
This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," November 18, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
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O'REILLY: "Impact" segment tonight. It's widely expected the grand jury sitting in St. Louis will soon return a decision in the police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown. That happened in Ferguson last August and involved police Officer Darren Wilson who shot Mr. Brown to death. The case has engendered massive media coverage because of the violence to Mr. Brown and afterward rampaging by protesters.

Joining us now from St. Louis, Captain Ron Johnson of the Missouri State Highway Patrol. So, you were a major figure in calming things down last August. What do you see happening now, Captain?

CAPTAIN RON JOHNSON, MISSOURI STATE HIGHWAY PATROL: Well, I think we have got a community that's ready to show their character. And we meet with several groups. Several individuals. And that we're seeing people that definitely will be out protesting whatever the decision is. And they exercise their constitutional rights. But I also see a lot more communication that this region has had in a long time.

O'REILLY: All right. Some bad umbrage though out there. You know that New Black Panther Party. Bunch of communists outfits, there are anarchists out there. You know, I know you want a dialogue with them, but you know as well as I do that they want to cause trouble. So, we talked to the police chief in St. Louis last night. He has Intel on these groups. And I assume the state police do as well.

JOHNSON: Yes. And we're not going to tolerate any violence. And we're not going to let any group come in and take away the constitutional rights of protesters or hurt our business. The safety of our citizens. Any group can come in and if they are peaceful, then they can be here and they won't have any issue with law enforcement.

O'REILLY: I know, but last time you tried to get it under control wasn't easy. And this time, there are more of them out there. They are harder core. So you can say it's not going to be tolerated but you're going to have to arrest them. It's not going to be easy, there is going to be some violence particularly if the grand jury says we're not going to indict the officer. And I am just worried that this don't shoot coalition which have you been talking too extensively. In fact, you have agreed to some of their demands, correct?

JOHNSON: Yes. They gave us 19 points. They want us to consider. They've gone over those points. There is about 12 points that we agree with. That we can come to some understanding. And we continue to work on those talk to that group and other groups.

O'REILLY: Now, if the grand jury does indict the officer, then there wouldn't be any reason to protest, right?

JOHNSON: Well, I think no matter what the grand jury comes back with, there will be some emotions. We will still have protesters that will come out because they are protesting a lot of things. They are protesting for change. So, there is a lot of things that have come out of the Michael Brown, Jr. incident.

O'REILLY: All right. So that's an interesting point. So it's much more than just the shooting incident for some of these protesters. Do you have any idea what the percentage of protesters now in and around Ferguson are from out-of-state, not in the community?

JOHNSON: Well, in the recent weeks, a lot of the out-of-town protesters have gone home. We do expect that they will come back. Actual numbers I can't give. But we did have a large number of out-of-town protesters that came into the community.

O'REILLY: Are they bused in?

JOHNSON: We're seeing buses. We are seeing vans. They're just car loads.

O'REILLY: It's an organized attempt to get these people to come to Ferguson for a certain purpose?

JOHNSON: Yes. It's very organized.

O'REILLY: All right. So it is crossing state lines. That means the federal authorities have to be involved. Finally the National Guard has been mobilized by the governor of Missouri. Do you have any idea what their role is going to be?

JOHNSON: They are going to help us protect our businesses. There are actually a resource for us. To make sure we got -- we have the proper resources to make sure that the public is safe and the businesses are maintained. And the constitutional rights are maintained. So, they are a resource that we will use as needed. But, for the most part. For all the part, I guess, they will be used to help make sure our businesses remain secure.

O'REILLY: All right. But you will call them in. They won't be assigned right away? You will call them in?

JOHNSON: Yes. We are going to use them as a resource.

O'REILLY: All right, Captain. We appreciate your time tonight. Thank you very much.

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