
If you lost your home, would you be thinking much about a guy who appears to have lost his mind?

Probably not. Because when your life is on the line, I suspect you don't care about a fellow who goes over the line.

If you're even thinking about Donald Sterling, at all.

Let's just say right about now I'm betting a lot of folks in Arkansas and Oklahoma aren't worried about everyone piling on him, but on Mother Nature piling on them.

Tornadoes yesterday killing at least 15 people in those states.

So forgive loved ones now planning their funerals not all that interested in Sterling's state.

After all, the LA Clippers owner is alive and may have to leave.

But so many homeowners and their families, are dead and they're never coming back.

It's weird how such disasters change your perspective.

It's weirder still, if they do not.

Because nothing jars us to our senses than trying to make sense of something so senseless.

The sudden loss of a loved one.

Whole families wiped out. Is it any wonder they ignore the same old headlines that seem to drone on.

I suspect you won't find too many of these folks picking up the pieces of their lives, picking up a newspaper this day.

Suddenly, how the ball bounces for a basketball team owner matters little.

How cruelly the ball of life just bounced for them, matters much more.

That's why you'll never hear a victims' family lament stocks on days like these.

They're too busy trying to take stock of what's left of their lives right now.

Because there are things that have a price.

And those that are just priceless.

I don't know.

All I do know is that when I've lost loved ones who suddenly left this world.

I kind of tuned out everything else going on in the world.

Maybe because I figured the news would go on.

And I was angry because the people that mattered most to me would not.

Such is life.

Sometimes we can only grasp its meaning when it's suddenly gone.