.

CAVUTO: So colleges can legally -- it`s already been ruled they can legally...


CAVUTO: ... go on Facebook or Twitter, and just punch in your name. And if you`re -- you don`t have a private account, they can read everything you have put?

ARRIOLA: Yes. It`s unfortunate.

And, look, I have done job searches for potential candidates at my company. I check them out to see too.

CAVUTO: Do you really?

ARRIOLA: Yeah. I have weeded out people. I`m into social media.

CAVUTO: What do you weed out? What do you not like in people?

ARRIOLA: Well, look, companies hire me to do their social media. So, people have to trust that I`m not going to post anything stupid, because they`re paying me good money to do this.

So is this guy a dummy? Is he going to post whatever he wants and then have I hold that...


CAVUTO: So, anybody who pulls an Anthony Weiner or something like that...

ARRIOLA: Exactly.

CAVUTO: ... they`re not going to get far with you.

ARRIOLA: No, no, no, no.



CAVUTO: So, what do you do then with these other services that are all in demand now -- you and I have chatted about this -- that clean up your Google search record and all that stuff, so just kind of reinvent who you are?


CAVUTO: How do they work?

ARRIOLA: So, right now, Mark Cuban is working on something called Cyber Dust, which is, it`s working to wipe out your whole Internet, just every dumb thing you have ever done. This might be the...


CAVUTO: But also every good thing you have ever done.

ARRIOLA: Well, that`s up to you.

CAVUTO: Like, you`re invisible. You`re like Claude Rains here, right?

But that is not what you`re talking about. You`re talking about...

ARRIOLA: So, there`s social E-care. There`s a Web site that you could do and use the software for parents to track your kids` Facebook. There`s anything inappropriate, they notify you, and obviously you have got to sit your kid down and tell them, smarten up.

CAVUTO: I find that if the kids know that we can see what they`re doing, that sometimes is enough.


CAVUTO: But they forget that, yes?

ARRIOLA: Yes, they forget that. Mistakes get made.

CAVUTO: Kids today.


CAVUTO: All right, Franky, thank you very, very much.

ARRIOLA: Good to see you.

CAVUTO: Good seeing you.

ARRIOLA: Thank you.

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