
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Politics 101

Two important rules in politics are check your sources and never compare anything to the Holocaust.

California City Council candidate Mike Wells failed on both counts in one campaign flier.

He told his volunteer graphic designer to use a picture of urban blight in an attack ad.

Religious leaders said the picture chosen was not urban blight, but appears to be an image of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Wells, has apologized saying he thought the picture showed the state of buildings in downtown Fresno.

The graphic designer has been dismissed and the campaign has promised to destroy the remaining fliers.


Things get mixed up in the shipping business -- it happens.

But one college student got a real surprise when he opened a box addressed to him.

Pieces of a $350,000 drone complete with this note to return the federal property to MacDill Air Force Base in Florida.

So what did that student do?

Anonymously posted the pictures to Reddit on the "What is this thing" page.

The drone was not military, instead belonging to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The student reached out to NOAA and worked with it to successfully send the drone toward its rightful destination.

The engineering student called the whole ordeal a cool experience but admitted he should have called the number before posting all the pictures on the Internet.

The Call of Nature

Finally, nature calling is not an excuse for breaking and entering even for policemen.

Two Florida police detectives are accused of manipulating a door lock into City Hall.


They say City Hall has cleaner bathrooms than the ones attached police station.

The City Hall door was then left open for the entire weekend.

One of the detectives is no longer employed there. The other has a hearing scheduled for June.